Super Asura System

C1008 The Plan Was Well Planned

C1008 The Plan Was Well Planned

After listening to Song Wei's analysis, Qin Xiaoyu frowned slightly and tapped the hilt of his sword with his finger. Soon, he fell into deep thought.    


A moment later, she said, "I think our target should still be Zou Tao. Although Xia Fei is a good choice, he is still in Ming City. There are many things that we can't plan.    


Also, your plan just now missed out a very important force, the Nine Sects Of The Demonic Sect. They were the earliest people to follow Zhao Yiming, so their relationship could be said to be very close.    


According to our analysis of Zhao Yiming, as long as the two parties haven't turned against each other, he will definitely have nothing to say to his brother. He will definitely not make any noise when he can make a move.    


The ones who had a closer relationship with him were the Devil Thief Sect and the Heaven Mending Sect. Song Wufu and Wan Jian had always regarded him as their idol and their firm followers.    


Furthermore, I feel that it will be easier to take down these two fellows. Why don't we divide them among ourselves? Song Wei will deal with Wan Jian while Yu He will deal with Song Wufu.    


I will deal with Zou Tao. As long as one of us succeeds, the other two will be able to rely on us. However, this time is different from the others.    


This is our last chance. So, we must show our sincerity. We must not wander among these few people like before. We must make them feel our sincerity."    


Zhang Yuhe gently nodded her head and said," Junior Sister has always been an amazing strategist. This time, we will completely listen to you. No matter what, we must succeed. I don't want to face that old pervert anymore. "    


Just as the three of them were discussing, Shi Baowei and the other two were also discussing. Ma Xiuxiu said with some hesitation, "Although what he said just now was not very pleasant to the ears, I feel that the overall strategy is correct.    


Currently, the only force that can go against the Buddhism Union is the Ming Cult. This kind of force that doesn't fear the heavens and earth. Although the other few forces aren't weak, they have too many concerns."    


Ye Ling continued, "I agree with Junior Sister Ma's opinion, but how should we act? Zhao Yiming has the Seven Fairies of the martial arts world by his side. We can't interfere at all."    


Shi Baowei said with a smile, "Although we can't interfere with Zhao Yiming's matter, the three forces that he supports doesn't mean that we can't interfere either.    


Moreover, if we can get close to these three powers, we can also enjoy wealth and glory. Even if we can't do anything in the future, as long as we can slightly operate them, we can easily explain it to Master when we return.    


Among these three major powers, the one who is the most difficult to get rid of is the Crown Prince. After all, his elder sister is the third wife of Zhao Yiming. Thus, I feel that it's better to deal with him. Xiu'e, you go! You are the only one who is a virgin among us, so we won't be despised by others. "    


Ma Xiu Moth nodded thoughtfully and said," I'm a member of the Stellar Empire, so I have something to say when I go back. I heard that I'm in the middle of selecting girls, so I can make use of them. "    


Shi Baowei nodded and continued, "Ye Ling, you will go to the Rising Sun Empire. Ying Xu is your target. Although he hasn't released his power yet, it is only a matter of time."    


Ye Ling smiled and said, "Even if you don't want to tell me, I would like to recommend myself there. I have a few friends with Ying Xu's wife, Xi Hongyu. We can use her."    


Shi Baowei smiled and said, "That's great. I'm with King Of Shan Yue. His place is very popular. I can pretend to be a dancer and show my face in front of him. I believe I will be able to charm him!"    


After confirming the target, the six of them all left. Each of them had their own thoughts. As long as they could succeed, they didn't care what others did.    


Qin Xiaoyu soon arrived at the place where Acacia Sect was located. Previously, she had seriously calculated that no matter what kind of strategy she used, she might not be able to achieve Zou Tao's goal.    


However, there was one thing that caught her attention in the intelligence report. Zou Tao's wife was looking for another wife for him. She felt that she was very suitable for him, so she went straight to the point.    


She came to the Acacia Valley and said to the disciple guarding there, "Please go in and inform them that the disciple of the Ci Hang Jing Mosque, Qin Xiaoyu, wants to see his wife."    


Wang Bihui was shocked when she heard the report from her subordinates. She didn't expect this woman to be so bold as to deliver herself to her door.    


She pondered for a moment and said, "Bring Miss Qin to the side hall. I want to see what she wants to do."    


After Qin Xiaoyu came to the side hall, he bowed to her and said, "I am Qin Xiaoyu, a disciple of Ci Hang Jing Mosque. Greetings, Madam Sect Master."    


Wang Bihui smiled and said, "Fairy, there is no need to be so polite. I don't know why you are here. If you wanted to confuse my husband, you would have come early."    


Qin Xiaoyu said indifferently, "I believe that with the intelligence of Ming Cult, they will definitely know the reason why we came down the mountain. We did come down the mountain to destroy Ming Cult.    


However, we have other thoughts. First of all, the Ming Cult is very powerful. There is no such thing as collapse because everything about the Ming Cult is built on the foundation of Cult Leader Zhao's strength.    


Secondly, I think that only by passing through the Ming Cult can I get rid of that old nun. That old nun is an old freak, and her thoughts are extremely dirty.    


However, I can't get on Mentor Of The Ming Religion's good side, so I can only think of other people. I think that Zou Tao is the most ideal candidate.    


Not only is the Acacia Sect powerful, but he is also Zhao Yiming's brother-in-law. With such a relationship, anyone who wants to touch him will have to think about it before doing so. It's perfect to protect me.    


I also heard that Madam wants to find another wife for Sect Master, so I volunteered myself. If Madam feels that I am not trustworthy, she can kill me now. I will not resist."    


Wang Bihui saw the clarity in her eyes and believed 70% of her in her heart. But she still said," Do you think you can deceive me by saying that? Then I will fulfill your wish and die!"    


As she said that, her figure flashed in front of her and fiercely slammed her palm at the top of her head. Sure enough, the latter did not dodge and when the palm hit her head, a look of relief appeared on her face.    


This palm turned into a caress and gently stroked her hair. Wang Bihui smiled and said, "Regardless of whether you are scheming or not, I have decided to believe you this time.    


But I will cripple your martial arts. If you agree, I will make the decision to let my husband accept you. If you don't agree, I won't force you. You can leave. "    


Qin Xiaoyu said resolutely, "If crippling your martial arts ability in exchange for a peaceful life, you don't need to be like my senior sister, a man who can do anything. I am willing. Do it!"    


This time, Wang Bihui showed no mercy. She crippled her cyclone with a wave of her hand and turned her into an ordinary person.    


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