Super Asura System

C403 The Soul of the Army

C403 The Soul of the Army

The sound of a beating drum could be heard. The sound of the drum echoed across the world, filled with sorrow and sorrow, but there was also a hint of helplessness in the sorrow.    


Zhao Yiming heard the sound of the war drum and could not help but feel excited. He suddenly raised his head and let out a long roar, "Three hundred miles is just a small distance. Since we are here today, why don't we go and take a look and pay our respects to the loyal soul of the past."    


Sun Yungang's eyes were also filled with tears. He said, "Young Master Zhao is right. Let's go and take a look and see who will arrive first."    


As he spoke, his body shot out like a lightning bolt. Zhao Yiming also laughed and used his Lightning Dragon Skill, leaving behind an afterimage on the ground.    


Yao Ri also had a smile on his face. He did not seem to be doing anything, but he followed closely behind the two of them, showing that his skill was extraordinary.    


The first tier formed by the three of them, Magic Star's main ability was his hidden weapon. This Lightness Skill was slightly weaker compared to the others, but he and Sun Jiasheng were still at the top of the second tier.    


The one following behind them was actually Monk Xu Yun. This monk's ability was extraordinary, and he looked calm and relaxed. No one knew if he was doing this on purpose or if he really couldn't enter the first tier.    


Everyone arrived at the Long Ridge Battlefield in less than half an incense stick of time. They saw a chilly wind blowing in the battlefield, and the entire soil seemed to be filled with blood. Not even a blade of grass could be seen.    


The sound of the war drums continued to ring, but there wasn't even a shadow of a ghost in front of them. Everyone looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what was going on.    


Sun Yungang suddenly took a step forward and tried his best to make his voice sound as vigorous as a man. He said, "Second Prince of Stellar Empire, Sun Yungang, has come to pay his respects to the loyal soul who died in battle."    


He said it three times loudly. Everyone felt the ground trembling. Then, a military tent slowly appeared in front of them.    


There were people continuously in the tent, lining up in neat rows to practice. The sound of war drums came from inside the tent.    


The sound of war drums suddenly stopped. The door of the tent opened, and a pair of soldiers in bright armor walked out. These soldiers split up on both sides, and then an old general walked out.    


The old general walked to Sun Yungang and knelt on the ground. He said with a face full of shame, "General Wei Dawei greets His Highness Prince."    


Sun Yungang quickly stepped forward and wanted to help him up, but he did not expect to grab empty air. Only then did he remember that the person in front of him was already a ghost.    


He quickly said, "Old Marshal Wei, please get up. You have made great contributions in the war for the empire. The blame for the Long Ling's defeat is not on you.    


It is the empire that has let down millions of soldiers, it is our Sun family that has let down millions of loyal souls. Unfortunately, our abilities are limited and we cannot take revenge for you. I represent the royal family here to apologize to the million soldiers."    


After he finished speaking, he knelt down and kowtowed to the ground. Apart from Zhao Yiming and the other two, the rest of the people he brought all knelt down.    


Following his heavy kneeling, the entire military camp was filled with cries. These iron-blooded men, who were bleeding but not crying, shed tears of grievance at this moment.    


Wei Dawei stood up and said with a loud voice, "What are you all crying about here? Did you see that? The Empire did not forget us, and the Empire did not abandon us.    


When we were born, we were not able to defend this land. Even if we die, we will turn into a military soul and firmly guard our own land. We live as soldiers of the Empire, and when we die, we die as soldiers of the Empire. "    


The entire military camp was filled with whistling sounds, and the million military spirits roared together:" We are soldiers of the Empire, and we are soldiers of the Empire if we die. "    


This roar shook the heavens and earth, spreading to every corner of the continent. Countless experts were awakened by this sound. For the first time, these powerful beings who could move mountains and fill the seas trembled in their hearts.    


In a boudoir in Fallen City, there was a domineering woman. She looked out the window and then said to the man lying on her bed, "Maybe Stellar Empire isn't as bad as we thought. We can make them our targets."    


In a small temple deep in the mountains, the reluctant monk was standing behind an old monk. The old monk slightly opened his eyes and said, "The destroyer has brought about changes. Stellar Empire has changed the fate of destroying a country in the future."    


In a grand palace, the master of the Heavenly Dao Alliance was fiddling with an eight-trigram. He said to himself with knitted brows, "Another variable has appeared in the Heavenly Dao. What should we do then?"    


The Evil Alliance and the Guardian Alliance had their own ideas once again. This time, the game of chess had become more and more interesting.    


Sun Yungang stood up again. The others also stood up. Only Wei Yang was still kneeling there. He took a few steps forward and came in front of Wei Dawei with tears streaming down his face.    


He kowtowed nine times and said loudly, "Unfilial grandson, Wei Yang, greets grandfather. I have come to pay respects to grandfather for so many years. Please forgive me."    


Wei Dawei looked at Wei Yang. His face was full of lasciviousness, but his facial expression turned serious. He kicked him to the ground and said, "What is the rule of our Wei Family's ancestors?"    


Wei Yang knelt down again and said loudly, "Sincerely serve the country, and die for it."    


Wei Dawei nodded and said, "But I don't see any killing intent from you. Could it be that you have become a profligate son of a rich family and don't dare to go to the battlefield?"    


Wei Yang quickly said, "Grandpa doesn't know this. After the defeat at Long Ling, the empire's vitality was greatly damaged. There was no longer any war going on outside. So naturally, my grandson didn't go to the battlefield.    


However, Grandson never forgot his ancestral teachings and didn't slack off for a single day. Every day, he worked hard to cultivate. He spent the night reading military books and following his father to learn how to arrange troops and formations.    


In the future, if the empire needs something, my grandson will definitely put on armor and lead the troops. He will charge to the forefront of the battlefield and use my hot blood to continue the loyalty and valor of our Wei Family."    


His words were sonorous and forceful, and the aura on his body also became indomitable. It was completely different from the image of his former hedonistic son.    


Zhao Yiming shook his head and said to Yao Ri and his brother, "Only now do I feel the terror of the Stellar Empire. Each of them has buried their courage deeply. Once it erupts in the future, it will be as violent as a volcano eruption. It will surely sweep across the entire continent. "    


Yao Ri nodded and said, "The defeat of Long Ling is truly a double-edged sword. It will be the eternal pain of Stellar Empire. However, it will also always motivate the Stellar Empire to rise again in the future. We must make the entire Divine Martial Continent tremble. "    


Wei Dawei stretched out his hand and pulled Wei Yang up, "It's a pity that our million soldiers can only stay here and guard this place. If we can exchange for their freedom, I'm willing to give up everything."    


At this moment, a Buddhist proclamation was heard. Evil Buddha returned to his true form and appeared in front of everyone.    


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