Super Asura System

C126 Fusion System

C126 Fusion System

When Zhao Yiming heard that there was a fusion system, he immediately activated it. He wanted to see what this fusion system was.    


"Host has chosen to activate the fusion system. Deducting 50 Asura Value points. Host, you don't have enough Asura Value. Enter the loan mode. In the future, the Asura Value that you obtain will be deducted first. "    


Zhao Yiming hurriedly looked at his own information page, and saw the bright red piece of Asura Value, a -30. It was especially eye-catching there. He didn't expect it to be a debt.    


"Congratulations to host for activating the fusion system, this system can fuse the same type of weapon. Also, you won't need to disassemble the weapon to obtain the raw materials"    


A furnace pattern appeared in front of Zhao Yiming's eyes. There were nine holes on it. There was a word 'main' written on the center of the holes, and there was a secondary character written on each of the other eight holes.    


He silently placed the Green Wave Blade on the center hole, and the Five Poison Sword on the side of the hole. After thinking for a while, he took out a few doses of narcotics from his bag and threw them into a hole on the side.    


He used his mind to start the fusion and saw a flash of light as the Five Poisons Sword and the narcotics disappeared. Only the Green Wave Blade in the middle was left, sparkling there.    


"Congratulations to host for successfully fusing, you have obtained the Mortal Rank Medium Grade weapon, Five Poisons Green Wave Blade. Because the saber has been added with a drug, besides being poisoned, there is a 10% chance that you will fall into a coma after being cut by the saber."    


Zhao Yiming held the Green Wave Blade in his hand and added a few black marks on the scissors. The blue color of the blade was obviously smeared with poison. He was not a saint and did not feel that there was anything wrong with poisoning the blade.    


With this brand new Green Wave Blade, he felt like a tiger with wings. He became very confident in killing the remaining six people.    


Bai Wenye and Gu Qingxiong had already gathered together and looked at the dead Lin Bisheng. They couldn't help but mutter in their hearts, afraid that they would be the next one.    


Bai Wen also said in a low voice, "We can't continue like this. This is clearly courting death. The two of us can't go back either. That bastard Tian Guowen. We have already completely fallen for Liu Yingcai. We won't be able to get any good results even if we go back."    


Gu Qingxiong said in a daze, "Then what should we do? We can't go back now. Staying here is just courting death."    


Bai Wenye shook his head and said, "Let's run away quickly. I think that kid will deal with Liu Yingcai and the others. He might not fight us to the death."    


Gu Qingxiong nodded and said, "I will listen to senior brother. I will do whatever you say."    


The two of them turned around and moved to the side. After walking for about the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, Bai Wenye pulled Gu Qingxiong and stood on the spot.    


Bai Wenye cupped his fists and said, "I know you are nearby, Junior Brother Zhao. We are also under orders from others. We don't have any enmity with you, junior brother. We will let go of this matter. I hope junior brother can make things easier for us. "    


Zhao Yiming's voice came from all directions, "It is best that senior brother is willing to leave. I also know that you are all pawns. From now on, everyone is well, please! "    


Bai Wenye listened attentively for a while and nodded at Gu Qingxiong. The two of them continued to walk forward. Suddenly, they felt that their feet were empty, and the two of them quickly fell down.    


Bai Wenye was shocked in his heart, and he suddenly slammed his palm on Gu Qingxiong who was standing beside him. He borrowed the force of the backlash to quickly escape from the trap.    


Gu Qingxiong's body was already clumsy to begin with. After being struck by Bai Wenye's palm, his falling speed became even faster. He crashed into more than a dozen traps at the bottom of the pit and was instantly stabbed like a hedgehog.    


"Congratulations to user for killing Essence Converting First level Gu Qingxiong. Obtained 10,000 Experience points and 2 Asura Value. High-grade Human level Secret Book Iron crotch skill, do you wish to cultivate it immediately?"    


"Congratulations to host for successfully cultivating Human level Supreme Grade Secret Book Iron crotch Skill. This Cultivation Method is a passive hard body skill called Cultivation Method. It is one of the thirteen Guardians of the Earth level's passive hard body skill, the Cultivation Method."    


Zhao Yiming was quite satisfied with this Cultivation Method. Although it was only a Human level Supreme Grade Cultivation Method, it had made up for the fatal weakness of a man. It was more suitable than any Cultivation Method.    


Zhao Yiming no longer hid it, he carried the Green Wave Blade on his shoulder. He leisurely walked out of the forest and looked at Bai Wenye with a playful expression.    


He clicked his tongue and said, "Senior brother is really cruel. He actually used junior brother as a scapegoat. However, it is also not for one's own good. The heavens will punish and destroy the earth."    


Bai Wenye said coldly, "You still have the face to talk about me here. What face do you have to stand between heaven and earth if you don't keep your word?"    


Zhao Yiming used his hand to scratch his ear and said, "Senior brother, what you said is very interesting. It seems like I never said I would let you guys go from the beginning to the end. I am saying that there is no deception in war. We are enemies now. You will believe whatever I say. How can you run in the martial arts world? "    


Bai Wenye coldly snorted and said, "You are also arrogant and conceited. If you are in the dark, I am in the light. I am still afraid of you. How can you be my opponent in this kind of fight? "    


Zhao Yiming chuckled and said, "How would you know if you don't try to fight me? Take this." After saying that, he swung his blade.    


Bai Wenye dodged to the side, reached out his hand, and pulled out the Longsword on his waist. He said, "This is a sword that Third Senior Brother gave me. I will use this sword to take your head."    


As he spoke, he swung his sword three times in a row towards Zhao Yiming's face and shoulders. His sword technique was indeed unique. The Sword-light was glittering and dazzling.    


When Zhao Yiming used the Soul Chaser Eight Sabers, he did not fall into a disadvantageous position for a moment. In the blink of an eye, the two of them had exchanged more than a dozen moves. Zhao Yiming was fighting while retreating, and he suddenly dodged to the side.    


Bai Wenye thrust his sword at an old tree in front of him. He turned his sword and intended to chase after Zhao Yiming. He didn't expect that the branches and leaves of this old tree would shake. A vine actually reached out and wrapped around his hand.    


He immediately exerted his strength to struggle and broke the vine into two. However, Zhao Yiming seized this opportunity, and with a flash of the blade light, he chopped off his right arm.    


Bai Wenye screamed in pain. He suddenly moved the Vital Spirit to seal the wound on his right arm. He looked at Zhao Yiming with an ashen face, and his eyes were filled with confusion.    


Zhao Yiming said with a smile, "I will let you be an understanding ghost. This is not an ordinary old tree. It's an extremely rare Level Four Demonic Beast, a withered tree beast. I only found it by chance."    


Bai Wenye felt his head sink. He said in surprise, "You poisoned the knife? What kind of righteous disciple are you?"    


Zhao Yiming said with a cheeky smile, "I always felt that it was good to win. As for what methods you use, it doesn't matter. At least I am still standing here, but senior brother, you are finished."    


Bai Wenye was so angry that his heart was pounding. Black blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth. He fell headfirst onto the ground, no longer angry.    


"Congratulations to user for killing Essence Converting Double Stage Bai Wenye. Obtained 20,000 Experience points and 4 Asura Value. 1 Middle Grade Spirit Crystal and 10 Low-grade Spirit Crystal."    


Zhao Yiming shrugged his shoulders indifferently. His gaze was fixed on the withered beast.    


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