Super Asura System

C495 Unreasonable

C495 Unreasonable

After separating from Wang Shao, Zhao Yiming slowed down his pace. He had continuously hunted and killed all kinds of Demonic Beast. This result was quite remarkable. When he arrived at the oasis, the number of Experience points had already reached six million.    


He counted his items. There were only five Secret Book drops in total. Among them, there was an Earth level Low-rank Cultivation Technique Earth Sand Palm, and this was the last part of the Heaven Grade Low-rank Cultivation Technique Five Poison Divine Palm. He had also combined the Five Poison Divine Palm.    


Of the four Mortal Level Cultivation Method books, two of them were low-grade Wing Chun Fist and Eight Extreme Fist, and the other two were Medium Grade Eight Trigram Palm and Wandering Dragon Steps. These two sets of Cultivation Method could be combined into the Earth level Medium Grade Eight Poison Dragon Palm.    


As for the remaining items, there were some Injurious Drug and other miscellaneous items. Overall, the harvest was pretty good. If this continued, he would be able to step into the Grand Master Stage when he walked out of the desert.    


This oasis was not small, and it seemed to be quite bustling. People from different races could be seen coming and going here in a hurry, and it seemed like they were very busy.    


He saw a huge wine word hanging in front of a yurt. Then, he lifted the curtain and walked in. There were some simple and crude wooden tables and chairs inside, and the workmanship was very rough.    


He walked to a corner and sat down. After a long time, no one came to greet him, so he shouted, "What kind of logic is this? Why isn't anyone greeting guests?"    


A middle-aged man sitting opposite him laughed and said, "Looks like this is your first time here, brother!"    


Zhao Yiming nodded and said, "This brother is right. Could it be that there are some rules here?"    


The middle-aged man said frankly, "Although this is the biggest oasis of this generation, it is under the control of Ice-fire. All kinds of life are very difficult, so why would I care about the workers? What do you want to eat? Just tell the boss. After he makes the arrangements, he'll bring it back for you."    


Zhao Yiming nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you for telling me."    


After saying that, he stood up and walked to the boss. That guy looked like he didn't care about anything. Anyway, those who came here to eat were all poor people.    


He chuckled and slapped a Gold Banknotes on the counter and said, "Here's a hundred taels of Gold Banknotes. If there's anything delicious, just bring it up for me. If it's not enough, I'll give it to you again."    


The boss's eyes instantly widened. He reached out and snatched the Gold Banknotes over. He looked at it seriously and after confirming that the Gold Banknotes was not fake, he turned around and walked to the kitchen.    


Zhao Yiming shrugged his shoulders and returned to his seat just now. He saw the middle-aged man wearing a regretful expression as if he had done something wrong.    


While he was hesitating, the boss came to his table and placed a plate of pickled vegetables in front of him. Then, he placed another bowl of porridge in front of him.    


He looked at the boss in surprise and said, "You're not joking with me, are you?! I'll buy you a plate of moldy pickled vegetables with a hundred taels of Gold Banknotes and a bowl of porridge with a few grains of rice."    


The boss said with a fierce expression, "What nonsense are you saying here? Who saw you give me the Gold Banknotes? Besides, these two things can't be bought with a hundred taels of Gold Banknotes. Take out a thousand taels of Gold Banknotes and this matter will be considered over."    


Zhao Yiming was amused when he heard that. He said with a smile, "A mere thousand taels of Gold Banknotes is nothing to me. But these two useless things, you must be crazy about being poor!"    


The boss said with disdain, "I've changed my mind now. I want ten thousand taels of Gold Banknotes for these two items. If you dare to say half a word of no, I will break your hands and feet and drag you to the backyard to feed the dogs."    


Zhao Yiming chuckled and said, "You're quite familiar with this business. Looks like you've done quite a lot of work in the past. I don't want to take out this Gold Banknotes. Try touching me."    


The boss shouted, "What are you bunch of dead people doing? Someone is coming to our place to eat. Hurry up and come out."    


There was a sound of footsteps. Dozens of big men rushed out from behind. Each of them had a wooden stick in their hands. Clearly, they were prepared for this.    


Zhao Yiming curled his lips in disdain. He shook his head and said, "It seems like I have entered a black shop. Didn't you say that this is the territory of the Ice-fire? Don't tell me that no one is in charge of this?"    


The middle-aged man on the side persuaded, "This boss is a member of the Ice-fire. It's only because he is old and weak that he is able to open his shop here. You should spend some money to get rid of this disaster!"    


Zhao Yiming said with a smile, "I'm a donkey. If you follow my heart, I'll do whatever I want. If it doesn't suit my heart, then don't even think about it."    


The boss had a ferocious smile on his face. He waved his hand and shouted, "Beat this bastard to death! Find all the money on him!"    


Zhao Yiming slapped the table with his hand and all the salted vegetables flew into the air. Then he waved his sleeve and these salted vegetables shot towards those strong men like bullets.    


They heard a scream. These strong men were lying on the ground, with some vegetables stuck in their bodies. They kept screaming.    


The boss was obviously shocked. He pointed at Zhao Yiming and said, "You are really bold. How dare you hurt the people of Ice-fire? If you have the guts, don't run here. I will call someone to deal with you now."    


Zhao Yiming smiled and said, "I have never been dealt with by anyone in my life. I will wait for you here. If you dare not come, I will order your shop."    


The boss hurriedly turned around and ran out. The middle-aged man tried to persuade him again, "That old man must have gone to find the patrol. You better run!"    


Zhao Yiming smiled and said, "Thank you for your concern, brother. But I always keep my word. Since I said I would wait for him here, I will not leave."    


The middle-aged man sighed and walked to his side. A cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes and said, "You are indeed Mentor Of The Ming Religion. You are indeed bold. But you can go to hell!"    


His entire palm turned fiery red, and a palm slapped over. A wave of heat swept over, and this wave of heat seemed incomparably hot when it hit people's faces.    


At the same time, a figure flashed at the door. The boss who had walked out once again pounced in. His hands also turned fiery red. Both of his fists suddenly struck out, blocking all of his escape routes.    


The strong men lying on the ground and the customers who were eating at the side also rushed over at the same time. Although they used different moves, their hands were all extremely hot.    


Zhao Yiming appeared very calm. He kicked the table in front of him and saw the table rolling in the air. Then he slammed his palm on the table.    


The entire table was broken into pieces and pieces of wood were thrown at the others. At this time, the middle-aged man and the old man who were the main attack had already arrived in front of him.    


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