Super Asura System

C780 Undercurrents Were Brewing

C780 Undercurrents Were Brewing

It should be said that this incident in Stellar Empire had brought about a very bad influence. It had caused many powerful people to become restless.    


In the imperial city of Falling Moon Empire, Liu Junxiong was playing chess with Liu Gonggong. He smiled and said, "I really didn't expect that kid to be so powerful. Who do you think this was?"    


Obviously, Liu Gonggong was very good at chess and did not have any intention of giving in. He was attacking with all his strength. He said with a smile, "Except for that God Is Wise And Resourceful, who else could have thought of such a bad move?    


He wanted to stir up the chaos in the world so that they could secretly benefit from it. Now that Stellar Empire was ahead of them, he had set an example for the other imperial families.    


Why can they confer the title of Marquis, but we can't? According to what Old Slave knows, the royal family of Falling Moon Empire has a lot of connections with sects and families.    


Currently, these internal members were all restless. Even the three Young Prince, who had been released, probably had a new idea. The status of the feudal kings was different from theirs.    


They are no longer the local emperors, but the true emperors without titles. The right of the feudal kings to preside over the prefecture is enough to give everyone a headache, but from this move alone, it can be seen.    


Old Slave felt that 99% of the news that came from the outside was true. That crown prince was in a difficult situation. Otherwise, he wouldn't have used such a method.    


This method was almost cut off. He was trying to seize the path of the world. He was trying to surround himself. Although the people outside couldn't get in, he definitely wouldn't be able to get out either. "    


Liu Junxiong suddenly made a backhanded move, looking for a chance to live. Then he said," I have underestimated him. He has pushed everyone to the edge of the storm.    


If we don't give the title of Marquis to each other, we will be the common target. When the time comes, we won't need the people outside to attack us. We will be the first to fall into chaos.    


If we follow his path, then the entire continent will return to the era of feudal vassals. At that time, everyone's strength will be about the same.    


The place he currently controlled could be said to be quite rich. Moreover, the main elites of the Stellar Empire were gathered there, so there was no problem that he couldn't fight his way out.    


He did this to make everyone have equal opportunities. Those supporters were at a loss for what to do. After all, every force had many different voices. Now that they had no choice, they had no choice but to suppress their voices and unify to support one side.    


However, if there were people with similar strength everywhere, why should I listen to you? I must support that side. Why can't I support the other side?    


Moreover, you have to understand that only by winning the battle with the faction that you personally support will you be able to earn enough benefits for yourself. I'm afraid that after splitting up the Marquisate Kings, the various factions will split up."    


Liu Gonggong hesitated for a moment and said," Your Majesty is indeed far-sighted. Since you already know their intention, we won't follow them. "    


Liu Junxiong suddenly smiled and said, "Why not? In fact, his plan this time is the most beneficial to us. We are already a mess. No one will listen to our orders.    


The entire Falling Moon Empire is rotten to the bone. In fact, they are all doing their own thing. It's just that we can't justify ourselves, so why can't we add fuel to the fire? Don't tell me I don't have the courage of a child?    


And I want to be more thorough than him. Besides the direct subordinates of the capital, I want all of my territory to be divided. Didn't he give eight kings? Then I'll give ten to him.    


And I will send out my sons, each of them becoming a Marquisate King. In the future, whoever can seize the throne will have to depend on their own abilities.    


Pass on my decree now. Our Falling Moon Empire will restore the ancestral system and be given the title of Marquis. Apart from the capital being the Imperial City, everyone else will be given the title of Marquis."    


The continent had only been quiet for two days, but this explosive news had already spread. After the Stellar Empire, the Falling Moon Empire had also begun to confer the title of Marquis.    


King Huainan, who was the earliest, was officially renamed as King Shan Nan. At the same time, the three provinces under his command were also given the title of King Shan Nan. The Barren State was taken out, along with Ruonan, who had been taken from King Carefree. He was officially bestowed to another member of the imperial family, Liu Qi, and was given the title of the King of the Barren Mountain.    


King Carefree was renamed the Distant Mountain King, and he had the remaining territory other than the Huainan. King Of Shan Yue's name didn't change, but he was also given a province of land. Together with another piece of land, he was given to another member of the royal family, Liu Zhizhong, and was given the title of Mountain Distant King.    


Liu Keyuan was given the title of King of Mountain Jing, which was located at the northernmost part of Falling Moon Empire. His younger brother, Liu Keqing, was given the title of King of Mountain Scene, which was located at the southernmost part of the empire.    


Liu Kehui was given the title of Mountain King, and his territory was located near the capital. His territory was just in time to surround the capital, and he was given the title of Mountain King, Prince Yao. This was somewhat biased.    


In addition, the oldest member of the royal family, Liu Minghua, had been given the title of Old Shan. His territory could be said to be the reincarnation of a thief, and it was definitely not a good place to go.    


Unexpectedly, the last person to be given the title was the empire's Grand Princess, a true disciple of the White Cloud Valley, Liu Dan. She was given the title of Mountain Pill King, and her territory was precisely where the White Cloud Valley was located.    


Originally, Duanmu Yun had already fought with Sect Master and Liang Yuqing of the Clouds Sect for his own benefits. The bed sheets had already rolled off, and he didn't even put Liu Dan in his eyes.    


Unexpectedly, there was a reversal in his mind at this moment. This girl had suddenly become the king who wielded great power. Duanmu Yun immediately changed the direction of his attention and welcomed his junior sister once again.    


After half a month of sweet talking and coaxing, he finally successfully stole her red pill and made her and Liang Yuqing imitate the female heroes of the Empress.    


It should be said that under such circumstances, Duanmu Yun's overall power had developed tremendously. His ambition had also been born. He wanted to be superior to everyone.    


In Falling Moon Empire and Stellar Empire, after all the marquises and kings had been divided, the Rising Sun Empire was in an awkward situation. The internal structure of the Rising Sun Empire had become very unstable, and all the imperial families had sent out signals of desire.    


Furthermore, they were facing another problem at the same time, which was if they didn't split up, the other two empires would be a huge threat to them. It was very likely that the other two empires would join hands and get rid of them.    


The Rising Sun Empire gritted their teeth and became even more ruthless. Not only did he confer the titles of Prince to the feudal lords, he had also made great contributions to the Rising Sun Empire and had been fighting against the Guan Family of the Sea Clan.    


The establishment of the Neo-confucianism was definitely because of the contributions of the Jin Jia, and the two families that had made great contributions to the Rising Sun Empire. At the same time, they were also conferred the title of Marquis Kings.    


This time, it was very lively. Their goal was clear. They didn't need the Imperial Family to be the ruler. As long as you had the strength, you could still be the ruler.    


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