Super Asura System

C1016 Benefactor You Can Stay

C1016 Benefactor You Can Stay

Zhao Yiming looked at the two holy monks with great interest. Both of them looked extraordinary, but they didn't do anything special.    


Monk Wuyou chanted the Buddha's name and said, "Could it be that the reason why the Sect Master came to our Chan Lin Temple is to see this old monk?"    


Zhao Yiming casually sat opposite of him, looked at him and said, "I was also invited by you. When I was still a nobody, you asked Fa Yan to tell me to come and meet you when I have time.    


Unfortunately, I was always busy, so I didn't have time to waste. Now that I have time, I naturally came to see you, old monk. However, it made me sigh after thinking about it.    


Many things have changed. Fa Yan is now in the capital of Stellar Empire, and he can be considered as the abbot of a large monastery. Although the Buddhist Dharma that he spreads is different from yours, it can be considered that he is working hard for Buddhism. "    


The monk chanted Buddha's name and said," The sea of bitterness is boundless, turning back to the shore. I believe that one day, Fa Yan will be able to see through the relationship of the world and return to the right path. "    


Zhao Yiming smiled and said, "A wise man knows when to leave, and a foolish man uses illusions as the truth. But what is intelligence, what is stupidity, and what is real and what is fantasy? Who can clearly tell what is real and what is fantasy?    


How could he know that the wise man's choice was right, and how could he be sure that the foolish man's choice was wrong? What kind of person was the judge, and what qualifications did the judge have?    


If the judge is wrong, then it will be a huge mistake. This way, it will nip the good intentions, which is very different from the will of Buddha. "    


Zen Master Wuyou thought for a moment and said," Patron, you are indeed as wise as a torch, but why are you so persistent? If you let go of everything, you will not feel at ease. "    


Zhao Yiming smiled in disdain and said," Then I don't know what I should let go and what I shouldn't. My heart tells me that there are many things that I don't need to let go. Why should I need your guidance?    


If you can't even ask your own heart, what right do you have to guide others? Monks should be empty. Don't tell me you are not fighting for power now?    


Buddhism Union has claimed to be the leader of Buddhism. Why does Buddhism need a leader? Buddhism says that all living beings are equal, but you are forcing a leader to come out. Where does this equality come from?"    


The two monks were rendered speechless by his words, but they quickly changed the topic. The monk said," There are many ignorant people in the world who don't understand the true meaning of Buddhism. Of course, we need to guide them. "    


Zhao Yiming smiled coldly and said," Saints seek the heart, not Buddha. Foolish people seek the Buddha, but not the heart. As long as there was Buddha in their hearts, there would be Spirit Mountain everywhere. It would be useless even if they didn't have Buddha in their hearts.    


Is the Buddha in your heart still there? I say it is no longer there. You are not worthy of being called a Saint Monk, and the Chan Lin Temple is not worthy of being called a holy land of Buddhism.    


Now, you are the devils in the outer robe of Buddha Sect. The devil nature has already eroded your hearts. The Buddhism Union is now a group of devils dancing chaotically. Therefore, the Buddha bestowed Evil Buddha to lead the other monks. He has turned into an angry King Kong and has swept through all of you devils. "    


Monk Wuyou said with a gloomy expression, "Perhaps the Lord is right, but if I don't enter hell, who will? Today, there are conflicts in the world, and just the Buddhist Dharma alone can't affect me.    


Therefore, I can only turn Buddha into devil, sweep away this chaotic world first, and then return the world to a peaceful world. Finally, I turn into Buddha, and return this world to a clear world. "    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said, "You are simply speaking nonsense. How can a person appointed by a devil return a peaceful world? I think your hearts are truly dark."    


The monk bowed respectfully and said in a low voice, "Benefactor, you are also a noble person. However, for the sake of the world, please stay here!"    


Zhao Yiming curled his lips in disdain and said, "You can't win against me, so I'm going to make a move. Since I dare to come here, I'm not afraid of you. I don't care about you even if I make a move.    


Don't say that our Ming Cult has as many powerful experts as the clouds. Even I'm not afraid of the two of you. Although I don't dare to say that I will definitely win against the two of you, I will still be able to retreat safely.    


If you want me to stay and dance with you devils, you better give up on this idea! I am here to tell you not to think too highly of yourself.    


Be careful that one day, the Ancestral Buddha will be enraged and take a picture of you guys in the void, shattering you all into pieces. Only then will this world truly be peaceful."    


The monk stood up and slowly walked forward. As he walked, he said," Cult Leader Zhao is indeed young and promising. Take this old monk's attack and repent in my Playing Field! "    


Zhao Yiming felt the scene in front of him change. He had arrived at the eighteenth level of hell, and there were constantly people wailing in pain. Upon closer inspection, it was someone he knew.    


With a calm expression, he said, "I think your Playing Field should be changed. This is really meaningless. It's better for a devil like you to go to the abyss.    


I wonder if Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva will take this Playing Field back. A shameless person like you is a disgrace to Buddhism. "    


Just as he was speaking, a trace of Buddha light really appeared within the Playing Field. Wherever the Buddha light went, those who suffered were freed.    


The two of them returned to the cave. Zen Master Wuwang said with a pale face, "How could this be? It really is the Buddha light of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Am I really wrong?"    


Zhao Yiming was secretly glad that his brother's system was all-encompassing. With such a trace of Buddha Light, he didn't believe that he couldn't fool him.    


The monk fell into a dead cycle. He returned to his hassock and sat down, saying, "Just now, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva warned me. I won't interfere in the future anymore. Senior Brother, take care of yourself!"    


Monk Wuyou looked at his junior brother. He knew that his junior brother was a very firm person. He firmly believed in his words and shook his head secretly.    


Monk Wuyou sighed. He took the prayer beads from his neck and handed them to Zhao Yiming, saying, "Give this string of prayer beads to Xuan Bei. Tell him that we agree to the identity of Buddha's protector. Buddhism Union doesn't have the right to take it away.    


At the same time, ask him to withdraw our men from the secular world. Those who don't come back will be expelled from the monastery. Starting today, we will be sealed for a hundred years. Let the people of the world decide what to do with the world!"    


Zhao Yiming nodded with a smile. This was a huge reversal. Initially, these two monks wanted to keep him, but now, he had sealed the mountain. This was a major victory.    


He leisurely walked out of the cave and handed the prayer bead to Monk Xuanbei. Monk Xuanbei had already received Wuyou's voice transmission and heard Zhao Yiming say it again.    


Currently, this old monk was very impressed by Zhao Yiming. He never thought that Zhao Yiming would be so powerful that he could actually convince these two holy monks. However, this was also a good thing for Chan Lin Temple.    


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