Super Asura System

C874 Enter the Hidden Immortal Valley

C874 Enter the Hidden Immortal Valley

Dugu Xu also sized up Zhao Yiming. He felt that his advancement was already very big. He didn't expect that Zhao Yiming would also advance by leaps and bounds, faintly suppressing him.    


He then laughed and said, "Junior brother, why are you so free? Why did you come to Hidden Immortal Valley to see me?"    


Zhao Yiming chuckled and said, "I think senior brother also knows that the entire Ming Cult is under the control of my wives. I have nothing to do every day. Of course, I will go wherever there is excitement.    


Recently, the capital of Falling Moon Empire is like a gunpowder barrel. Of course, I have to go there and take a look to see if there is anything fun to play with. I just happened to pass by your place and came to visit senior brother.    


If Senior Brother doesn't like it, I will leave now. In the future, when I pass by your door, I promise I won't look inside. "    


Dugu Xu smiled and pointed at him." You are becoming more and more indolent. You are actually going around in circles with me. It is my honor to have you come here.    


Don't wander around this small town. What's the point? Why don't you follow me back to Hidden Immortal Valley and meet my aunt? She has long wanted to meet you, a famous figure in the world."    


Zhao Yiming said with a smile, "That's a good relationship. Why don't we leave now?"    


Dugu Xu turned to the fat and skinny merchant and said, "You have done well this time. I will naturally remember your achievements and collect the information about the capital of Falling Moon Empire. Tonight, you will appear on my table."    


Dugu Xu led Zhao Yiming to the backyard. They quickly came to a room. After passing through a secret door, there was a teleportation formation underground.    


He said with a smile, "Without this teleportation formation, no one will be able to enter the Hidden Immortal Valley. That's why our place is very secret. No one else will be able to find it."    


Zhao Yiming nodded with a smile, but he didn't think it was a big deal. There must be another passageway in the Hidden Immortal Valley. Otherwise, if the traitor came out and sealed this teleportation formation, they would be trapped inside.    


The two of them stood on the teleportation formation and felt like a roller coaster. Then, their eyes lit up and they arrived at the entrance of a valley. There was a large amount of clouds at the entrance, making it hard for them to see the inside clearly.    


Dugu Xu stretched out his hand and patted a parasol tree beside him. The clouds immediately spread out and formed a passageway. The two of them walked in quickly, and soon, they entered the true Hidden Immortal Valley.    


Zhao Yiming secretly sized up the place. This place was filled with wooden houses. The people who passed by all had extraordinary cultivation base. It could be said that this place was filled with experts.    


The two of them quickly arrived at a hall halfway up the mountain. This hall was embedded in the mountain. When they pushed open the door and walked in, a solemn atmosphere arose spontaneously.    


Dugu Xu said with a smile, "This is our meeting hall. My aunt and the other eight elders usually stay here, but I don't like this place at all. It's too depressing."    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said, "Your aunt always lives here, and she's also a very old woman. There won't be any problems with her heart!"    


Dugu Xu looked around and said in a low voice, "I really let you say it. I also feel that my aunt is not in a good mood. But we have no other choice. We can only take things one step at a time. "    


The two of them talked as they walked in. Soon, they arrived in the hall and saw a circle of seats. In the middle sat a middle-aged woman who looked like she was in her forties last year.    


Five men and three women sat on the seats beside them. Each of them seemed to have a very profound cultivation base, and all of them were at least at the Sovereign Stage. These four women were slightly stronger than the five men, and they should be at the Sovereign Stage Peak.    


Dugu Xu immediately said with a solemn expression, "Aunt, this is my junior brother, the Zhao Yiming who was called God Is Wise And Resourceful in the Pugilistic World."    


Zhao Yiming cupped his hands and said, "Greetings aunt and seniors."    


Dugu Ting smiled and said, "Young Master Zhao is too polite. You and Xu are brothers, so you should get closer to each other in the future. We should get closer so that we can communicate better."    


Zhao Yiming smiled and nodded. "Aunt is right. I was just passing by this time, so I came to visit senior brother. I'm afraid senior brother will be busy after a while and won't have time to talk to me."    


Sun Lei smiled and said, "Young Master Zhao is called God Is Wise And Resourceful in the Pugilistic World. In terms of strategy, many of us old people feel inferior to him."    


Zhao Yiming said casually, "Elder Sun is too polite. This is just a form of mutual respect from the Pugilistic World."    


The reason why he knew the name of the other party was that he did not know what these people were thinking. Everyone's table was marked with a plate, just like how he had participated in the representative assembly in his previous life.    


Huang Yun Gang also said with a smile, "Being overly humble is pride. Ever since Young Master Zhao started his career, he has shocked the world.    


Now, the famous King Shan Nan, if it wasn't for your help back then, he wouldn't have achieved what he has now. It's a pity that he doesn't know how to cherish it and lost your help."    


Xu Yang also said with a smile, "The Crown Prince of Stellar Empire, although it looks like he is badly battered after getting your help, he is still the Crown Prince of Stellar Empire. In fact, his foundation hadn't been touched at all. What kind of development would he have in the future? I'm afraid only heaven knows. "    


Zhao Yiming was shocked in his heart. As expected of an old man who only knew how to cultivate. Compared to those old men who only knew how to restore their country, this old man had a lot more thoughts.    


However, he wasn't worried because ever since he became the Spatial Master, he could return to his own spatial zone at any time. He wasn't afraid of being trapped somewhere.    


Mina smiled and said, "This person is old and willing to talk. I hope Young Master Zhao doesn't mind. I don't have anything good to see here. Young Lord, please take Young Master Zhao to the outside and have a good tour! "    


Dugu Xu nodded and said, "Then I won't disturb the elders. Junior Brother and I will go out first. I will hold a welcoming party tonight. I hope the elders will attend."    


Zhao Bing said with a smile, "Young Master Zhao is our guest, so of course we will have an event. Besides, we haven't held a celebration for a long time, so we will naturally attend."    


Zhao Yiming bowed again and said, "That kid will take his leave first."    


He and Dugu Xu walked quickly to the outside of the hall. Dugu Xu said with a smile, "I don't want to stay here for another minute. I will bring you to see the scenery here."    


Zhao Yiming smiled and nodded, then said, "This is a good place to live in seclusion, but it is not ideal for you to restore your country."    


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