Super Asura System

C469 Those Who Provoke Me Shall Die

C469 Those Who Provoke Me Shall Die

Zhao Yiming took two steps forward and looked at Stone Slave, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth. This was a punishment for him. Otherwise, with his abilities, he could have saved his life.    


He threw a bottle of Injurious Drug at ___ and said, "If you do it again, I will chase you out."    


After he finished speaking, he looked at the old man. The old man looked calm and composed, and his eyes were full of provocation. This was a premeditated operation.    


He didn't give the old man any chance to speak. He silently chanted in his heart, Burn five Low-grade Spirit Crystal for me. Then, he struck out with the Six Diamond Solar Palm.    


The old man didn't expect him to make a move as soon as he arrived. He immediately faced the palm in panic. When the two palms collided, a loud sound was heard. The old man was instantly sent flying like a kite with a broken string.    


"Congratulations to host. You have killed Qian Wei, an expert from the Kub Horse Gang. You have obtained 30,000 Experience points, 500 Asura Value, 500,000 Gold Banknotes, Earth level Medium Grade Cultivation Method Black Sand Palm. Do you wish to cultivate it immediately? Congratulations, host. You have killed Qian Wei, an expert from the Kub Horse Gang. You have obtained 30,000 Experience points, 500 Asura Value, 500,000 Gold Banknotes, and Earth level Medium Grade Cultivation Method Black Sand Palm."    


Zhao Yiming chose to cultivate it. Although the grade of this palm technique wasn't high, it was still a part of the Five Poison Divine Palm. Now that he had gathered all three palms, he only needed to obtain another two palms to synthesize this Cultivation Method.    


The people in the private room were obviously shocked as well. They had never thought that his martial arts would be so powerful. Furthermore, he had killed an expert right from the start.    


Immediately, a few people walked out one after another. The one in the lead was a young man. Although this guy looked good, his triangular eyes made him look quite insidious.    


That guy pointed at Zhao Yiming and said, "You are really bold. You actually dare to kill the people of our Kub Ma Gang. You are really tired of living."    


Zhao Yiming did not pay attention to him. Instead, he shouted towards the private room, "Don't send this kind of shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Come out and make a fool of yourself. You dare to use underhanded tricks behind us? You don't dare to show yourself at this time? "    


"Young Master Zhao, why are you so serious? I am just playing with you. If you get angry like this, it will hurt your bearing."    


A young man walked out of the private room with two people. Although he did not know this young man, the two people following him were Duan Xingxiong and Fang Xiaohai.    


Fang Xiaohai smiled and said, "I didn't expect to see you again. This is the young master of the Polar Society, one of the three great men, the Snake Lang Jun, Young Master Ye Yulang."    


Zhao Yiming snorted and said, "I don't care if he is a dragon or a snake, but don't provoke me. If you offend him, I will peel off his scales and make him into an earthworm."    


Ye Yulang was obviously a very arrogant person. He said arrogantly, "Then I want to see what you can do to my scales."    


As he spoke, he raised his hand and a golden light shot over.    


A cold smile hung on Zhao Yiming's face. He used the Spiritual Finger and caught the golden light between his fingers. It turned out to be a golden snake flying awl.    


He said in surprise, "It's actually a golden snake awl. Don't tell me you have the Golden Snake Sword and practice the Golden Snake Sword Technique!"    


Ye Yulang was stunned. He did not expect that Zhao Yiming would be able to deduce his sword technique from the fact that he knew his hidden weapon. He was indeed a fierce character.    


At this time, Zhao Yiming was also thinking in his heart. He had already encountered several metal attribute martial arts. He wondered if there were still ancient yellow beams and three types of martial arts in this world.    


Duan Xingxiong laughed and said, "Everyone is just joking. Why is Young Master Zhao so serious? Besides, your two servants have also killed so many people. Let's just forget about it!"    


Zhao Yiming said with a cold expression, "But I don't think it's enough. I might not care if you offend me, but if you dare to scheme against the people around me, then there's nothing much to say.    


All these people in front of me will die. The Kub Horse Gang will also be wiped out from this world. If you agree, then I will pretend it never happened. "    


Ye Yulang thought for a few seconds and said, "It's just a horse gang. I promise Young Master Zhao that it will be fine. The two of you still don't want to fight."    


When the few young men heard this, they immediately felt as if they were struck by lightning. Just as they were about to beg for mercy, Duan Xingxiong and Fang Xiaohai pounced on them.    


Zhao Yiming looked at Ye Yulang with praise and said, "Don't tell me you are called Snake Lang Jun. You are indeed very insidious. But I like people like you. Maybe we can be friends."    


Ye Yulang smiled and said, "But I think we are friends now. Why don't we have a drink together?"    


Ying Xu also had a smile on his face and said, "Then why don't we invite each other? This place is filled with the smell of blood. Anyway, it is not early anymore. Why don't we go to the Soul Sobbing House directly?"    


Ye Yulang said with a smile, "Third Prince is indeed generous. Then we will gladly accept it. The two of you don't need to follow. Before tonight, kill all the people from the Kub Horse Gang and count their belongings and send them over to Young Master Zhao. "    


Zhao Yiming said very casually, "I don't want those cows and sheep. I just want to gather the Gold Banknotes and the spirit and hand them over to my servants. The injuries they suffered this time will be treated as compensation for them."    


Stone Slave touched his head with his hand. His poor brain cells clearly didn't understand what this sentence meant.    


Yuan Nu reacted very quickly. He immediately pulled him to his knees and said, "Thank you, Master, for the reward. Thank you, Master Ye, for fulfilling my wish. "    


Zhao Yiming waved his hand and said, "You two go back to the prefecture first and wait for me."    


Ying Xu also told Ma Guixian and Yu Rifu not to go with them. The four of them chatted and laughed outside the restaurant.    


Stone Slave still asked with a puzzled face, "Why should we kneel and thank them?"    


Yuan Nu had a helpless look. "I really don't know what's in your mind. Master has already rewarded us all of the Gold Banknotes and Spirit Crystal of the Ma Gang."    


Stone Slave blinked and said, "That seems to be a lot of money! Is there the twenty thousand taels Master gave us last time? "    


Fang Xiaohai smiled and said, "These things add up to at least a few million taels this time. Young Master Zhao is really generous, making me want to be his servant."    


Stone Slave was completely confused. He said with a trembling voice, "What does a few million taels mean? How much can I buy if I buy grilled beef legs?"    


Ma Guixian suddenly felt that this stupid big guy was very interesting. He said with a smile, "If you exchange all these Gold Banknotes for roasted beef legs, you can eat them all for ten years."    


Stone Slave almost fell to the ground. He was really scared. Then he fell to his knees with a thud and kept kowtowing in the direction of Zhao Yiming and the others.    


Yuan Nu reached out and pulled him up and said, "Master has gone far away, but you have to be smart in the future. You can do whatever Master says. You can kill whoever he wants you to kill."    


Stone Slave immediately nodded heavily and shouted, "Master will do whatever he says for the roast beef leg."    


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