Super Asura System

C823 I will Condemn You

C823 I will Condemn You

The entire world had been shaken. Sky Sea King had sent out his troops to take down Luochuan, annex the entire Sanlu Army, and killed the commander of the army, Pi Tianqiong, firmly controlling the granary.    


Sun Jinxiang was throwing a tantrum in his study room. His two sons were silent like cicadas in winter in front of him, and his subordinates did not dare to breathe too loudly.    


He said angrily, "My entire legion was so easily taken away by someone, and I didn't even have time to fart. Who can tell me why?"    


Luo Xianyu cautiously took a step forward and said, "This time, only my nephew, Luo Wuxin, escaped from the enemy after going through so much trouble. He should know what happened."    


Sun Jinxiang said loudly, "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and call him in."    


Luo Wuxin walked in quickly and said respectfully, "Your subordinate greets Your Highness. Your Highness's longevity is boundless."    


Sun Golden Seal said coldly, "You don't have to say such nonsense to me. So what's going on? Why did your Three Deer Legion lose the Luochuan so easily?"    


Luo Wuxin raised his head and said, "This subordinate risked my life to escape this time. I want to tell Your Highness the truth. Anyway, I don't care whether I live or die. At that time, Your Highness can punish me however you want."    


Sun Jinxiang frowned and said, "You can say whatever you want. No matter what, I will forgive you for not being guilty."    


Luo Wuxin immediately said, "Our failure this time is all because of the First Prince. After the First Prince has gained the leadership of our army.    


He made his eldest uncle, Pi Tianqiong, the commander of our army. He was a despicable person who was extremely greedy for benefits and sold all of our stored food and reserve weapons.    


Not only that, but he also sold all the weapons in our current army with the excuse of exchanging them for weapons. A few generals stood up to oppose him and were even beheaded by him in public.    


Thus, when the day of war comes, we only have 200,000 soldiers with all our equipment, while the rest only have wooden sticks in their hands.    


Moreover, these 200,000 people have not eaten for a few days already. The entire army is extremely tired of fighting, and it can be said that they are all eager to surrender and at least have a full meal.    


When the Feilian legion moved to us, our scouts had already discovered this situation. After reporting it, not only did we not catch the attention of the commander, but we also did not catch the attention of the commander.    


Instead, he felt that the scouts were wasting their military power and had cut off our scouts. He suggested that we take the air salary and hear about his luxurious mansion.    


On the day of the incident, the Feilian legion used the excuse that a soldier had gone missing and wanted to search our defense area. Originally, we were prepared.    


However, the commander suddenly ordered us to withdraw from the defense zone and open all the blockhouses and fortifications to the enemy. The enemy would naturally leave after they found the person.    


As a result, the prince naturally saw it. The enemy did not lose a single soldier and took down the entire Luochuan. After our army was captured, many soldiers cheered."    


Sun Jinxiang's face turned green. He furiously grabbed the paper on the table and threw it at his eldest son, Sun Mu. The latter did not dare to dodge at all and was smashed to the point of bleeding.    


He said angrily, "What else can you do, a wastrel? Let's see what a good army will make you look like. Do you know how passive our situation is after losing the Luochuan?    


You've really disappointed me. Go back to your hometown and guard the ancestral temple! You want to inherit the throne even though you are like this? You don't know what you are talking about. Get out of here."    


Sun Mu kneeled on the ground and said," This matter is still wrong, but the main fault lies with the Pi family. I'll go back and take their family, and I'll execute them from top to bottom.    


And that squandering princess of mine. When I go back, I will give her three feet of white silk. I hope that my father will give my son another chance on the account of my dead mother, and let me atone for my crimes! "    


At this time, Sun An added insult to injury and said, "Big Brother, save it! If you take down an entire army, isn't it equivalent to supporting the enemy by handing over the army to you?    


Moreover, we should be safe. We should request His Majesty to send down a decree to stand up for us and ask them to release our people, return our land, and apologize to us. "    


Qian Shuyun hurriedly said," I feel that what the Second Prince said is inappropriate. After all, Luochuan has just been occupied by them. I'm afraid that they still can't stand stably. We should take this opportunity to launch an attack and chase them out of their territory. "    


Luo Wuxin also hurriedly said, "Lord Qian is right. Besides, our Three Deer Army is still loyal to His Majesty. When the time comes, they will definitely be loyal to us if we raise our arms."    


Sun Jinxiang turned to look at him and said, "You are simply speaking nonsense. You are just a defeated general. It would be good if I don't take care of you. Withdraw now."    


Luo Wuxin was slightly stunned, but immediately left. At this moment, his heart was dead, and he began to think of a way out for himself.    


Qian Shuyun sighed in his heart. Ever since the commander was conferred the title of Marquis, he no longer had the wisdom and decisiveness he had in the past. In this chaotic world, he would be eaten sooner or later. It was time for him to plan something.    


The person in charge of the intelligence system, Ji Xiaoyu, took a step forward and said, "We can use a method of denouncing and inciting all public opinion to force the other party to bully us in the end.    


Moreover, our words should be more forceful, letting the other party see our determination to defend our territory. Then, we can continuously make announcements and try to force the other party to withdraw within a hundred times. "    


First Expert, who was here, hesitated for a moment and said, "Then what if the other party insists on not withdrawing? Why don't I assassinate their commander? "    


Qian Shuyun was also completely disheartened at this time. He said with a smile, "There's no need to be so troublesome. If they don't withdraw, we will continue to condemn them.    


There's nothing that can't be resolved with a hundred criticisms. If there is, we will do it 200 times. If there is no other way, we will do it 300 times. Anyway, we will use virtue to convince them until they submit. "    


The entire matter was settled just like that. One side, like Mrs Xianglin, quietly grumbled about protest and criticism. They even claimed to maintain the right to carry out further actions. In reality, they were just a joke.    


The other side began to consolidate their gains and did all they could to digest the strength that they had obtained. They also divided and reassembled the elite army, and their strength skyrocketed in a short period of time.    


The entire royal family remained silent. They did not even reveal their heads. In the end, it was still the Crown Prince who said, "This is the matter of the various marquises. I hope that everyone can discuss and resolve it."    


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