Super Asura System

C500 Then It Continued to Deceive Him

C500 Then It Continued to Deceive Him

Zhao Yiming's words startled these people. They had been relying on the ore mine for thousands of years. Why did it sound like poison at this moment?    


Zhao Yiming looked at their puzzled eyes and felt delighted in his heart. Only by knocking these guys out would he have the chance to take advantage of them.    


He said with a smile, "If I'm not wrong, it should be very easy when your master was in the ore mine. Even when the patriarch was young, it should be easier than now."    


Lin Tianhua nodded thoughtfully and said, "Young Master is right. When I was young, the Fire Ore mine was much more than what I have now. It was easier to mine it."    


Zhao Yiming said with a smile, "Because the ore can't be reproduced by itself. There are only so many of them here. Although there is a lot of it here, you have been mining all the time.    


This is a huge mountain that you have been mining for thousands of years. It is going to be emptied soon. Perhaps your generation is nothing. But when it comes to your son's generation, your grandson's generation... Sooner or later, they will finish digging. Then, what do they rely on to make a living?"    


After hearing this, their expressions changed. After thinking about it carefully, the more they thought about it, the more terrifying it became. This was simply a genocide.    


Lin Tianhua hastily stood up, bowed to Zhao Yiming and said, "Young master, you have truly awakened us from our dreams with just one sentence. On behalf of the entire family, I would like to thank you, young master."    


Yu Guanggang scratched his head and said, "But if we don't mine the ore mines, we won't have a source of income. So, eating now is a problem."    


Zheng Anping said with a smile, "I don't want to trouble you with this matter. Young master just said that Fire Desert is a treasure gathering basin. Please enlighten me."    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said, "Then I will say something. Fire Desert is a treasure gathering basin, but the key to opening this treasure gathering basin is our Ming City.    


In fact, the entire territory was rich in materials. There were all kinds of fire Demonic Beast in the Fire Desert, which was a huge amount of wealth. As long as you didn't destroy all of them, they would be inexhaustible.    


But why were they not worth much in the past? Because this place lacked a large trading place, but the appearance of our Ming City made up for this.    


You might as well think about where it is safer to trade than there. When the time comes, those merchants will flock to you like a flock of ducks. You will receive the most fair treatment if you use these things to trade."    


Yu Guanggang's eyes immediately lit up. He laughed and said," What Young Master said makes sense. Then we can go and catch Demonic Beast to exchange for money in the future. This is really a good job. "    


Zhao Yiming shook his head and said, "If that is what you think, then you can only live a good life. If you want to live a good life every day, catching Demonic Beast is the worst policy."    


Lin Tianhua immediately said respectfully, "Young Master, please point out a way for us. In the future, all of us are willing to be the best partners with the Ming Cult."    


Zhao Yiming stood up with a smile and pointed into the distance. "Can anyone tell me where the end of that direction is?"    


Yu Guang just looked up and said, "Isn't that the Ming City?"    


Zhao Yiming's face turned red and said, "Sorry to point in the wrong direction. Where should the end of that direction be?"    


Zheng Anping said thoughtfully, "If we pass through the desert, that is the Rising Sun Empire."    


Zhao Yiming slapped his thigh and said, "That's the problem. The development of the Ming City will attract all the merchants in the world. Now there is only one way to go to the Ming City, which is to go through the long ridge to go to the One Line Sky.    


This road is very far away, and it is very unfavorable for the merchants. But if we cooperate, we will build a trade route with the Rising Sun Empire from the Ming City.    


This route will be reduced by at least a third. To the merchants, this is a huge profit margin. As long as you are responsible for ensuring their safety, they will pay you back.    


As long as you don't feel dizzy and ruin your own reputation, this will be a business of tens of thousands of years. What you need to do every day is to sit here and wait for others to give you money."    


Lin Tianhua nodded thoughtfully and said," I understand what Young Master Zhao means. He wants us to collect protection fees from them. "    


Zhao Yiming smiled and said, "The exact meaning is similar, but you can't be too greedy. You just need to charge a portion of the fees according to the size of the caravan.    


And after accepting money from others, you must do your duty. If they give you the money, and you let them rob you on the way, who will look for you? "    


Yu Guanggang said in confusion," But what if they don't want us to protect them? "    


Zhao Yiming smiled and said, "This matter is not simple. When the time comes, I will let the merchant caravans of Myriad Treasures Pavilion take the initiative to accept your protection. After a few rounds, the other merchants will know that this trade route has a huge profit.    


After that, they will take the risk, but I believe that they will not accept your protection in the beginning. At this time, you will release the race in your hands, the worst race.    


Let them snatch the things of these merchants, but you must remember that you can only snatch the goods and not kill them. After all, they will be your food and clothing parents in the future.    


After that, I will arrange for people to hire you to get the goods back. When that time comes, you can send the goods back in good condition, and the remaining merchants will definitely flock to you.    


This way, the next time they take this trade route, they will definitely seek your protection. However, there will definitely be some people who will have thoughts of getting lucky.    


You can't be soft-hearted at this time. Not only do you have to steal the goods, but you also have to use the cruelest method to kill them. After that, you have to place them in a very obvious place and let the other merchants know the dangers of this trade route.    


Slowly, these merchants will form a habit. They will think that by paying a small amount of money, they can earn a huge profit for themselves. You will also naturally accumulate a small amount and you can eat whatever you want every day."    


Lin Tianhua gave a thumbs up and said," This old man has never admired anyone in my life. Today, I admire young master to the point of prostrating myself in front of him. This method is really high. "    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said, "But if you want to do this, you have to do two things. The first is to eradicate all the powers on both sides of the trade route that don't belong to you. Especially those Bandit, you can't leave them alive. "    


Yu Guanggang patted his head and said, "Young Master, you don't need to tell me about this. Those guys have just fought with us for food. Otherwise, I won't have the face to meet my ancestors with all 18 of them."    


A smile emerged on Zhao Yiming's face. What he was going to say next was the most important thing.    


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