Super Asura System

C567 A Man's Conversation

C567 A Man's Conversation

Sun Yunli and Zhao Yiming found a pavilion in the garden and asked the eunuch to bring some food and wine. The two of them faced the bright moon in the sky and started eating and drinking.    


Sun Yunli poured a glass of wine for Zhao Yiming and said with a smile, "When I first saw brother-in-law, I knew you were not a simple character. Although you were famous at that time, I know you haven't used your full strength yet.    


When I found out that you had captured my sister's heart, I felt relieved. After all, we are the same kind of people. I really couldn't bear to raise my butcher's knife to my sister."    


Zhao Yiming smiled casually and said," When I first saw you, I knew that you were definitely not as simple as you looked, even though you have always been a playboy.    


However, there are many things that you have done. In fact, if you observe carefully, there are still traces that can be traced. You have always insisted on roping in all the people that you can rope in.    


Furthermore, you have made the relationship behind everyone very clear. Just because you treated Ma Tingyuan, I knew that you were plotting something big. It seems like you were the one who took him to prison first, but in reality, you were protecting him.    


He has become a bargaining chip in your hands. You must have known that he is the younger brother of the Red Powder Camp's commander, Ma Ting. You should be able to use him in the future."    


Sun Yunli said with a smile," This kid was originally a chess piece of mine. I didn't expect him to play such a big role. In the end, he hooked my brother-in-law, this big fish. This is really the blessing of the heavens. "    


Zhao Yiming played with the nightlight cup in his hand and said with a smile on his face, "Later on, when I was dating you, I felt that you were not simple.    


Especially at that banquet, after giving you three legions, you were too calm. You should know that you are a playboy. Don't you worry about not being able to control the legions?    


From this, I deduced that not only you, but those wastrels who are with you are not as bad as you think. They must be your foundation and each of them is not simple.    


Originally, I didn't care about this matter, but it happened to change later on. Your sister fell in love with me, and facing such a noble woman, how could I not be moved?    


I'm not interested in your Stellar Empire at all, but don't think about me either. My woman will never allow me to have any bad thoughts."    


Sun Yunli said with a smile," Of course I understand what brother-in-law said, and I have never thought about getting anything from him. I am different from those stupid people.    


I know that as long as you can stand tall, everyone will have concerns when dealing with me. After all, they have to consider how you will feel and what you will do.    


Speaking of which, brother-in-law might not know. I have never admired Royal Father's way of doing things. Back then, he was afraid of being beaten up, so he wanted to take everything into his hands. Even the Eighth Imperial Uncle had a lot of doubts in his heart.    


If he was able to hand over all the military affairs of the empire to Eighth Uncle after the defeat at Long Ling, and then let us brothers and sisters unite, it would be a different situation.    


Sister and Royal Father have been talking for a long time. I believe that Sister's heart has already died. I know Royal Father very well. It is already very painful for him to take out the Divine Arms Battalion.    


Sister will definitely ask for an exorbitant price to test Royal Father. Royal Father will definitely refuse it decisively, causing my elder sister to feel disheartened. She feels that all these years of hard work is really foolish.    


But this is also a good thing. At least sister can at least let go of some of the burdens in her heart and happily live with you. With her ability, she will be more than enough to take care of the Ming City."    


Zhao Yiming chuckled and bought a complete psychology book from the shopping mall. He casually threw it to him and said, "You are really a genius in psychology. This book is for you. If you can completely understand it, the world will be yours.    


Now it's time to stand on the team, but I have a lot of trifles. If you can stand in jail after I finish dealing with everything, then I'll publicly support you. "    


Sun Yunli's eyes lit up, but he hesitated and said," Then what about your fourth brother? After all, Huainan is one of your foundations. Don't tell me brother-in-law doesn't want to be cunning? "    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said proudly, "Do you think that with my current strength, there is a need for a crafty rabbit to have three holes in this Divine Martial Continent?    


I'm right here, who dares to do anything to me? If anyone has any objections or says that they are not convinced, then I will just beat them up and convince them.    


Besides, I can openly support you, and at the same time, I can also openly support Huainan. I like to support two people who can only support one power. Does anyone have any objections?"    


Sun Yunli was about to continue speaking when a young eunuch quickly walked over and said," His Majesty has decreed that Third Prince and Young Master Zhao should go over. "    


When the two of them returned to the Imperial Reading Room, Sun Xiuli and her daughter looked very calm. However, the atmosphere between them was very awkward, like a passerby.    


Sun Xiuli lightly coughed and said, "I have already explained it to Royal Father just now. This time, I will return to Ming City with you. In the future, the Empire's matters will be left to Third Brother."    


Zhao Yiming immediately laughed and said, "Thank you for your help, Your Majesty. I am willing to use the Scarlet Blood Jungle as a betrothal gift and request Your Majesty to marry Grand Princess."    


Sun Xiong said with a smile, "I only have one daughter. You have to take good care of her. I have decided to gather all the Divine Arms Battalion in the army to form a Divine Arms Army. And this army is my daughter's dowry. "    


This was the result of the negotiations between the father and daughter. Sun Xiuli handed over the tiger-shaped tally of the Flying Tiger Legion in a disheartened manner. Sun Xiong also felt very embarrassed, and in the end, he decided to give all of the Divine Arms Battalion to his daughter.    


He continued, "Regarding your plan to exchange the Land of Long Ridge for the One Line Sky, I have also agreed. Tomorrow morning, the morning court will officially announce it, and then send people to take over the Land of Long Ridge."    


Zhao Yiming took out a letter from his pocket with a smile and handed it to Third Prince, saying, "This is the authorization transfer letter. You guys should be able to take over that piece of land with this."    


Sun Yunli bowed to Sun Xiuli and said, "Thank you for taking care of me all these years. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been able to reach this stage today. In the future, if you have any orders from me, I will not hesitate to go through fire and water."    


Sun Xiuli also sighed and said, "After all, you and I were born by a mother. I can rest assured that the empire will be handed over to you. I hope you don't disappoint me and mother."    


After she finished speaking, she bowed to Sun Xiong and quickly left this sad place with Zhao Yiming. They wanted to start a new chapter.    


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