Super Asura System

C990 Violent Killing

C990 Violent Killing

Takashima's brutality really scares some people, after all, in a situation where he doesn't use weapons, he's still a little lacking in confidence when facing such a tall and sturdy guy.    


This fellow boasted shamelessly on the arena, "All of you Golly people are cowards. Could it be that none of you have the ability to come up and let me kill them?"    


A petite figure jumped onto the arena. This was a woman with bright eyes. This woman pointed at Pancang Dalang and said, "I am Park Yingmei. Today, I will let you know how powerful the women of Golly are."    


The second elder said with a lewd smile, "If a woman like you want me to know how powerful you are, you can't do it here. Although I like it, it's not good to have so many people watching."    


Park Yingmei's face turned red. She said with both hands, "You damn lecherous thief. I'll break your lecherous roots today and see how you die."    


As she spoke, her body flashed and she pounced on him. This woman practiced the Butterfly Penetrating Palm. Her palms were like butterflies, constantly fluttering.    


Her palm technique was indeed exquisite, but unfortunately, it was not powerful enough. A few palm strikes on her opponent's body could only hurt her.    


The attack of Yamasakura Dalang seemed to be very vulgar. The woman who specialized in attacking was hidden, and every time she hit the opponent, she would throw him into a panic. This guy just kept laughing there.    


Zhao Yiming watched from below the stage. His eyes were filled with coldness. He quietly used the Finger Flicking Divine Technique and sent out a strong wind to hit his opponent's tendons.    


At the same time, he secretly sent a voice transmission to Park Yingmei and said, "If you want to win, listen to me. Turn left from the center of your feet and lower your body like a monkey stealing peaches."    


Park Yingmei did not have the time to think about it. She immediately did as he said. This Monkey Steals Peaches happened to hit the opponent's tendons, causing her hands to slow down.    


This time, she stole one of the peaches. This woman was also a vicious and merciless person. She saw her two hands suddenly shrink and crush a large peach.    


Bancang Dalang let out a world-shaking roar. Everyone who heard it felt a chill down their crotch. This was the pain of breaking eggs. No man could withstand it.    


This guy also burst out in pain. In an instant, he grabbed Park Yingmei's head and twisted her neck. However, when he strangled her to death, he also exerted force with his hands and pulled the dirty root out of her body.    


The two of them fell onto the arena together. It was impossible for Takagi to survive after suffering such a severe injury. This time, both of them were seriously injured.    


Kawatani Uehara's face also became very gloomy. Although it looked like only two of them had died while the other five had died, this was their territory. How could they withstand such consumption?    


There was a wave of cheers from below. Golly people felt that it was good as long as they could win. As for what kind of technique they used, it was not important who made the move.    


It was a Japanese woman who walked onto the stage wearing a balanced shirt. She said, "Don't think that only you Golly women have experts. We Japanese women are stronger.    


I am Caizi Gong, an expert of the breathing exercises. Similarly, I am not a weapon. Those who are confident in their fists and kicks, just come up. I will definitely not use that kind of despicable technique just now. "    


A woman's figure flashed and flew onto the stage. She said loudly, "What are you talking about, Japanese woman? I am Quan Yucen of Family. Today, I will send you to the west."    


After she said that, she did not wait for her opponent to reply. With a sway of her body, she threw herself at her opponent and launched three consecutive kicks. This was the standard move of Taekwondo.    


Qi Dao was a very powerful martial art. The husband of Miyashiro Miyashiro, Miyashiro Yoshida, was one of them. She had received the teachings of her husband, so her skills were quite good.    


She used her hand to block the attack, then pushed out her palm. It looked ordinary, but it actually contained a huge amount of power.    


Quan Yuchi didn't know much about the Qi Gathering Path, so she hastily used her hands to block it. She didn't expect that when her opponent's palm came into contact with her arms, a huge amount of power would erupt.    


Her arms were immediately broken. When her opponent's palm hit her chest, the powerful force exploded and shattered her sternum. Her entire body flew off the arena and she looked like she wouldn't be able to live.    


Gong ChengCaizi said with disdain, "This kind of trash doesn't need to come up again. I don't have to fight with women. If there's a man, I'll catch him."    


Another woman flew up from below the arena. She said with a murderous look, "Don't do whatever you want here. That woman from Golly can also kill you. I am Mu Ling, an expert among the people. Go to hell! You... Another woman flew up from below the arena. She said with a murderous look, Don't do whatever you want here. That woman from Golly can also kill you. I am Mu Ling, an expert among the people."    


This woman used the Phoenix Eye Fist. Moreover, she had learned Quan Yucen's lesson and tried her best to avoid contact with him. Occasionally, she would use all her strength to make contact with him.    


After the two of them exchanged more than ten blows, they slowly distanced themselves from each other. Gong ChengCaizi suddenly shouted and released a mass of air from her palms.    


This was the release of the Qi-qi. It was definitely the symbol of an expert. Mu Ling also did not expect that the other party would have such ability. She was unable to dodge in time. After the mass of air hit her, she immediately bled from her seven orifices and died.    


After that, Gong ChengCaizi displayed her divine might and killed four more Golly girls in a row. She said proudly, "I will go down after beating the last one. I don't know if any of you will come here to die."    


At this time, another shout was heard. The person who went up the stage gave Zhao Yiming a scare. He didn't expect that the one who went up the stage was actually his own woman, Mo Shanshan. This was a violation of his orders.    


His eyes looked a little gloomy, but it was good to think this way. The opponent was just his Concubinage. Since she didn't follow his orders, she would just leave herself to fate.    


This time, Mo Shanshan went on stage. Actually, she did not have any good intentions. She wanted to drag Zhao Yiming into the water. Moreover, she felt that with her husband around, she definitely would not watch her die helplessly.    


She used her palm as a sword, and very quickly, they got into a fight. Her estimation was indeed correct. Zhao Yiming didn't intend to watch her die in front of his eyes, but wanted her to die together with him.    


Although Mo Shanshan's martial arts was not bad, it was still somewhat lacking compared to her opponent. Although she had gained the upper hand in the beginning because of the attack, slowly, there was a situation where she did not have enough strength.    


Zhao Yiming once again used a secret sound transmission to instruct her to follow his method. Like this, the two of them exchanged another twenty to thirty moves. Both of them seemed to be somewhat anxious.    


Zhao Yiming gave her a few more pointers. Her palm landed on her opponent's chest, but before she could rejoice, her opponent's palm also hit her on the roof.    


Originally, the Qi Gathering Dao was a protective Cultivation Method, but Zhao Yiming secretly used the Finger Flicking Technique to destroy the defensive force. This way, her heart meridian would be broken, and the two women would die together.    


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