Super Asura System

C765 Business Negotiations Two

C765 Business Negotiations Two

When Feng Xiaoye was in the car, he had already told Hua Juan about his bottom line and the things he needed to get. As for the rest, he would let her do whatever she wanted.    


This old man had always been self-aware. He knew what he should do and what should be done by others. After all, it was very easy to have problems interrupting in an unprofessional field.    


There were many things that could not be done well in this field. When it came to other fields, it could be done the same. What was called being separated by mountains? This was the logic.    


Only in another time and space, especially in China. That is why there is the so-called crossing of profession and technology management. Fortunately, there is only the Human Clan there. Otherwise, there would definitely be crossing races, and pig would be the one to guide the four crossing of elites.    


Lai Letian immediately arranged for his subordinates to bring Feng Xiaoye to the Courtyard. Then, he invited Hua Juan to his office. There were a lot of things that he needed to discuss with her face to face.    


After the two of them sat down in the office, he smiled and said, "I really didn't expect that the business representative of Sea Clan would be a graceful and noble woman."    


Hua Juan also said with a smile, "Chairman Lai is too polite. I am also a noble woman. I am just a woman with some talent. Chairman Lai is the one who can be called a dragon among men."    


Lai Letian casually waved his hand and said, "Miss Hua is praising me too much. In the past, I was just an impoverished scholar. Later, it was fortunate that the Bishop thought highly of me and took me in.    


The Seventh Madam has graced me with her knowledge and has always let me study in Myriad Treasures Pavilion. Fortunately, I have some talent in this field and did not disappoint the Bishop and Madam in the end. "    


Hua Juan lightly shook her head and said, "A thousand mile horse is very common, but Bo Le is not. Chairman Lai, this thousand mile horse, was able to meet his own Bo Le. This is truly a great blessing.    


Next, let's talk about proper business. We can plan 13 sailing routes for your distinguished meeting and head to the 13 big islands of our Sea Clan. You guys build a shop there and you will receive our protection."    


Lai Letian knocked on the table with his hand and said, "These 13 sailing routes are too little. I hope to be able to travel with the Sea Clan in all aspects and build our shops on any island."    


Hua Juan shook her head and said, "This is a very unrealistic thing. The chairman might not know about it. Besides Sea Emperor, there are also six Sea Kings in Sea Clan. They all have high autonomy.    


I can't make any promises on their behalf. These 13 sailing routes are all directly under Sea Emperor's control. Only here can I ensure the safety of your shops and the fleet. "    


Lai Letian hesitated for a moment and said, "Then these 13 sailing routes are not enough. I believe that Sea Emperor's direct territory should not be so big. I hope there are at least 30 or more sailing routes."    


Hua Juan smiled and said, "We will put the problem of the sailing route aside for now. First, tell me what you want to sell. After all, only when the value is high enough can I move others."    


Lai Letian smiled and said, "We control the entire Fire Desert. Although this place is not comparable to the vast ocean, the resources are also quite abundant, but there are many things to be traded.    


Moreover, with the completion of the four rings, some of the Kunlun Mountains have already been taken into our territory. The five rings that are being built will merge one-third of the Kunlun Mountains into our city.    


At most 50 years later, we will be able to complete the construction of the Seventh Ring. At that time, the entire Kunlun Mountains will be our inner mountain. The resources here are incomparably abundant, and it can be compared to your vast ocean.    


In addition, we have a few very stable trading partners, namely Sky Mountain, Stellar Empire, Falling Moon Empire's King Of Shan Yue and King Carefree's territory.    


Because of our special relationship with them, the Myriad Treasures Pavilion has been completely eradicated by them. That place is completely under the control of my Ming City Chamber Of Commerce, so naturally, we can sell their goods on their behalf.    


I think that after combining all these things together, the value that we can bring should be much higher than the other places. According to the Myriad Treasures Pavilion's strategy, they won't be able to move into the ocean."    


After Hua Juan heard his words, she could not help but suck in a breath of cold air in her heart. She did not expect the opponent to be so powerful. The items that they took out were indeed very valuable.    


She then smiled and said, "But I feel that these are not enough. It is not enough for me to move Sea Emperor and the other Sea Kings, but these are indeed worth 30 sailing routes. I can promise you that.    


If you want to continue to increase the sailing route, you need to take out some material things, such as refined armor and sharp weapons."    


Obviously, Lai Letian was prepared in advance. He said with a smile, "Refined armor is a prohibited item. It is impossible to sell it to you in large quantities. But if someone brings it privately, I can also turn a blind eye to a small number of it.    


But I have another thing. I got a type of rattan armor in Mountain Crossing. The process of making this type of armor is very complicated, but its defensive power is definitely not below the refined armor.    


However, it has a very fatal flaw, which is that it is especially afraid of fire. But if you use it in the sea, there will be no problem at all. I don't believe that anyone can set fire in the water.    


It is precisely because of this weakness that you can't use this armor in the war against the Human Clan. Because of this, he isn't considered a prohibited item. I can provide it to you in large quantities."    


The rattan armor was simply a useless item. It was a substitute created by the Barbarian Clan in Mountain Crossing.    


After the Ming City Chamber Of Commerce cooperated with King Of Shan Yue and used money and food to open up a path, they completely took down the Barbarian Clan of the Mountain Crossing. This thing was abandoned.    


At that time, he had adhered to the principle of support. A set of rattan armor was exchanged for a bag of rice. He had exchanged it for over a million sets of rice. He had never thought that it would be of use to him at this time.    


Originally, he was just casually firing a cannon. He had never thought that the other party would be able to buy it. After all, he couldn't use it in a war with the Human Clan. What was the use of buying it?    


However, he did not expect that the cannon fire would be the right one. There were rebels in the Sea Clan. These rebels were fighting with the regular army of the Sea Clan. Both sides were fighting in the water, so naturally, there were no shortcomings.    


Hua Juan hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "There is a black area over there where the rebels are gathered. I can help you communicate with Sea Emperor, since he has always been the enemy. I will open up ten routes for you there, but I want one million sets of rattan armor. "    


Lai Letian's eyes lit up. As long as it could cause internal strife in the Sea Clan... He immediately smiled and said, "Of course, that's not a problem. I'll pay you one million sets of rattan armour first. They will be transported along with the first batch of ships. In the future, I will support you guys one by one. "    


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