Super Asura System

C618 Please Take Care Your Highness

C618 Please Take Care Your Highness

Zhao Yiming's words made Chen Peng's face turn green, but he had no way to refute it. The other party's identity as a prince was personally conferred by the Emperor. There was no way he could falsify it.    


Zhao Yiming said coldly, "It seems like you also want to offend your superiors. According to the law of Falling Moon Empire, those who offend your superiors can be punished. Do you think I won't dare to kill you?"    


Du Bin and Qian Zheng knew that things were not good. Losing a general and losing a thousand soldiers could be concealed, but if the commander was killed by someone else, it would be a heinous crime.    


The two of them quickly ran over. Du Bin advised Chen Peng, "Marshal, why are you here? There are still many things to deal with in this military camp. Leave this small matter to me."    


Qian Zheng mustered up his courage and said, "Prince Zhao, don't go too far. Marshal Chen is also a general. You can't kill him as you wish. Besides, you are just an undeserved king. You don't have that much power."    


Chen Peng and Du Bin cursed at the same time, "That damn idiot. He still wants to use his power to pressure others at this time. Isn't this courting death? Putting aside the identity of the prince, he was a Grand Master Stage expert. He can kill anyone he wants."    


Zhao Yiming said with a sneer," Who do you think you are? How dare you speak to me like that? Then I will kill this general today. Let's see what you can do. "    


"Please calm down, Your Royal Highness. I will give you a satisfactory explanation for this matter next time. There is no need to be angry with such a vile person."    


A thin person walked out from the city gate. He was dressed in brocade clothing, which was the symbol of the Embroidered Uniform Embroidered Uniform Embroidered Uniform Embroidered Uniform Embroidered Uniform Embroidered Uniform Embroidered Uniform Embroidered Uniform Guard.    


He said very respectfully, "I am the Commander of the Embroidered Uniform Guard, Wang Xiao Han, who greets Your Highness. I have already known about this matter. This responsibility is not on Your Highness nor General Chen.    


Wang Shao Ming was completely courting death, and it was only right that these 1000 people follow your highness. General Chen did not know the reason, so he had a conflict.    


And the mastermind behind all of this is this damn army. If it was not for him adding fuel to the fire behind the scenes, Wang Shao Ming would not have dared to do anything. I will give Your Highness an explanation right now."    


As he spoke, he pulled out the saber of a soldier beside him with lightning speed. Then, he swept the saber and chopped off one of Qian Zheng's heads.    


Qian Zheng still had an expression of disbelief on his face. He was sent by Eunuch Sun to join the army. He didn't expect that the Embroidered Uniform Guard would dare to lay their hands on him.    


Wang Xiao Han laughed and said, "I don't know if the Royal Highness is satisfied with this. After all, General Chen offended the Royal Highness just now. How about we let him take out a thousand men team and compensate the Royal Highness?"    


Zhao Yiming waved his hand and said, "There is no need for the thousand men team. I will give you face today and let this matter go. It seems that my fourth brother is more brilliant than I thought. At least this Embroidered Uniform Guard is better than I thought."    


Wang Xiao Han laughed and said, "We are not clear about Epistatic's matter, but in our hearts. His Royal Highness is a great strategist, and there are many things that he may not be able to control. Since the matter has been resolved, this subordinate does not dare to delay His Highness's journey. Your Royal Highness, please take care."    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said, "I admire you very much. If one day your mighty and ambitious His Highness is defeated, you can come to Ming City to find me.    


You can pass a message to King Huainan on my behalf, saying that the brotherhood has been broken, and that we will rely on our own methods in the future. However, there are some bottom lines that cannot be broken, and some people cannot be touched. He should understand what I mean. "    


Wang Xiao Han nodded respectfully and said, "I will definitely report your highness's words truthfully, but whether the higher-ups will report it to you or not is not something that I can know. Please take care, prince."    


He had said that his highness would take care of him twice, which also meant that he and Zhao Yiming were definitely not the same person. They would definitely not be together in the future, and it was better for them to walk separately on the road.    


Zhao Yiming did not say anything else. Although he admired the other party, he had many capable people under his command. It was not a big deal to have one more or one less.    


They quickly left the place. Please leave the remaining people behind and watch their backs from afar.    


Wang Xiao Han said with a cold expression, "This time, you have lost a great general and a thousand men team. This matter will be remembered by this damn fatty, but you have to be smart in the future.    


Du Bin will let you go this time because Mr. Du and I are comrades. You can't afford to offend anyone. My life is always so good. "    


After saying that, he glanced at Wang Yunkun who was walking towards the city and said, "In the future, no one can offend this person. No one can save you if you offend him. Zhao Yiming isn't the only one behind him. There is also a force that you can't afford to offend. "    


After he finished speaking, he did not understand the conversation between these two fellows at all. Instead, he flew into the forest next to them and had to report back as soon as possible.    


Chen Peng looked at Du Bin angrily and said, "If you and I hadn't been comrades for so many years, I would have killed you right now. Wang Shao Ming is also a tough general. Do you know how much we lost this time? Go back and get a hundred cudgels. "    


Du Bin looked at Chen Peng who was walking away. His eyes were gloomy. Chen Peng really didn't give him any face. He really thought that the commander was something special. Maybe he should talk to his second uncle.    


He walked a few steps forward and arrived in front of Qian Zheng's head. He looked at the other party and said, "What a useless thing."    


As he spoke, he raised his foot and stepped on the man's head. The man's head was crushed like a watermelon. His brain splattered, but he walked away without a care.    


Zhao Yiming and his men walked for more than 200 miles and arrived at a fork in the road. He thought for a while and said, "Brother Guo, please lead this team for me and return to Ming City from the other side.    


I will go home and make some preparations. After that, I will go to Fallen City. After all, I can't let my wife stay in my mother's home all the time. It's better to bring her back."    


Guo Baochang nodded and said, "Then you are also a dragon's pond and tiger's den. You have to be careful yourself. Don't worry about these people. I will bring them back for you."    


Before they spoke, they had already parted ways. After Zhao Yiming sent them off with his eyes, he headed towards Banyan City alone. This time, there were no obstacles, and he arrived here very quickly.    


No matter how the weather changed outside, this place was still the same. The people were still scheming about their own lives, and everyone was living happily.    


He felt the peace here, and his mind was very calm. Sometimes, he thought about how he would look like if he hadn't been killed on the night of his family's destruction.    


He might be Chief now, but he definitely wouldn't have such a high position.    


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