Super Asura System

C788 The Sincerity of the Four Great Clans

C788 The Sincerity of the Four Great Clans

While Zhao Yiming and the others were gathering, Zhao Zhenlin also brought the Chang siblings to the front door of Nangong Mansion.    


Currently, Nangong Mansion's main door was wide open. This was the attitude of welcoming a distinguished guest. To any family, opening the main door was a very honorable thing.    


However, after seeing the bull cart, Nangong Jian felt like he was in a trance. In the past, he had heard that this kid's younger brother was always riding a donkey. He never thought that this guy would have such a unique taste.    


Zhao Zhenlin got off the bull cart and said with a smile, "This little brother greets senior disciple Nangong. I should have come to pay a visit to senior disciple Nangong, but now, senior disciple is treating me to a meal. I feel really ashamed!"    


Nangong Jian said with a bright smile, "Junior brother, what you said is wrong. In fact, I am just an outer disciple of Dragon Tiger Peak, but junior brother is the peak master of Bamboo Peak.    


My status is much higher than mine, and I should be the one to welcome you personally. It's good that junior brother doesn't blame me, but I should be the one to feel ashamed.    


Let me introduce junior brother. These are the other three families' Chief: Iron Horse Flying Eagle Dongfang Jun, Invincible Snake Whip, Ximen Rou, and Thousand Hands Maggie Bei Mingxue. "    


The three of them bowed at the same time. In the past, Chief from the four big families was a Grand Master Stage warrior, but standing in a row was quite scary.    


However, facing Zhao Zhenlin, who was a young Sovereign Stage warrior, they really didn't have any power at all. This was why there was no harm without comparison.    


Bei Mingxue said with a smile, "I don't think you should talk about your sect today. Today, it's our four families' turn to formally invite Chief from the Zhao Family."    


Zhao Zhenlin said with an indifferent expression, "That is my honor. Our Zhao Family is only the size of a sesame bean, the Small Family. How can it be compared to the four families?"    


Ximen Rou said in a feminine voice, "Chief Zhao's words are wrong. If your Zhao Family is the size of a sesame bean in the Small Family, then our four families are nothing.    


The strength of a family doesn't depend on the scale, but the amount of potential it has. To be more precise, the families in the world, including Four Hidden Families, I feel that no one can be compared to you.    


Two world-renowned young men had appeared in a family, and these two young men had limitless prospects. If nothing unexpected happened, the two of you would certainly be able to step into the sage realm.    


The two saints on the first floor of Hero Tower will become the top forces in the world in one go. At that time, the Zhao Family will have two saints, and no one in the world will dare to touch your tiger whiskers."    


Dongfang Jun shook his head and said," I think the words of the Ximen family are wrong. I'm afraid that there will be more than one sect with two saints in the Zhao Family, and there might even be an unprecedented family with two gods. That would be unparalleled. "    


Zhao Zhenlin said with a smile, "Then I will be indebted to the Lord of the Dongfang family. If that day really comes, I will owe you a favor. Your Dongfang family will have a chance to ask for our help!"    


Bei Mingxue glanced at the Chang siblings. Obviously, they had done their homework beforehand and knew the identity of the Chang siblings. At the same time, they knew that the Zhao Family siblings were protective of their own people.    


She immediately said with a smile, "These two must be the Chang siblings. In the past, we did not take good care of the Imperial Residence, but we did not expect that there would be a deduction of our salary.    


We are deeply sorry about this. The two villages next to your village are owned by my sister. I will compensate the two villages to you and connect them with your village. What do you think? "    


Chang Jingxiang was a free and easy girl. Of course, she could also be called heartless. She immediately smiled and said," That's great, but there are bullies in those two villages. I'm afraid we can't control them. "    


Ximen Rou said, "This matter is simple. I will send people to kill all those bullies in a while. In the future, if there are any disobedient ones, tell me. I will send them to meet the King of Hell."    


Nangong Jian said with a smile, "Let's not talk about such bad things today. We can just deal with those people tomorrow. Let's go in first."    


After everyone sat down, the Chang siblings sat behind Zhao Zhenlin. A sumptuous feast was soon served. These two siblings were big and strange.    


The others seemed very elegant. Bei Mingxue fully displayed the advantage of being a girl and constantly adjusted the atmosphere, making the banquet happy and harmonious.    


After three rounds of drinking, Dongfang Jun suddenly laughed and said, "It seems that we are all part of the aristocratic families. The aristocratic families in the world are all connected. We should help them."    


Zhao Zhenlin casually said, "What Dongfang Chief said is true. But our Zhao Family is just a small family. We are lacking in many aspects and can only barely stay in Banyan City."    


Nangong Jian immediately said with a smile, "Junior Brother Zhao is wrong. You also know that among the four aristocratic families, I have been given the title of Marquis by His Majesty. It's just that we have been separated.    


If junior brother doesn't mind, I'm willing to give you a big city in my fiefdom. Your Zhao Family can totally move there, and you can decide what you want to do there in the future. "    


Zhao Zhenlin gently shook his head and said, "Thank you for your good intentions, Senior Brother. But as the saying goes, it's hard to leave our homeland. After all, that place is our root, so there's no need to migrate there.    


However, I think that it's right for the major families to help us. After all, with the development of the overall situation, the final situation might still be possible.    


Including our Zhao Family. Although I'm Chief, there are many things that I need to discuss with my brother. Besides, he has already made his decision to support three people.    


We must advance and retreat together. If the person you support can display sufficient talent, he might be able to replace one of them.    


As for the final step, no one can say for sure. Actually, we don't have to rule the world by ourselves. When the time comes, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing for us to become a subordinate of a dragon."    


Ximen thought for a moment and said," Although what Chief Zhao said is very reasonable, we don't want to be someone else's wedding dress. We want to establish a true aristocratic family under the heavens.    


However, I think this competition you mentioned is very good. We will soon introduce our own competitors. We will definitely not disappoint Chief Zhao at that time. "    


Zhao Zhenlin spread his hands and said, "That's great. If you can really introduce someone that satisfies me, I can guarantee that I can convince my younger brother to replace one of the supporters.    


Also, I can influence the Profound Heaven Sword Sect, but if you introduce this person, if it doesn't satisfy me, then I really have nothing to say. I can only laugh. "    


Bei Mingxue said with a smile, "Family Head Zhao is right. If it's not a good choice, why did you choose him?"    


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