Super Asura System

C764 Business Negotiation One

C764 Business Negotiation One

After the tune of the whole thing was set, both parties began to prepare for the crack between this team, leaving only the hilt to meet on the road.    


However, there were still many things that needed to be done. Business negotiations were one of them. Feng Xiaoye knew very well that if he didn't bring enough benefits back after the death of Six Prince, he wouldn't be able to escape death either.    


This time, the business venture, especially the matter of buying the Mechanism Apparatus, was an absolute bargaining chip in his eyes. It was the best way to offset the Sea Emperor's anger.    


So he attached great importance to this business negotiation. In any case, he had already fallen out with Sixth Prince. He might as well exclude him from the discussion, leaving only himself with the Sea Clan's business assistant. Hua Juan from the Clam Clan went to the Second Ring to participate in this business negotiation.    


Hua Juan said on the way, "Lord Feng, this matter is of great importance. We will exclude Six Prince just like that. I'm afraid there is something wrong with it! Six Prince's performance in the Sea Clan was very strong. What if he bears a grudge against us when he returns?    


You Turtle Clan are very powerful, and all of you are in high positions. However, most of our Clam Clan are weak girls. We can't bear his anger."    


Feng Xiaoye said with a casual smile," You don't have to worry about this matter. I will take responsibility for whatever it is. Although I am old, I won't let you girls take the blame.    


As you said just now, this negotiation is of great importance. Last time, when I paid my respects to Zhao Yiming, you weren't here. Sixth Prince acted very inappropriately. I'm afraid that if he comes this time, this matter will be ruined.    


Besides, what kind of good thing is he? He already has two beautiful wives and concubines by his side. Didn't he also have the same idea about you? Do you think that I don't know about this matter when he forcefully climbed onto your bed a few days ago? "    


Hua Juan said with a flushed face," I have no other choice. How could I dare to offend Six Prince? After all, I still have the entire Clam Clan behind me. I can only endure the humiliation. "    


Feng Xiaoye sighed and said," How could I not understand your situation? In fact, other than the royal family, which clan is in a better situation?    


Especially this time when Sea Emperor went on stage. He actually changed his name to the first generation Sea Emperor's name. His ambition is obvious. Now, we have conquered the entire ocean. Yet, he still wants to develop further inland. This was simply wishful thinking.    


Let alone the entire Human Clan, even the Rising Sun Empire has been fighting for so many years, and so what? Apart from losing soldiers and generals, there is no other result.    


However, the losses of the royal family are not great. Whenever a war breaks out, the casualties will not be from our other clans. In the eyes of our Turtle clan alone, how many experts have fallen?"    


Hua Juan said with tears in her eyes," Lord Feng is right. My father died in the battlefield when I was young. All these years, whenever I think about it, my heart will be filled with misery!    


However, I heard that at the bottom of the hierarchy, there are already people who have stood up to resist Sea Emperor. Although they are all weak clans, there are a lot of them. I'm afraid that a single spark will set the world on fire. "    


Feng Xiaoye made a gesture of silence and suddenly hugged her in his arms. He opened his mouth and whispered into her ear. It seemed like he wanted to take advantage of her, but in reality, he was talking to her in a low voice.    


His voice was as soft as a mosquito's. "The world has been set on fire. I know that there are many medium-sized races that are secretly supporting them. Maybe we can give it a try. During this negotiation, you must clear the route well.    


When we return to report in the end, some of the routes can be saved. When the time comes, we can digest the goods ourselves. Maybe they can appear where they should appear.    


Also, through these two contacts, I found that the overseas alliance seems to be restless. You don't have to pretend to be me here. I know you are in contact with them.    


You can secretly notify them and make contact with the overseas alliance in private. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Sea Emperor treats them like dogs, but they might not be willing to do so!"    


After saying that, he spread his hands and sat up straight again. As an old man who had lived for thousands of years, how could he be fooled by Zhuang Yang and the others so easily?    


The other party proposed to play tricks on him, so how could he not push the boat along with the current? Sea Emperor and Poseidon had always been fighting with all their might, but every time they died, it was other races. Everyone had family, so why should they work for you?    


In fact, the entire Sea Clan was like an undersea volcano that could erupt at any time. Now that the fire had been ignited, everyone was working together to add fuel to the fire.    


To the various races of Sea Clan, being able to lead the entire ocean was already quite satisfying. Not everyone was willing to go ashore. Could it be a seafood dish?    


Moreover, the Human Clan was very powerful. Just like what he had said, they had fought with the Rising Sun Empire for so many years, and it was difficult to determine the victor between them.    


The Human Clan was also filled with geniuses, just like the Battle of Red Sun City this time. It was only Zhao Yiming who had interfered in the battle that had caused the two armies to lose. More than a hundred million soldiers were on the verge of success, and even Prince was beaten to death by the enemy. Don't you think it's funny?    


Moreover, the various races across the ocean had tasted enough sweetness from the transaction with the Human Clan. However, because of the war, most of these merchants were smuggled, so the price was very high.    


If both parties could have peace, then it would be extremely beneficial to the people of the various races. They wouldn't have to fight to the death, but they could also have a good life. Do you think everyone is stupid?!    


The mechanical car quickly entered the Second Ring. This time, the location of the negotiation was set at the headquarters of the Ming City Chamber of Commerce. Because Li Wenwen had something urgent at the moment, Lai Letian had full authority.    


He had already waited outside the door of the chamber of commerce. He personally went forward to open the door of the mechanical car. This made Feng Xiaoye feel flattered. One should know that in terms of status, the two of them were equal.    


Lai Letian said in a friendly manner, "Welcome Master Feng and Miss Hua to our Ming City Chamber of Commerce. Currently, our Chamber of Commerce is just a piece of cake. We are still lacking in many aspects. It is definitely a blessing to be able to open up the overseas market."    


Feng Xiaoye said with a smile, "Chairman Lai is too polite. This is a mutually beneficial thing for both of us. According to the Human Clan, it is a win-win situation."    


Lai Letian let the two of them enter the Chamber of Commerce. Then he said with a smile, "According to the rules of our company, the two of you will be our VIP customers. I have prepared two houses for you in the Second Ring. You two can go and take a look."    


Feng Xiaoye did not decline. Instead, he said with a smile, "Chairman Lai is really generous. I heard that every inch of land here is worth a lot of money. Then we will accept it. Professional matters, you professionals can discuss it. I will go and take a look now.    


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