Super Asura System

C1104 Arrogant Fatty

C1104 Arrogant Fatty

The fat man seemed very arrogant, and as soon as he entered, he started chattering, but no one dared to say anything, because the people accompanying him were Xu Shaojiang and the new heir of the Fang family, Fang Zhanyun.    


Xu Shaojiang looked like he was taking advantage of someone and said, "What's wrong with you people? Didn't you see that a benefactor had come? Hurry up and greet him. "    


The Luo family's new heir, Luo Xuanbin, stood up with a smile and said, "Young Master Xu's words are without reason. I wonder who this Lord Fatty is?"    


The fat man laughed and said," That's easy to say. Lord Fatty, I'm just a sand cow. I'm not that great myself, but my godfather is the Great Headmaster and Kong Yunlong of Holy City. "    


His words startled the others. The status of Holy City was there, and it was the ruler of Dry Boundary. The Great Headmaster there was equivalent to the Great Headmaster in this world.    


Luo Xuanbin immediately said with a smile, "I really have eyes but failed to recognize Lord Fatty. I hope Lord Fatty doesn't mind."    


The fat man still had a smile on his face, but his eyes sparkled. He was definitely not as stupid as he looked.    


There was another fellow beside him. He walked up in a daze. The guy said in a dull tone, "I am his biological brother, Dai Musheng. I heard that there is a Flos Lonicerae meeting here today. That's why the two of us came here to see it. "    


The procuress immediately smiled and said, "It is my honor to have both of you here. Please take a seat in Private Room upstairs."    


Dai Musheng scanned the room with his eyes, then said woodenly, "Other people greet us when they see us. Who is that guy in that room? Why is he sitting there without moving at all?"    


Xu Shaojiang quickly said, "I don't know. That is Mentor Of The Ming Religion, Zhao Yiming. He has always been very arrogant, so it is normal that he doesn't know any manners."    


This kid's words were very rude. The people below frowned when they heard it. They couldn't help but think that the Xu family had come to an end. With such an idiotic heir, the disaster of exterminating the family was right in front of them.    


Before Zhao Yiming could speak, Dai Shaniu said with disdain, "I thought it was someone else. So it was that gigolo that Holy Maiden raised. What's so arrogant about a gigolo?"    


Xu Shaojiang quickly flattered him, "Lord Fatty is right. He is just a gigolo. But he has found a good master. Of course he dares to be arrogant."    


Long Wing shouted angrily, "What are you saying, you bastard?! Those two damn fatties, don't think that you are amazing just because you have a godfather. Believe it or not, I will kill you right now. "    


Zhao Yiming waved his hand gently and said, "Today, we are here to have fun. There is no need to get angry over this matter. But remember this well, from tomorrow onwards, I don't wish for the Thousand Ink City to have another Xu Family."    


Xu Shaojiang's legs suddenly became weak. He quickly looked at the Dai brothers for help. Dai Musheng said with a blank face, "Why are you looking at us? What does the Xu Family have to do with us?"    


This change shocked everyone. At the same time, everyone laughed in their hearts. It was obvious that Xu Shaojiang had been completely played by those two.    


Zhao Yiming then looked down at the two fat men and said, "How dare you say that I'm a gigolo? I don't know what else you two brothers have to say."    


Dai Shaniu said with a face full of smiles, "What's wrong with being a gigolo? I meant that since you are a gigolo, you should be more arrogant.    


Just like us brothers, we rely on our godfathers everywhere we go, but we are so arrogant. To be able to recognize our godfathers is our ability.    


So no matter what methods we use, it doesn't matter whether we are a gigolo or godfather. As long as we can stand in a high position, it means that we are stronger than ordinary people. We have the right to be arrogant. "    


Dai Musheng's face had always been wooden, but his words made a lot of sense." But arrogance also needs to have a foundation. If our strength is about the same, then the two of us can be arrogant.    


Although Holy Maiden's status is higher than our godfather in terms of status, but now Holy Maiden also has a name but no reality. So, it depends on whether we give face to her or not. She can only be arrogant.    


Just like that idiot just now. He thought that he could hug our thighs, but in the end, he is arrogant with a person like you. Speaking of which, we are on the same level, so it is not unnecessary for him to die. "    


Xu Shaojiang's entire body was limp on the ground. There was yellow liquid flowing between his legs. He was filled with regret. This time, he was completely finished.    


Luo Xuanbin said with a laugh, "As expected, the two of you are wise. No wonder you are able to have today's status. Little Sheng admires you very much."    


Zhao Yiming said with a smile from upstairs, "Unfortunately, I am different from you. I am not the one you are talking about. On the contrary, I am the one who is truly in power.    


I don't care if my wife can get Holy Maiden's position back. I don't care about Holy City either. Not to mention your so-called godfather, even I, Saint Ruler, don't take it to heart.    


I am trying to get to know you guys. My master is not that Immortal God. He doesn't even deserve to carry my master's shoes. As long as my master is willing, he can destroy the entire Holy City in a matter of minutes.    


You can also say that I'm hugging my master's thigh, but I'm hugging my master's thigh. Besides, I'm a golden thigh, so there are many people hugging me."    


Dai Shaniu's face was full of wrinkles. It was hard to tell what kind of changes were going on, but his eyes were rolling. Clearly, he was digesting this piece of news.    


Dai Musheng still looked like a wooden log as he said, "I feel that it's not appropriate to discuss these things now. Today, I'm here to participate in the Flos Lonicerae General Assembly, not to compare whose legs are thicker."    


Zhao Yiming's eyes slightly widened. It seemed that these two fellows were quite interesting. Their brains were quite enough, and they were not as bad as what was happening outside.    


He also said with a smile, "What you said makes sense. We'll talk about it when we have time in the future. Let's hurry up and start today's Flos Lonicerae Meeting!"    


The Dai brothers did not pay attention to Xu Shaojiang, who was lying limply on the ground. Instead, they stepped on his body, as if they had stepped on a pile of stinky dog poop.    


Soon, some security guards came in and dragged Xu Shaojiang away. These security guards were not polite to him at all. Anyway, the Xu family was going to be gone, so they were still polite to him.    


Fang Zhanyun felt lucky in his heart. Fortunately, he was slower in every aspect. Otherwise, he would be the one lying on the ground and peeing in his pants.    


When he thought of this, he followed the Dai brothers upstairs. When he passed by Xu Shaojiang, he spat on his face.    


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