Super Asura System

C1065 Joust for a Spouse

C1065 Joust for a Spouse

The day of the Joust For A Spouse Festival soon arrived. A huge arena was placed in front of the Yun Family's door. Yun Ruoyu could see the situation on the arena just by sitting on top of her embroidery building.    


A middle-aged man stood on the arena and said, "Welcome, young men and handsome faces, to participate in this Joust For A Spouse Festival. The first time is for our Eldest Miss, Yun Ruoyu, to choose a good husband.    


Our Eldest Miss seems to be a celestial being. Moreover, her cultivation is superb. There are two requirements for this Joust For A Spouse Festival. First, her cultivation must not be lower than the sage realm. Second, she must not get married. Second, she must also not have an engagement. "    


Yun Ruoyu also revealed her face on the embroidery building at this time. She looked down. Everyone raised their heads and looked at the woman below. She was indeed as beautiful as a flower.    


They saw that her hair was tied up in a bun, and her hair was loose. She swept her eyes across her pretty face, and her skin was as fine and smooth as soft and soft jade. Her cherry lips were red, and she was as beautiful as a drop of water. The two strands of hair on her cheeks were gently fluttering in the wind, and it added a bit of an alluring charm to her face. Moreover, her agile and moving eyes were moving nimbly. A bit mischievous, a bit mischievous.    


The people below looked as if they were drunk. Then, she put on the veil and said gently, "I hope everyone will do your best. I don't know which one will be my best husband."    


The middle-aged man continued to laugh and said, "After everyone goes on stage, they can rest for a while after three matches. Then, they choose to go on stage again."    


A young man flew onto the arena and said with a smile, "I am Wu Shangjin from the Wu Family. Today, I will be the one to lead the way. However, if you allow me to do so, our Wu Family will be eternally grateful."    


A young man also flew onto the stage and said, "What are you talking about? The beautiful woman is upstairs now. Who will let you go? My name is Song Peiyu. I am going to marry the young lady."    


Wu Shangjin was instantly enraged. His body flashed and he pounced towards Wu Shangjin. He raised his hand and struck out with his palm. A trace of cold air condensed in his palm. This was a very powerful palm technique.    


Song Peiyu slid a step back and then kicked at the other party. It was very obvious that he was proficient in leg techniques. His pair of legs kicked flowers and flowers, making people dazzled.    


After fighting for a moment, both sides opened their Playing Field at the same time. The two Playing Field collided, and the outcome was determined in a moment. Song Peiyu was frozen into ice, and was thrown off the stage before falling into pieces.    


Wu Shangjin snorted in disdain, "Don't come out to die for someone like this. Who else won't come up?"    


Zhao Yiming said to his own people in a low voice, "No one is in a hurry to attack. Let's see how good the others are. It won't be too late to attack after that."    


Just as he was speaking, another person stepped onto the arena. This guy cupped his hands and said, "I'm Tao Ming. I'm here to experience your powerful move."    


As he spoke, he made a posture of Mantis Fist. Then, he kicked the ground with his feet and quickly bounced back. His hands kept drawing and sending out gusts of wind.    


Zhao Yiming watched the fight between the two men from below the stage. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The Divine Martial Realm was indeed weaker than the Dry Boundary. A Sage Stage Expert was the most brilliant existence in the Dry Boundary.    


The number one group among the young men was only a dozen or so Sage Stage Expert warriors. However, they were able to grab a handful of them. Although their individual strength wasn't enough, their numbers could make up for their quality.    


Moreover, these were only small and medium-sized cities. The real big cities wouldn't be any weaker than them. Their foundation was indeed inferior to the heaven and earth.    


Wu Shangjin's performance was indeed valiant, especially his Playing Field, which had the attribute of ice. Tao Ming was once again frozen into a block of ice by Wu Shangjin, and his last kick broke Tao Ming into pieces.    


Zhao Yiming gave his teammates a look. This time, Shiya flew onto the arena and did not answer. He raised his hand and threw a punch over.    


This guy's Cultivation Method was really compatible with his surname. Every punch of his gave off a foul smell. After smelling this stench, everyone could not help but want to vomit.    


This kid's combat strength was indeed extraordinary. Wu Shangjin had already fought two more rounds. Gradually, his strength became weaker, and the two of them opened the Playing Field once again.    


The Playing Field was actually sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t!    


Feces Ya looked down proudly and said, "Anyone else who doesn't want to die will come up and try the taste of feces and urine. That's pretty good."    


A young man flew up from below with an Iron Rod in his hand. He shouted loudly, "I am Wang Wei of the Staff Sect. You are really disgusting. How dare you practice such a disgusting Cultivation Method? I will never let you go. "    


After saying that, he waved the Iron Rod and attacked. Every strike was powerful and powerful. The substandard weapon was also an Iron Rod, but it was a dung stirring stick.    


The two sticks collided with each other. Dirt kept bursting out from the dung stirring stick. These dirts made people feel disgusted. Wang Wei was getting angrier and angrier as he fought, but he couldn't do anything to his opponent in a rush.    


Shiya opened the hell of dung and urine once again. He didn't expect his opponent to be a Holy Body. It could be said that he couldn't even move a single step in the hell of excrement and urine, and he was forced to drink it to his death.    


The attack of this fellow was too disgusting, and the way his opponent died was too miserable. In just a moment, the entire scene had turned cold, and he stood there proudly.    


Suddenly, a figure flew up and said with a cold face, "I am Li Yi of the Fast Blade Gate. Even if I can't marry Eldest Miss today, I can't let her fall into your hands, you disgusting bastard."    


The two of them quickly started fighting. Li Yi's Cultivation Method was indeed very powerful, especially his fast blade which made people unable to guard against it. Very quickly, it left a few scars on Shiya's body.    


Shiya once again used sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t, sh * t. He didn't expect to meet his nemesis this time. That guy's Playing Field was filled with iron skates, and they were fiercely rushing towards his Playing Field. It was a completely one-sided slaughter.    


Shiya was also a ruthless man. He raised his head and let out a long roar, "Let me show you the ultimate state of our Hell of Pieces and Urine, the final ultimate skill, the Gas Explosion."    


Everyone heard a loud bang, and the entire Hell of Pieces and Urine exploded. A mushroom cloud rose up, and these two guys perished together, leaving nothing behind.    


The explosion this time was very powerful, even the ring was shattered. The middle-aged man helplessly said: "Today's fight will end here for now, we will continue tomorrow"    


Everyone also seemed very helpless at this time. They could only return to their own post houses. However, they also discussed animatedly. Feces Ya had indeed brought a lot of influence to everyone.    


After Zhao Yiming and the others retreated, everyone gathered together again. Miaoke Tu said with a sad face, "I really didn't expect that we would lose one today. It's really pitiful."    


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