Super Asura System

C1000 Vicious Slaughter Seven

C1000 Vicious Slaughter Seven

After Mu Mu Yan left, an extremely tall Japanese walked onto the stage. The Japanese was like a mountain of meat, its body was trembling.    


This fellow said with a buzzing voice, "I am the number one predator in the East Ocean. I am a fish that lives in the plain. Who among you dares to come here and die?"    


Guo Cheng said with a smile, "Our Family is the leader of the four big families. I can tell that this guy isn't the strongest one. I'll just let the Jin Jia have him."    


Jin Lin was very clear in his heart that this was indeed the best choice. He nodded and said, "Thank you very much, master of the Family. Leave this fellow to our Jin Jia to deal with."    


He nodded towards the back. The second strongest warrior of the family, Jin Zhong Ting, flew onto the arena. This guy was also very skilled in martial arts, especially his iron fist.    


Without saying anything, he threw himself onto the opponent and punched him in the stomach. He didn't expect that the fat on the opponent's stomach would tremble. This punch actually didn't bring out any efficiency.    


Yu Zhong Chun smiled coldly and slapped over. At the same time, he shouted: "I practice the ultimate skill of cotton belly. Any attack will not have any effect on me. Take a look at my Thousand Splitting Palms."    


Jin Zhong Ting's body flashed and dodged the palm. However, when the palm hit the ground, it actually caused a crack to appear on the Bluestone's arena. It was indeed full of power.    


Jin Zhong Ting started to circle around his opponent. Since the stomach attack was ineffective, he would choose to attack other places and punch his opponent's back. The effect was almost the same.    


The two of them quickly fought for the time it takes to boil a cup of hot tea. There was simply no place for this fellow to be used for attack. Every punch that landed on his opponent's body would be used up by the fat on his body.    


This fellow's two palms were flapping, and each of them was shockingly powerful. Based on the current situation, one hit from him would break one's bones and tendons.    


Jin Lin watched from below for a long time before suddenly shouting, "Don't attack the other party's body. This fat body of his has the effect of protecting his body. Attack the other party's head."    


After Zhou Xiyao heard it, she immediately said, "This is really an idiot. That fellow actually did what he ordered. This competition can end now."    


Just as she said, after Jin Zhong Ting's punch hit the opponent's head, everyone heard a crisp sound. The opponent's head was fine, but his fist was shattered.    


Yu Zhong Chun laughed coldly. He kicked the ground with his feet and his huge body flew up. Then, his head hit the opponent's chest. A clear sound was heard. That guy was killed by him.    


Then, he said disdainfully, "I'm best at using the gavel technique. You actually dared to attack my head. You really don't know what death is."    


Another man flew onto the stage. This man was Elder Guest Warrior of the Jin Jia, Huang Zhong Mao. He was wearing a pair of iron hands that supported his body, and he had a ferocious look on his face as he rushed forward.    


A punch landed on his opponent's body, leaving five small holes on his body. However, what flowed out from the small holes wasn't blood. Instead, it was white plate oil. The plate oil immediately covered the wound and didn't cause much damage.    


Huang Zhong Mao was also startled. However, when he saw that the iron hands were useful, he immediately increased the frequency of his attack. Soon, his opponent's body was covered with a layer of plate oil, and his eyes were filled with small holes.    


However, because of the appearance of this oil, that fellow's body became very slippery. The iron hand support once again hit the top, and it actually slipped away in an instant.    


Yu Ju Chun also appeared to be very angry. His hands were continuously waving about. Moreover, the oil on his body was also flowing more and more. Very soon, it became very slippery.    


Yu Shouchun accidentally slipped and his whole body could not help but sway. Yu Shouchun grabbed this opportunity and grabbed his arms. He twisted with force and actually twisted his arms off.    


He screamed loudly, but Yu Shouchun did not care at all. He grabbed his legs and tore him apart from the middle.    


Yu Shouchun casually threw his two-petal body off the ring and shouted, "Who else is not afraid of death? Let's see if I can tear him apart."    


A person covered in clothes slowly walked up the stairs of the ring. This was the first person to walk up the stairs. The others all jumped up.    


This person was very calm with every step he took. Zhao Yiming felt it and said, "This person is very strong, but he has a huge grievance in his heart. Letting such a person out might be a disaster but not a blessing."    


This guy took off his cloak. All the elders present gasped. The whole nation turned pale with fright and said, "You actually let this devil out? Do you really want to die?"    


Jin Lin said helplessly, "If I could, I wouldn't want to either! However, there was no other way. He was the strongest combat strength of our Jin Jia. There was no one else besides him. "    


King Kong said with a hoarse voice, "It seems like the Family Master doesn't want me to come out. I'll remember your words. I'll pay you a visit if I have the chance."    


The entire city said with a terrified expression, "Brother King Kong has misunderstood me. When did I not want you to come out? You are the heavens in my heart. I have been looking forward to you coming out every day."    


King Kong curled his lips in disdain. Then, he said loudly, "I heard that your Family is the leader of the four big families after I was imprisoned for so many years. I wonder if this is true."    


Guo Cheng immediately lowered his eyebrows and said, "Big Brother King Kong is joking! As long as you are in Jin Jia, you will always be the leader of the four big families. No one can change that."    


King Kong smiled leisurely and said, "That's more like it. I know that your Family has a connection with the Ginseng Immortal Old Monster, but I still don't put him in my eyes. If he isn't satisfied, let's have a fight."    


At this moment, Yu Xiangchun shouted loudly," Are you here to chat? How dare you look down on me like that? Watch me tear you to pieces!"    


King Kong said with an indifferent expression, "I really didn't expect you to choose a way to die for yourself. Then I'll help you complete it. Tell me, why am I so kind?"    


Yu Dong Chun was furious when he heard this. He waved a pair of thick palms and rushed towards him. Both palms were like ten thousand jin of force as they slammed down heavily.    


King Kong didn't take it to heart at all. He casually punched his palms away and then punched his stomach. Everyone heard a puchi sound. His hands actually stabbed into the other party's stomach.    


However, he quickly pulled his hand out. He saw a big hole in the other party's stomach. However, the oil that flowed out from the hole was still plate oil. Very soon, the wound was sealed.    


King Kong smiled slightly and his figure flashed as he pounced again.    


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