Super Asura System

C545 Peak Confrontation

C545 Peak Confrontation

The two of them saw the fighting spirit in each other's eyes. They had given up everything at this moment. They were pure martial artists who wanted to challenge their opponents.    


Ying Mubai said with a smile on his face, "Among all the people I have seen, my big brother is the strongest person. I know that I will never be able to surpass him in my life, because I am not as simple as him.    


I always thought that a person with too many trifles in his heart would have very limited achievements in martial arts. This thought has always restrained me, making my progress slow.    


Until I see you, it is as if I see another me, a true genius, and a complete genius. But you have always been breaking through, which makes me see hope.    


After unlocking the knot in my heart, my overall cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and soon, I have broken through the barrier. Now, I am a Grand Master Triple Stage."    


Zhao Yiming chuckled and said," I'm not as much as you think. I've been bullied since I was young, and anyone who dares to come and kick me has the audacity to do so.    


But I didn't dare to resist, because I'm just a useless piece of trash. It wasn't until the night my mother died that I realized how wrong I was when I held her bony hand.    


When I guarded her grave, only then did I know what I lost. From that day on, I swore to myself that I would make myself stronger, that I would use my hands to protect my favorite.    


Perhaps it was this heart of mine that was acknowledged by my master. Becoming his disciple was the greatest turning point in my life. He asked me to leave behind a treasure, and I wanted to do my best to dig it out."    


Ying Mubai nodded and said," Then let's see how much progress the other party has made. I will make the first move. "    


After he finished speaking, he threw a punch. This punch was accompanied by the sound of a dragon's roar. It was the Swaying Dragon Divine Fist that Ninth Prince had used before. However, this Fist Arts was used by different people. The difference between the heavens and the earth was like the difference between heaven and earth.    


After Zhao Yiming obtained the Great Mantra Of Dao-heart Seed and the Eight Styles of Heavenly Knife, he didn't use any other skills other than the Frozen Fire Palm.    


However, at this moment, he moved his body and struck out the Six Diamond Solar Palm. The two of them exchanged blows very quickly.    


One of them had heavy fist shadows, and each of them had the force of a landslide. The other had the force of the Palmar Strength, and at the same time, it contained many different kinds of changes. No one could defeat the other in this short period of time.    


Their fists and palms collided, and both of them took a few steps back. However, Zhao Yiming was only a Grand Master Double Stage, so he took two more steps back.    


Ying Mubai laughed and said, "It's about time for us to warm up, let's show our true abilities!"    


Zhao Yiming shrugged his shoulders and said, "I used the Six Diamond Solar Palm just now to let you test the goods in advance. I don't know if you want to play with weapons or with punches and kicks. "    


Ying Mubai said with a smile, "As the saying goes, swords and swords have no eyes. Let's compete in fists and kicks! Today, I'll let you experience our Ying Family's secret technique, the Coiling Dragon Divine Palm. "    


Zhao Yiming said with a cold smile, "Then I will also let you experience my ultimate skill, the Frozen Fire Palm."    


He said that he would slap out with his palm. Everyone who was watching felt two different kinds of Qi in the air, one cold and the other hot. The alternating cold and heat made people feel very uncomfortable.    


Ying Mubai did not hold back either. Both of his palms met, and the two of them faced each other with their palms.    


Zhao Yiming took seven or eight steps back before he could steady himself with his stance. At the same time, he felt his blood boiling. The opponent's palm technique was indeed very powerful and hard to defeat.    


Ying Mubai also felt very uncomfortable. Half of his body was covered in a layer of frost, while the other half was emitting hot air.    


He suddenly shouted and forced out the Ice And Fire Qi. He threw his palms forward again, and it seemed like there was a divine dragon entrenched between his palms.    


At this time, Zhao Yiming's left palm was filled with cold ice and his right palm was burning with fire. The cold fire was still changing constantly. The two of them were fighting, which made it even more dangerous.    


After about a hundred and eighty moves, the two of them separated once again. Their moves changed at the same time. Ying Mubai had turned his palm into a claw, and it was obvious that he had used a new set of skills.    


Zhao Yiming was also using the bodily movement. His aura had changed drastically. He looked calm and peaceful, but at the same time, he also looked strange. This was the Great Mantra Of Dao-heart Seed.    


The two of them were fighting on the stage as fast as lightning. There were also discussions below the stage. Many of the senior experts felt ashamed of their inferiority, even though they were both Grand Master Stage experts. However, they knew in their hearts that if they were in their shoes, I've been knocked down a long time ago.    


Gao Xiaojun and Jin Wei couldn't help but look at each other. Gao Xiaojun sighed and said, "What do you think these young people are doing now? How do they become stronger and stronger?    


First Prince's ability was far above Fifth Prince's. I heard that Zhao Yiming's biological Second Brother is also a rare genius. His ability is much stronger than his. "    


Jin Wei shook his head and said, "The waves of the river are stronger than the previous waves. Old people like us have all been slapped on the beach.    


Other than the two you mentioned, isn't that Mo Lingfeng and the others equally extraordinary? If we were to fight, you wouldn't be able to say for sure. I would definitely be torn apart by them. "    


Just as the two of them were talking, the situation on the stage changed once again. The two of them retreated to the side and looked at each other cautiously.    


Just like what Ma Guixian had said, although Ying Mubai's cultivation base was higher than Zhao Yiming's, there was still a gap in terms of martial skills, which made up for all of this.    


Ying Mubai took a deep breath and said, "I still have one last move, that is the Dragon Transformation Technique."    


After saying that, he let out a loud shout, and his clothes automatically broke apart. Scales slowly began to appear on his fair skin.    


These scales quickly covered his entire body. His fingers became very sharp, and there were sharp barbs on his back. He was a human-shaped monster.    


Immediately, cries of alarm could be heard from below. Many people were discussing amongst themselves. "It's said that the winner of Rising Sun Empire has the bloodline of the Dragon God. Now, it seems like it's true. After transforming, it's full of explosive power."    


Ying Tiansheng was pleasantly surprised. He had never thought that his fifth son would have the phenomenon of atavism. He had completely awakened the bloodline in his body. This was a pleasant surprise.    


Zhao Yiming also had a calm expression. He said slowly, "This move of yours is really powerful, but I also have my own trump card. But this move of mine can only be used once. I don't know if you can block it. "    


After he finished speaking, a flying dagger appeared in his hand. The atmosphere of the entire scene suddenly became solemn. Everyone felt as if there was a huge rock pressing down on their bodies. This flying dagger seemed to be able to destroy everything.    


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