Super Asura System

C994 The Third Most Brutal Fight

C994 The Third Most Brutal Fight

Muya Chun cruelly tortured and killed Zhong Shijing, which made the people below feel very angry. For a moment, there was a wave of cursing, but this guy was smug on the stage.    


He threw the bloody Tang Dao down the stage and said with disdain, "Do you guys only know how to bark here? If you have the ability, come up and take revenge for this b * tch."    


It should be said that Tu Wuchun's cruelty had completely infuriated the experts of Golly. Those experts who were still watching had finally decided to make a move at this moment.    


A figure jumped up from the ring. It was a man in his fifties. He said with a loud and clear voice, "I am the instructor of Orthodox Academy, Zhou Haoran. Today, I will seek justice for my students.    


A cruel Japanese like you shouldn't be living in this world. Today, I will send you to hell and repent for your sins in hell!"    


As he spoke, he strode forward and shot out a cannon. This guy was actually practicing Cannon Fist, which was a complete contrast to his refined image.    


Tu Shuchun raised his hands. The tall man was forced back a few steps by the punch, and his arms ached. He didn't expect this old man to be so powerful.    


He immediately used his firm and soft hand to fight with the opponent. This guy was young and strong after all, and his karate was especially durable.    


After the two of them exchanged dozens of moves, Muya Chun slowly gained the upper hand. He fully exerted his Steel and Soft Hands. The combination of both hard and soft was slowly gaining the upper hand.    


Zhao Yiming shook his head and said, "If we continue fighting like this, that old guy is about to lose. Attacking blindly won't work at all. The opponent is clearly the combination of Hard-Soft and Hard-Soft.    


The best way is to use defense as an attack to consume the opponent's energy. We must seize the opportunity when the opponent transforms between hard and soft and then forcefully break the defense of the head."    


After Xiong Zhiwei heard this, he secretly nodded. He knew that his young master was giving him pointers. As a boss of the underworld, he also had to have the opportunity to show his face.    


It was just as Zhao Yiming had said. After a while, Zhou Haoran was already gasping for breath. Naturally, there were some flaws in his punches and kicks.    


Tu Shuchun seized the opportunity and broke his arm in an instant. Then, he heavily punched his ribs, followed by a series of heavy blows.    


Although Zhou Haoran struggled with all his might, it was useless. In the end, he was beaten to death by that guy. His entire body was covered in blood and flesh.    


Tu Wuchun snorted disdainfully, "You still dare to come out and make a fool of yourself at such a level? Is there really no expert in Golly? Is there anyone else who wants to die? "    


Although Tu Wuchun's arrogance caused many people below to be dissatisfied, no one stepped forward. After all, the strength he displayed just now was truly frightening.    


Xiong Zhiwei did fly onto the stage. He pointed his finger at Tu Wuchun and scolded him loudly, "You bastard, don't be so arrogant here. I am the servant of Young Master Zhao Yusheng. I am also the largest gang leader in the capital. Today, I will teach you a lesson."    


He put Zhao Yiming's identity as a servant in front of him. It was obvious that this was the identity that he valued the most. It was also the identity that everyone had to give him face.    


The eyes of the Japanese lit up when they heard this. They had never thought that someone from Zhao Yiming's side would really attack them. It was just the right time to measure the strength of the other party.    


Teng Zhenji looked at the two people fighting on the stage and said in a gentle voice, "This Zhao Yusheng's subordinate does have some skills. It's not easy for Tu Shuchun to take him down."    


At this moment, Tachibana Qianqiu said from the side, "This Xiong Zhiwei actually isn't his subordinate. He was originally a gangster in the capital and had always been a tour guide for others.    


He also accidentally got Zhao Yusheng's recognition, which was why he had achieved what he had today. However, his martial arts should not be so powerful. That is completely illogical."    


Aquamarine looked at Xiong Zhiwei on the stage thoughtfully. It was quite a terrifying thing to be able to create a large number of experts. From this, he thought of a person.    


The two of them were fighting fiercely on the stage. The Thousand Hand Tathagata Fist was also impenetrable, and the Chaos Origin Skill could last for a long time. Therefore, they were able to defend and counterattack very well.    


Tu Wuchun's attacks were like waves, crashing over one after another. However, Xiong Zhiwei was like a reef in the waves, and his defense was airtight.    


Tu Wuchun kept switching between hardness and softness. Xiong Zhiwei slowly felt the changes in him, and finally grasped the pattern of his opponent.    


Just as his opponent changed again, he suddenly attacked from this gap. His Thousand Hands Tathagata Fist was like a storm.    


At this moment, Muya Chun was unable to receive the attack with all his strength. As a result, he was caught off guard. Facing such a fast attack, he could only take it head on.    


However, this kind of storm-like attack, each punch was extremely heavy. After experiencing hundreds or thousands of punches, there was only a pile of meat paste left on the ground.    


Xiong Zhiwei was a guy who knew his own limitations. After winning this battle, his reputation had become very famous, although there was no need for him to continue fighting.    


He cupped his hands and said, "Of course I know what level I am at. I won't embarrass myself here. There are many experts in our Golly as well. Naturally, there will be others to deal with you."    


After he finished speaking, he turned around and jumped off the arena. All the civilians spontaneously clapped their hands. This time, he felt proud and proud, and he had earned these people face.    


Aquamarine shook the ring on his body. He pointed at Zhao Yiming and said, "Let's not talk openly. It seems inappropriate for Cult Leader Zhao to use a fake name to show off here."    


The people below were all confused. They did not know what this guy meant. Could it be that the other party was training and had a stroke, and his brain was already muddled?    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said, "You little devil, you are quite good. You can actually see through my disguise. Then I will tell you. I am indeed Mentor Of The Ming Religion, Zhao Yiming."    


When he said this, it was as if a thunder had exploded on the ground. Everyone was shocked, especially those around him. All of them were dumbfounded.    


These people had heard of Zhao Yiming's name like thunder. He had easily destroyed the strongest fleet in Golly. His martial arts skills were superb, and he was known as the young First Expert.    


Zhao Yiming smiled and waved his hand. "The reason I used Zhao Yusheng's name was because I wanted to come here and have some fun. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.    


I just don't like the Japanese. You helped Golly people deal with the East Ocean Continent, so what can you do to me? Don't think that you are so great just because you are a Saint Level. Believe it or not, I can call out two or three Sages to gang up on you. "    


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