Super Asura System

C768 It's Time to Attack

C768 It's Time to Attack

In another room, Ma Zhenglong was sitting with She Wa with a smile on his face. It was time for him to reap the fruits of his hard work.    


He said with a smile, "I have already arranged everything for Zhuang Yang. He has also agreed to fight with us. However, we need to find a suitable time to strike."    


She Wa's eyes were burning with anger. He said with a stern voice, "I can't stand this old thing anymore. He is too arrogant.    


I have secretly contacted the four guards. The four of them said that they will be neutral, but Michael and Owen have subtly told me that they are willing to fight.    


However, because of their realm, the four of them can't attack that old thing. So I plan to let them deal with the two guards of that old thing. "    


Ma Zhenglong immediately smiled and said," Of course this is the best. Regardless of whether they are personal or just killing two random soldiers, the most important thing is to drag them into the water. "    


In a flash, three days passed. Everyone gathered in the living room. Hua Juan had been staying in the Ming City Chamber of Commerce these few days. She and Lai Letian were like glue. Sometimes, mature women were more attractive.    


Feng Xiaoye nodded and said, "We have basically finished all the things that we have done in Ming City. Tomorrow, we will officially return to the Sea Clan. Hua Juan will stay in the Ming City Chamber of Commerce for the time being. When the time comes, she will return with the first fleet of the Ming City Chamber of Commerce.    


For the sake of her safety and at the same time, it will not weaken the imposing manner of the Sea Clan. I have decided to keep my guard, Xu Yizhi, as well as ten guards as her personal guards. "    


Xu Yizhi was also an expert of the Turtle Clan. He was at the sixth level of the Grand Master, and he was especially good at the Turtle Clan's Qi Gong. His abilities were not to be underestimated. The ten guards that she left behind this time were all from the Clam Clan.    


Feng Xiaoye continued, "In addition, I have decided to send another guard of mine, Li Zhongcheng, to the Stars Empire to gather information about the harbor there. Perhaps he will be our match in the future."    


Li Zhongcheng was also an expert of the Turtle Clan, and he was especially good at defense. He was known as the Iron Wall and the Iron Back. Although he was only at the sixth level of the Grand Master, he was still very difficult to deal with.    


Shava was delighted when he heard this, and he thought to himself, "This old turtle is really going to die. He actually sent out two of his guards."    


He didn't have any doubts about this arrangement. This was a very normal thing, because with the current line-up of the whole team, it really didn't matter if these two people were present or not.    


These two matters that Feng Xiaoye had arranged were indeed very important. If he did not send out his trusted subordinates, he would not be at ease.    


It should be said that with the current line-up, if they did not split internally, any external attacks would not necessarily be good for them.    


One should know that even after sending out those two men, they still had four supreme beings. Six Grand Master experts were enough to wipe out a medium-sized sect.    


Early the next morning, they departed from Ming City. Yan Cong and Li Tu personally came to see them off. They were extremely respectful to Feng Xiaoye, but to this Sixth Prince, they didn't even need to give him a perfunctory reply.    


The two of them even whispered, "Lord Feng is really generous. These things will be enough for us to spend some time in Drunken Red Restaurant.    


That Sixth Prince can't be a fake, right? Why does he look like a pauper who can't even get any benefits from him? He is truly an ignorant pauper."    


Shava was furious when he heard this, but his anger was aimed at Feng Xiaoye. In his opinion, those two were treacherous and petty people, and they were not worth his fuss.    


Moreover, he was right when he thought about it. He was under the name of Prince, so he shouldn't be unable to make a decision. He didn't even have the money to give gifts. No wonder he was looked down upon.    


Zhuang Yang and Ma Zhenglong had already met once again. Their original plan was to use their full strength and get rid of Feng Xiaoye this time.    


But now, the situation had changed. The Turtle Clan represented by Feng Xiaoye was one of the top clans in Sea Clan. The temptation of this meeting was too great.    


Therefore, the two of them decided to change their plan. In any case, it wasn't a big deal for them to kill this old turtle. Their target was Six Prince, and that was all they needed to achieve.    


In this strange atmosphere, half a month's time passed in a flash, because they had already left the Ming City.    


The route they took this time was very strange. They actually took a detour to the Bedlam Lands, passed through the Luoyue Empire, and finally passed the Rising Sun Empire, and entered the Barbarian Clan.    


Feng Xiaoye looked at the route and said, "Who planned this route? This will allow us to take a lot of detours. Furthermore, the Rising Sun Empire is our enemy country. The risk there is not small."    


She Wa snorted and said, "I made this route. We came to the inland. Why are we in such a hurry to go back? Of course we have to go around.    


What was so great about the Rising Sun Empire? As long as a sage expert didn't make a move, would they be able to keep us here? Master Feng, don't you think you are getting more and more alive? You are a turtle, not a mouse. "    


Feng Xiaoye's facial expression changed when he heard this. Then, he sneered and said," Sixth Prince really doesn't know his own limits. Could it be that he has forgotten the power of that sword strike? What right does a guy who almost pissed his pants have to judge someone here?"    


Zhuang Yang saw that the atmosphere was not right, so he quickly said with a smile, "Why do you two have to say that? It's so painful and infuriating. Why don't we take a step back by ourselves and not enter the Rising Sun Empire? Let's go to the Huainan of the Luoyue Empire and take a look.    


It was very famous in the continent. It was a famous state of freedom. It was said that it was Zhao Yiming's handiwork the earliest. However, both parties had already turned against each other.    


Perhaps we can see some traces of the past there. From that, we can infer Zhao Yiming's ability. Needless to say in terms of martial skills, he is indeed the best in other aspects."    


Ma Zhenglong also said with a smile," We are all in the same boat. Why are we so unhappy? It is better to say one less word each. Let's be harmonious and make money. "    


Shava stared at Feng Xiaoye and said, "I know you have the temporary decision-making power given by Royal Father, but I want to see more scenery now. You do not need to make a decision!"    


Feng Xiaoye snorted from his nose and said, "Since Six Prince likes to play so much, then we will play with you. When we go back, I will definitely report to Sea Emperor. When the time comes, don't be thought to be a fool playing around."    


She Wa clenched his fists. He knew the time had come, and it was time to make a move.    


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