Super Asura System

C614 It Really Is My Good Fourth Brother

C614 It Really Is My Good Fourth Brother

Zhao Yiming smiled and gestured for the little girl to eat as much as she wanted. If it wasn't enough, she could eat again. After all, the little girl was a child. She threw away her cheeks and started eating.    


At this time, Sun Yun seemed very cautious. He asked carefully, "May I know what Young Master wants to ask?"    


Zhao Yiming casually said, "The book I heard from you was very interesting, but it was different from the rumors I heard in the past. So I want to ask, where did you hear this story from?"    


Sun Xiaoqing swallowed the meatball in her mouth and said very casually, "This is the teaching book issued by the officials. We are just following the teaching book. Not to mention my grandfather, even I can carry a few pieces now."    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said, "You little girl, you are a big person. Which part are you best at? Tell me."    


Children were most afraid of others looking down on them. Sun Xiaoqing immediately raised her head and said, "Then I will tell you a part. King Huainan subdued Monk, and the post-house talked about the world's policy."    


Zhao Yiming frowned slightly, but said with a smile, "I am not interested in this part. Do you know anything else? If you do, I will buy you ten taels of Gold Banknotes to eat."    


Sun Xiaoqing was obviously very interested in these ten taels of Gold Banknotes. If she bought all of them to eat for a few years, it would be enough for an ordinary family to live for a month.    


Her two braids that shot up to the sky curled up, and she immediately said with a smile, "Then I'll tell you another part. King Huainan, an extraordinary person in the world, created an unprecedented imperial examination system. He's really comparable to an ancient saint."    


After she finished speaking, she began to talk endlessly. In this story, King Huainan was told by the Scholarly Sage in a dream that the Scholarly Sage had told him that the Scholarly Sage was now in ruins. She told him to think of a way to continue the legacy of the Scholarly Sage.    


King Huainan tried his best to think for seven days and seven nights under an ancient tree. Finally, he came up with an unprecedented imperial examination system. In the end, he created a blessing for all of Humble Class.    


Zhao Yiming nodded slightly and said, "This means that King Huainan is the reincarnation of the Sage, and the people around him must be on the Skyfall Star. I wonder who they are?"    


Sun Yun seemed to have thought of something, and his legs began to tremble.    


Sun Xiaoqing had just obtained ten Gold Banknotes, and she was extremely excited in her heart. She immediately said, "King Huainan, there are many powerful people around him, like the old Divine Immortal Daoist Priest Qingfeng.    


The resourceful Mr. Zhou Qing, Mr. Wang Jixiang, the commander of the three legions, and all the experts he recruited, but the four guards beside him were all extraordinary figures.    


Furthermore, the few wives of King Huainan are all virtuous and virtuous. The three sisters of Lu family are the princesses of our native land. These three sisters are all considerate and have done a lot for the people of Huainan.    


The other princess, Zhong Rulin, was from the Devil Sect, but she had never been tainted by the dirt and dirt. She was definitely a good princess. With these kind internal help, King Huainan had become the number one Saint Ruler.    


There was also the Jade Spring College, the chief Zhou Lin, and the deputy chief Tang Xiangfeng. All of them were talented people, but they were willing to teach and nurture others. They were like peach blossoms that filled the world.    


In addition, King Huainan had also established the Association of Thieves and the Union of Assassins. For the first time, he had let the low ranking thieves and assassins not see the light of day. His fair identity was also highly respected by them.    


Next was the prince and the Chan Lin Temple. They had a good relationship with the various holy monks of the Chan Lin Temple. They studied the Buddhist Dharma together and used the Buddha Light to illuminate the entire Huainan, causing everyone to have a good heart and perform a song and dance in peace."    


Zhao Yiming said with a smile," This is also what you have said in the book! Otherwise, how could a little girl like you know so much? However, I heard that the Huainan has today, and his third brother Zhao Yiming's contributions can't be ignored. Why didn't I hear you mention it?"    


Sun Xiaoqing blinked and said, "But I didn't mention this person in the teachings. Then I don't know. But I think since King Huainan didn't mention it, then his role must be very small. There's no need to mention it."    


Sun Yun suddenly raised his hand to slap Sun Xiaoqing and said, "What nonsense are you spouting here, little girl? Can't even rice stop your mouth? Get out if you don't want to eat."    


Sun Xiaoqing felt especially aggrieved. She did not know where she was at all. Her grandfather had always doted on her, so why did he hit her this time?    


Zhao Yiming smiled and said, "What is the old man doing? This little girl did not say anything wrong. What do you mean by hitting her? Is it hitting my face?"    


Sun Yun fell to his knees with a thump and said with a trembling voice, "My guess is right. You should be Prince Zhao Yiming! I know that many things in the teachings are wrong. Many of them are your credit.    


But we storytellers only want to ask for food. We don't dare to disobey the teachings. You are magnanimous. If you want to kill me, just kill me. Don't make things difficult for my granddaughter. "    


Zhao Yiming casually waved his hand and a strong force helped him up. Then, he smiled and said," I can see that you love little girls. So, even if it is the teaching book, you should let her have a good side to her.    


Looking at your reaction just now, I'm afraid that my fourth brother's propaganda of me is not that simple! Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you, but you have to tell me clearly what kind of person I am in the lesson book. "    


Sun Yunsheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "That old man dared to say so. Prince Zhao also contributed to the teaching book, but this credit is all built on blood.    


According to the teaching book, Dharmaraja was a cruel and merciless man who killed people without hesitation. He regarded human lives as dirt, and he was moody. He could kill people at any time.    


Moreover, His Royal Highness was extremely addicted to women. Although he didn't care about fat and vulgar fans, he wanted to take all the top women into his hands.    


In order to satisfy his selfish desires, the prince relied on his powerful cultivation to break into the Rising Sun Empire and snatch Fifth Prince's princess as his woman.    


Furthermore, his Royal Highness had no bottom line at all for the sake of women. In order to gain the favor of the Stellar Empire's Grand Princess, he did not hesitate to hand over the Mechanism Apparatus, which was of great strategic value, to them.    


Furthermore, after obtaining the Land of Long Ridge, he did not intend to serve the country. Instead, he offered that place to the Stellar Empire for free in exchange for Grand Princess's body."    


Zhao Yiming said with a cold smile," Then in the teaching book, the Feng City's defense war definitely has nothing to do with me. Those Mechanism Apparatus have nothing to do with me anymore. "    


Sun Xiaoqing said in surprise, "Of course. Those mechanisms were successfully researched by Government House under King Huainan's guidance. What has that got to do with you?"    


Zhao Yiming smiled and nodded, "You are indeed my good fourth brother."    


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