Super Asura System

C463 All Vips

C463 All Vips

When everyone heard Ba Yitusi's words, they all turned to look at him. He cleared his throat in satisfaction and waved his hands with a smile on his face.    


Then, he said, "Now that everyone is facing each other, there's no need to hide anymore. Why don't you all stay here and witness our return to our country?"    


Ying Tianzhuo laughed and said, "Our Rising Sun Empire congratulates the establishment of our country. We have specially sent Third Prince, Ying Xu, to attend the ceremony."    


Linghu Wei immediately understood his intention and said with a smile, "Our Falling Moon Empire also congratulates the establishment of our empire. We have specially sent Prince Yao, Liu Kehui, and the prince with another surname, Zhao Yiming, to attend the ceremony."    


This guy's thoughts were indeed very serious. He had put Zhao Yiming into a dilemma. He had no way to defend himself. Who asked him to have such an identity as a prince with another surname?    


Sun Yungang immediately smiled and said, "Second Prince of Stellar Empire is under the orders of Royal Father. He is going back and forth with Grand Princess's son-in-law, Zhao Yiming, to discuss the diplomatic relationship between our two countries."    


This kid's reaction was indeed quick. Seeing that no one else was there to attend the ceremony, he immediately went up to talk about diplomatic relations. This was more than a level higher than attending the ceremony.    


He also solved Zhao Yiming's awkwardness. So what if he was a prince with another surname in the Falling Moon Empire? He was the son-in-law of the Stellar Empire, which was much more intimate than you.    


Ying Tianzhuo chuckled, "It's a pity that you are a cripple. Otherwise, you might become a good emperor."    


Sun Yungang said with a straight face, "Among the three of us, I am the most useless one. I believe that when my brother ascends the throne in the future, he will definitely seek justice from all of you."    


This kid really hated his brother. He actually dared to stab him in the back. He had expected that the Rising Sun Empire would definitely think of ways to get rid of him. If such a powerful figure ascended the throne, it would be a lot of trouble.    


Ying Tianzhuo ignored him and said to Red Robed Ancestor, "That treasure map is real. Anyway, the dust has already settled. Why don't we, these old fellows, go and explore it?"    


Linghu Wei shook his head and said, "I still have matters to attend to in the capital, so I won't play with you guys anymore. However, I will let the azure-masked Ghost King represent me in this treasure hunt. "    


Red Robed Ancestor nodded and said, "Then this is the best. I will leave the Tianshan Double Eagle here. I hope that everyone won't have any more tricks up their sleeves."    


These few old men did as they were told. With a few whooshes, they disappeared. These people shrugged their shoulders. They really couldn't do anything to these old men.    


Ba Yitusi waved his hand. The soldiers immediately stepped forward and suppressed these dejected nobles. With their assets to fill the national treasury, the money needed to establish the country was enough.    


Ba Yitusi said with a smile, "Esteemed guests, let's invite them inside to take a seat!"    


Zhao Yiming waved his hand at the others and asked them to return to the mansion to wait. Now, everyone's identity had changed. Although there were both open and secret struggles, there should not be any more killing.    


A few important figures walked in and sat down. Ativan sat in Hong Zhihui's hand with a calm expression on his face.    


Liu Kehui said angrily, "It seems like I have underestimated you, a wise man. You are indeed a man with great fame and reputation. You are truly amazing."    


Ativan smiled and said, "Everyone is also serving their own master. I think His Royal Highness is a noble person. He will not lower himself to my level."    


Ba Yitusi coughed lightly and said, "Let it turn everything over. After we return to the border and establish our country, we are willing to live in peace with the various empires. As for what problems there are between you all, we do not want to participate.    


I have decided to marry my daughter to Zhang Xinglong. Furthermore, he has already agreed to move the Beast Taming Mountain and Zhang Family back to our territory. I have already given the Northern Heavenly Mountain to the Beast Taming Mountain. I hope that Second Prince can make things easier for us. "    


Sun Yungang said with a smile," Our Stellar Empire has always advocated freedom. Besides, we are brothers. What's wrong with that? "    


Zhao Yiming suddenly said," I don't know if there are any other good mountains in your territory. If I'm not wrong, the Scarlet Feather Pavilion should be moving over as well. "    


Obviously, Ba Yitusi already knew about Lv Tao. He smiled and nodded. "Although we don't have any other mountains, I can make an oasis for them to use as a base."    


Zhao Yiming continued, "And I think you shouldn't call Master Tu Si anymore. You should change your name to His Majesty and consider your own successor."    


Obviously, Ba Yitusi was prepared for this. He smiled and said, "Young Master Zhao, you don't have to worry about that. I have been in the position of Tu Si for a long time. I am really tired.    


As for the throne of this country, I plan to give it to my best brother, Hong Zhihui Master Hong. As for who he will choose to be the successor, that will be his problem. "    


It was only at this moment that everyone understood why Hong Zhihui did not rebel, because the throne was already in his hands, so there was no need for him to bear the blame.    


Everyone looked at Ba Yitusi and suddenly felt that he was the smart one. Everyone knew that he was the one who gave up the throne. He would definitely be rich and prosperous in his life. Otherwise, the Emperor would be scolded to death by him.    


Zhao Yiming lightly sighed and said, "If you are willing to give it up, you will have to give it up. Compared to you, Tu Si, we are the real mediocre people."    


Ba Yitusi laughed and said, "I am not as powerful as you think, but I like to have fun. Sometimes, I think about you people from the empire. In order to fight for the throne, you are willing to sacrifice your brothers.    


But after sitting on the throne, you are so busy all day long. Why is there a need for that? Why don't the brothers get along harmoniously and choose a capable one to take the throne? Wouldn't it be better for the rest of them to live happily?"    


The few Prince were all indifferent and silent. Most of the time, it was something that couldn't be helped. Sometimes, even if you didn't fight for it yourself, it didn't mean that others wouldn't fight with you. If you couldn't fight for it, you would have to fight for it even if you died.    


Zhao Yiming yawned and said, "I think it's meaningless to say all this. I don't know when Master Tu Si plans to establish a country."    


At this time, Hong Zhihui said, "Everything has been prepared. Furthermore, we have already seen the days. Half a month later is the auspicious day of the Yellow Road. We will choose to establish a country on that day."    


Zhao Yiming licked his lips. This matter was full of twists and turns, but he had a feeling that something was wrong. It was just that he had not figured it out yet.    


Everyone talked for a while more, and they all wanted to get up and take their leave. Ba Yitusi immediately got up to see them off. When Zhao Yiming walked to the door, he inadvertently turned his head to look at them. He really saw the problem.    


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