Super Asura System

C611 Who Do You Think You Are

C611 Who Do You Think You Are

After Zhao Yiming and Liu Bing had reached an agreement, he walked towards the direction of Bamboo Peak with a smile on his face. However, he didn't walk very far before he stopped in front of a beautiful figure standing in front of him.    


Mo Menglan had a pair of charming eyes. She smiled and said, "Young Master is really in a good mood. Why don't you accompany Meng Lan to admire the moonlight?"    


Zhao Yiming chuckled and said, "I am a famous herb with an owner. Fairy, this is not good! I think Senior Brother Peng is more suitable to accompany Fairy to watch the moon."    


When she thought of Peng Chong, Mo Menglan inexplicably smiled. She believed that as long as she said it, that scoundrel would definitely run over.    


But then she said seriously, "Does Young Master hate me so much? He won't even accompany me to see the moon for a while."    


Zhao Yiming smiled leisurely and said, "Accompanying a beauty to admire the moon is naturally a good thing, but if the moon is not rewarded well, then it's better not to accompany.    


We are a lone man and a woman living together in the mountains. Fairy, you are not afraid that I will do something that is worse than a beast. Moreover, even if I don't do anything, if this gets out, it will damage your reputation. "    


Mo Menglan covered her mouth and said with a smile, "I don't care about a daughter's family. Young Master is such a big man, what is there to be afraid of?"    


Zhao Yiming said straightforwardly, "Of course it is because I am afraid of my wife. As the saying goes, three people become a tiger, and the saying goes, the gold cannot be used to describe a tiger. If my wives knew about this, they would skin me alive. "    


Mo Menglan smiled and said, "Don't all men care about their face? Why would young master tell them what he is afraid of? Isn't he afraid of losing face?"    


Zhao Yiming casually shrugged his shoulders and said, "I choose to like it. I will be proud of it if I am afraid of it."    


Mo Menglan saw that this kid was stubborn and said bluntly, "The entire Divine Martial Continent is about to welcome chaos. I don't know who young master thinks can end this chaotic world."    


Zhao Yiming touched his head and said, "That depends on the extent of your so-called ending. If the three empires were to remain standing, any one of them would be enough.    


If you want to establish a unified country and suppress the various sects and families, you will need a powerful man. Not only does this man need to have a wrist, but he also needs to be bloody."    


Mo Menglan shook her head and said," I agree with the first half of young master's words, but I don't agree with the second half. Our Heavenly Dao Alliance thinks that the few Prince from Falling Moon Empire are more suitable for this throne.    


Among them, the one I think the most is King Huainan. He has been ruling the Huainan for so long, it can be said that he is kind and benevolent. The Heavenly Dao should also stand on his side.    


I know that young master is shifting his focus now. It seems like he is placing the bet on Third Prince and Sun Yunli from Stellar Empire. I feel that this isn't appropriate. Young master should advise Sun Yunli to let go of the bet. "    


Zhao Yiming snorted from his nose and said," What you said is quite interesting. Why do you think that whoever is good is good? Who do you think you are?    


Do you think that everyone calls you a fairy? Are you really a fairy? You are called Heavenly Dao Alliance, and you dare to say that you represent the Heavenly Dao. If I go back and change the name of Ming Cult to Divine Palace, I will become a Divine Immortal.    


I think you guys are sick. If you have the ability, then let's be frank and fight each other. If you don't have the ability, then find someone to marry and go home to teach your son.    


Why should I make others submit to me? Why should I hand over my territory to you? Why should you decide the fate of others? This is the biggest joke in the world."    


When he asked this question, Mo Menglan was speechless for a moment. Finally, she muttered," This is the choice of the Heavenly Dao. The Huainan King is the best candidate. No one can go against it. "    


Zhao Yiming said disdainfully, "How can I not see it? If there is a Heavenly Dao like you, it would be an unfair Heavenly Dao. I might as well believe in the Human Dao. Our Human Clan's own Dao, what can you do to me?    


In the future, this will be the case. Don't talk nonsense to me anymore. If everyone wants to talk about romance, we can still have a chat when my wife is present.    


If you don't want to be friends, then pull out the sword on your back. We'll see what happens. However, I don't have the habit of staying behind with women. Don't blame me for perishing. "    


" You really don't know how to be flirtatious. How can you say such things to such a beautiful woman? I really don't know how you got your seven wives. "    


Peng Chong walked out of the bamboo forest with a smile on his face. This kid always had a careless look on his face. At this time, he was still yawning.    


Zhao Yiming smiled casually and said, "The person who accompanied you to watch the moon has come. I will take my leave."    


He took two steps and suddenly turned to Peng Chong and said, "I will tell you a shortcut to chase a girl. That is to give her aphrodisiac. It is a good idea to have sex with her for a long time."    


Mo Menglan's face was red. At this time, she saw Peng Chong acting like he was deep in thought and seemed to be thinking about how to implement it. She immediately felt furious.    


She stomped her foot and shouted in a lovely voice, "You bastard, you are not allowed to think about these messy things. If you want to chase after them, just do it properly."    


After she finished speaking, she also knew that she had said something wrong. Her face immediately turned red. She used the bodily movement to leap and disappeared, leaving Peng Chong there laughing foolishly.    


After that, he said loudly, "Don't worry. I will definitely catch you in my life. If anyone other than me dares to touch you, I will break his dog paws."    


Mo Menglan flew while spitting. However, there was still a trace of sweetness in her heart. No one had ever said such words to her before, and now it sounded like she liked it very much.    


If it was not for the fact that men were not bad and women did not love them, women's mentality would be very strange. There were many high and mighty goddesses who ultimately chose to have an ugly lover, thinking that the other party was thick-skinned enough.    


What did it mean to be honest to the point where the stone is opened? To put it bluntly, it was a shameless act. As long as the difference between the two wasn't too great, if the man was shameless enough, he would basically be able to grind the woman into his hands.    


And no matter from which angle, Peng Chong could also be considered a young man with a handsome face. If the two really fought with all their might, Mo Menglan might not be able to beat him.    


She still remembered that when her cousin Mo Lingfeng and him evaluated all the young experts in the world, the four people he mentioned were the ones with the greatest potential, Zhao Yiming, and Ying Wenlong with the strongest combat strength.    


Jian Chenzi could become his lifelong opponent and fight him on the Sword Path. But the strangest and most unpredictable one was Peng Chong. He also didn't know how strong his opponent was. In any case, he felt that as long as his opponent was willing to, it wouldn't be difficult for him to step into the Sovereign Stage.    


That was why Mo Menglan had a trace of curiosity towards Peng Chong at that time. When a woman was curious about a man, it was usually the beginning of her fall. Fairy was no exception.    


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