Super Asura System

C1012 Disturb Disturb

C1012 Disturb Disturb

After the Chan Lin Temple made their statement, this matter became even more chaotic. This was a new heavyweight bomb. Evil Buddha Gui Zhen openly supported Zhao Yiming.    


Evil Buddha's status in Buddhism could be said to be very high. He had always been the target of everyone's attention. At that time, when he openly spoke for his enemies, the effect was obvious.    


However, what happened next made everyone's jaws drop. Dragon Master represented the Buddhism Union and announced that he would strip the identity of True Buddha Sect.    


At the same time, he announced to the public that the Buddhism Union was the boss of Buddha Sect. Anyone who opposed the Buddhism Union would be regarded as a traitor to Buddha Sect, and they would be disqualified from the status of a Buddhist disciple.    


This caused a huge uproar. The Buddhist Sect that supported Zhao Yiming had rebounded strongly. What right did they have to accuse the Buddhism Union in public?    


Reverend Fa Ming of Mount Chong Temple was also a person who openly supported Zhao Yiming. He was giving a lecture to the monks in the monastery when the door was suddenly slapped open.    


Old Nini Extermination brought a group of people and walked in arrogantly. He pointed his finger at Fa Ming and said, "You have been stripped of your identity as a Buddhist disciple. What right do you have to speak here?"    


Fa Ming put his palms together and said, "Abbess, you are wrong. Buddhism is a place where all living beings are treated. How can my status be taken away by you just because you want to? This is Chong Shan Temple. It is a place where all living beings are equal."    


At this time, there were many people outside watching. You thought that you were arrogant and said, "Your words can deceive those ordinary people. Who told you that all living beings are equal?    


The Buddhism Union is above all living beings. If you monks don't get the approval of the Buddhism Union, you will be wild monks. If I say that you don't have the qualifications, then you don't have the qualifications.    


If you know what's good for you, take off your kasaya and renounce asceticism. I will teach you how to leave Chong Shan Temple to the Buddhism Union to manage. Every year, you have to pay 60% of the money. Otherwise, I will kill all of you. "    


Fa Ming said angrily," How can you still be considered Buddhist disciples? You are clearly bullies who bully others. Buddha will never forgive you. "    


Old Ni Extermination waved his hand and said, "Don't talk nonsense with them. Kill all of them."    


The people outside looked at these benevolent monks who had fallen to the butcher's knife. They could not help but cry out in grief, "You monks are too hateful. You are all Buddhist disciples. How can you kill innocent people?"    


Old Ni Extermination said with a vicious expression, "You mortals dare to offend the Buddhism Union. Send them all to hell to repent."    


Such a situation was happening all over the place. The reputation of Buddhism Union had fallen to the bottom. Countless people were cursing and cursing, hoping that they would be eliminated as soon as possible.Edited by: Lifer, Fingerfox Editor: Lifer, Fingerfox Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio    


It wasn't easy to find Master Chuan and say, "I don't know why Master did this. If you do this, won't the Buddhism Union be eternally doomed? Does this still have the compassion of Buddha Sect?"    


Master Chuan put his palms together and said, "Buddha has mercy on us and the eighteen arhats have vanquished demons and devils. Now that they have been bewitched by demons and devils, of course we have to convince them."    


At this moment, Bu Nian also walked in from the outside. As he walked, he said, "The eighteen arhats won't kill the innocent. Do you know how many temples and civilians you have slaughtered during this period of time?"    


Master Chuan was slightly stunned and said, "You are just spouting nonsense here. I am only warning them to convince the chief evil, so how can they kill the innocent?"    


The reluctance to part also appeared. With a sorrowful voice, he said, "Master, don't quibble here. I have already requested the Elders Guild to come out and stop you.    


Under your command, the Buddhism Union has already become an evil organization. It has been constantly raising its butcher's knife at ordinary monks and civilians. Now, more than a hundred thousand of them have been killed. "    


Not angry, he also came to his front and said, "Furthermore, those people said that the Buddhism Union is superior to the Buddha Sect, and that the Dragon Master is the living Buddha. They will kill whoever they want.    


If you ask me, there is no need for me to call upon the Elders Guild. I might as well just kill all those elders. You can be the leader of the Buddhism Union and become the Emperor of Buddha Sect. "    


Master Dragon immediately shouted angrily," What nonsense are you spouting? When did this old monk say that? "    


" Now that the evidence is conclusive, Senior Brother, don't try to make excuses here. The Elders Guild has already sent people to collect evidence. What the four of them said is the truth.    


Buddhism Union's purpose is to maintain the stability of Buddhism, not to give you supreme power. What right do you have to strip others of their identity as Buddhist disciples? And what right do you have to raise your butcher's knife against Buddhist disciples? "    


Master Chuan Rong walked in from the outside. His face was filled with anger. He never thought that something like this would happen just because the Elders Guild was in seclusion.    


Master Chuan Long knew that Master Chuan Rong had always been upright and upright. He would never frame him, which meant that all these things were true. From this, it could be concluded that it was either he had been tricked by someone, or his subordinates were doing whatever they wanted.    


He sighed lightly and said, "Junior Brother Chuan Rong, if I told you that I really don't know about these things, I wonder if you would believe me."    


Master Chuan-Rong shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not. What matters is that this matter has already happened. Now, our reputation has fallen to the extreme, and the people are gnashing their teeth in anger when they mention us.    


Therefore, no matter which way we look at it, we have to give them an explanation. We have to give the entire world an explanation, not to mention that our Buddhism Union can't do anything to cover the sky.    


Even if we can do it, the Buddha won't allow us to do it. We have already severely violated the Buddha's order. Whether it's your order or not, your heart is no longer pure."    


Master Chuan Long remained silent. He knew that what Master Chuan Rong said was right. No matter what, he was the one who gave the order, whether it was because he was being plotted against or because his subordinates were causing trouble.    


All of this was because his desire for power had blinded his heart, causing his heart to no longer be pure. As such, he only had himself to blame. This was truly a retribution.    


Master Chuan Long let out a sigh and said, "Junior brother is right. I know what to do now. Help me report this to the Elders Guild, and say that I have failed their teachings."    


The world was once again in an uproar. The Buddhism Union publicly apologized for their crimes, and Master Chuan Rong was the new leader of the Buddhism Union by using his death to repent for his sins.    


Everyone knew that this matter wasn't over yet. The hatred between the Ming Cult and the Buddhism Union had become even deeper. After all, they were the ones who started this.    


Master Chuan Rong said with a gloomy face, "This matter can't be considered over. Since we can't do anything about this, we have to strike them with our strength."    


He nodded his head respectfully, but he was laughing in his heart. Now that the first step of the plan had succeeded, the next step was naturally to ignite the flames of war.    


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