Super Asura System

C1094 Encountering the Land Rat Clan

C1094 Encountering the Land Rat Clan

After the dozens of black shadows flew out, they immediately landed on the ground next to them. These guys were not tall, about a meter tall, and their thick black clothes covered their faces.    


Every one of them let out a mouse like cry. Zhao Yiming glanced at them with a sneer on his face. The others were also on guard.    


Xu Shaopeng shouted loudly, "What are you guys? Where did you catch our companions?"    


The short black man in the lead did not answer him. Instead, his eyes lit up as he looked at the women in their group. His saliva was about to drip out.    


That fellow said with a hoarse voice, "Where are so many women? It just so happens that we can pass on our family line. We are the Earth Mouse Tribe. That woman just now has already been sent back to the tribe by us to give birth to our children. "    


Zhao Yiming's eyes were cold as he said, "It's not good to capture my people like this!"    


The short black man sneered and said, "There is nothing good about it. This is the world of the strong. If we kill all of you men, the women will naturally belong to us."    


After he said that, he waved his hand. Those subordinates all took out a short knife from their waists and rushed towards them as if they were flying. For a moment, the knife also flashed.    


Zhao Yiming did not make a move. Under such circumstances, it was naturally his subordinates who dealt with it. Meng Haotian and Luo Xuanguang immediately led their people to welcome him. Both sides were in a fierce fight.    


The attack power of these Earth Rats wasn't strong, but their bodily movement was very strange, especially the Earth Escape Technique. It was really hard to guard against it.    


These guys were really cunning. After a dozen of them were killed, the rest of them quickly dived into the ground, and just when they were unprepared... Another three women were taken away. They were all new people who had joined them.    


Everyone carefully guarded for a while and soon, there were no more movements. It was obvious that those people had already retreated. Everyone shook their heads helplessly.    


Jiang Yue Ying said angrily, "Just like that, we lost four sisters. Just thinking about it makes me feel unwilling. These rats are too cunning."    


Zhao Yiming gently patted her hand and said, "It's not like what you think. In many things, it's not good to lose something.    


Although we have paid four people, if we can make them leave, at least our future path will be much easier. This is just one of the races. "    


After saying this, Zhao Yiming's heart suddenly moved. He thought of the battlefield of Devil Clan. They had also reached the fourth level. He wondered what would happen next.    


It seemed like he would have the chance to return this time. He must go and explore that place. Anyway, he still had a lot of spatial slots, so he might as well collect the first four levels.    


After thinking about this, he withdrew his thoughts. It wasn't too late to think about other things after dealing with the matters in front of him.    


Soon, it was night time. Everyone set up camp here. In order to prevent the rats from causing trouble, he planted many monitoring agencies underground, hoping to achieve results.    


As expected, the Earth Rats did not give up. At night, they sneaked over. Unfortunately, the alarm they triggered received a blow from them.    


The combat strength of these rats was very limited. The vanguard forces were quickly slaughtered by them. In the chaotic battle, they captured two women. The rats themselves were very timid animals, and in the end, they stopped.    


It should be said that after Zhao Yiming and the others gave up six women, they finally got rid of a problem for themselves. Otherwise, these elusive rats would be a real headache.    


Zhao Yiming kept thinking about the map in his head. The Earth Rat Clan was the first region. The second region was the area where the praying mantis was. It was also very dangerous here.    


However, he did not tell his subordinates. If that was the case, they might be afraid. Fear would definitely affect their performance, but the gains would not make up for the losses.    


When he brought them to the second region, everyone felt a lot more relaxed. They did not expect that this kind of relaxation would make them pay a huge price. They lost seven people in the first battle, including Lu Xiaodong, who had been following him.    


The ones who attacked them were the Mantises. They all had green skin, and they wielded dual sabers in their hands. Their saber techniques were quite superb, and they could be said to have reached the acme of perfection.    


However, although they had suffered great losses in the first battle, the other party had suffered even greater losses. The corpses of over a hundred Mantises showed the results of their battle.    


Xie Fanghua sighed softly and said, "This place is indeed filled with danger. I didn't expect that our losses would already be so great after walking so far away."    


Meng Haotian snorted and said, "Of course, people will die if they come out. This is also expected. These mantises are really powerful. They almost made us unable to stop them."    


Zhao Yiming shook his head and said, "It's a pity that we can't obtain the information of our ancestors. Otherwise, if we were prepared, we wouldn't have been so passive."    


The others all nodded in agreement. Su Lei said with a depressed expression, "What you said makes sense. The most important thing is that these things are hard to guard against. When will we be able to stand out?"    


After paying the price of a few more people, they finally passed through the region of the mantis race. However, they would soon face a problem. This was the true test.    


In the place they had just entered, there was actually no sunlight in the sky. It was as if it had been half a night. It was a form of torture to one's will.    


Successful Aqua hesitated for a moment and said, "I have read about it in my family's records. It said that if such a situation occurs, there should be a temple of Sharp Claws Venom Snake nearby. It can solve this problem there."    


Zhao Yiming nodded and said, "And if you want to enter the hollow, you have to go through the temple of Sharp Clawed Venom Snakes. So we have no choice. Everyone, follow me!"    


He was now the leader of these people. No one dared to say no. Everyone followed behind him and rushed towards the direction of the temple of Sharp Claws Venom Snake.    


They had just walked a short distance when a few javelins suddenly flew over. This time, the unlucky one was Fang Qianru. She was pierced by more than ten javelins and became a big candied gourd.    


Everyone immediately took precautions. Dozens of fellows that looked like big raccoons rushed over with javelins in their hands, throwing them as they ran.    


Zhao Yiming reached out and caught the two javelins. He raised his hand and threw them back. In an instant, two javelins were pierced through. The rest of the fellows immediately stopped and continued to throw their javelins.    


The hidden weapon experts in the team also immediately counterattacked. Both sides were having a great time.    


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