Super Asura System

C1109 The Smoke Pouch of the Thirteen Guardians

C1109 The Smoke Pouch of the Thirteen Guardians

Zhao Yiming casually walked in front of the old man and sat on the stool in front of the stall. His eyes kept scanning the stall and finally looked into the pot.    


The soup in the pot was bubbling, but there was a human head boiling inside. He was very familiar with this human head, it was the spear-wielding Little Yang.    


Zhao Yiming sighed and said, "Why are heroes always so heroic? Their arms have been crippled. Can't they just give us a way out?"    


The old man took a puff of his cigarette, coughed twice and said, "Sometimes, as long as you choose the path you want to walk, there is no room for you to turn back. If you want to turn back, you can only die."    


Zhao Yiming said with a cold face, "Sometimes it's not that you can't turn back, but that other people won't let you. But this is also good. Perhaps you will be free.    


I think your cigarette bag is not bad. It should be the one from the 13th Tycoon! Sure enough, there are all kinds of people. The one who sells Chaos is actually the Tycoon. "    


The old man coughed twice and said," Who isn't born to set up a stall? When I was young, I was also the manager of a big family. Unfortunately, that family was not able to live up to expectations and was later destroyed by them.    


You said that I was a manager. What does this extermination have to do with me? In the end, they disagreed and even destroyed my family.    


Only an old man like me escaped. I wanted to take revenge but I didn't have the ability. At this time, someone appeared and said that he could take revenge for me, but I wanted to be a slave for his entire life.    


Do you know what I was feeling at that time? Although I felt extremely depressed in my heart, my desire to take revenge is greater than anything else. Indeed, to someone like me, taking revenge is just a matter of a few words.    


That group of people were uprooted. Every one of them was personally slaughtered by the old man. The one in the lead was cut open by me and her heart was dug out to be a piece of mutton.    


Not only did that woman have good skin, but her flesh was also incomparably tender. The piece of lamb that was made from her heart could be said to be very good for sale. Since then, I have gained such a livelihood."    


Zhao Yiming said coldly," I can understand your feelings for revenge, but don't do what you don't want to do. I'm afraid that you have killed quite a number of innocent people over the years. "    


Li Guoqiang said indifferently, "Many things are different from what you think. Most of the time, no one has a choice. Besides, how can there be any innocent people in this world? As long as it is a person, there is a way to seek death."    


Zhao Yiming nodded and said, "I think what you said makes sense. Why don't I send you to see your wife and children?"    


The old man took another puff of smoke. He suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of smoke. The smoke was dark green in color, and it was obvious that the smoke contained deadly poison.    


Zhao Yiming casually waved his hand, and the iron pot flew towards the old man. The soup in the pot danced in the air, and unexpectedly stopped everyone. When the pot fell to the ground, the whole ground began to crackle.    


Li Guoqiang took another deep breath, and then blew into the pipe. A flame shot out from the pipe and rolled towards Zhao Yiming.    


Zhao Yiming raised his hand and struck out a palm. The biting cold froze the flame, and then the flaming ice smashed towards the old man.    


The two of them quickly hit each other. It was also difficult to determine the victor between them. The opponent's pipe was a strange weapon, and it was mainly used to hit the acupoints.    


The two of them became more and more ruthless in their attacks, and their attacks became faster and faster. Zhao Yiming suddenly used his hand as a knife and used the Blood Knife Hand to cut the cigarette bag in half.    


Li Guoqiang threw the pipe to the side, and with a thought in his hands, he used close combat skills, which made the fight even more dangerous.    


The Dai brothers were hiding on the roof of a house far away, watching Zhao Yiming fight. Dai Shaniu said with surprise, "Luckily we didn't make a move just now. Otherwise, I'm afraid we would have turned into corpses by now."    


Dai Musheng also said with a sigh, "Comparisons are like comparing dead goods. How do you think this guy practiced his martial arts? How can he be so fierce?"    


Dai Shaniu laughed and said, "A man who can be valued by Holy Maiden, how bad can he be? Long Spear Little Yang was really an idiot. He clearly wanted to join Holy Maiden, but he still wanted to fight with her. Now he is cooked! "    


Dai Musheng hesitated for a moment and said, "I think that old thing won't be able to hold on much longer. What does Big Brother think we should do? There were still many people who did not make a move.    


If the two of us rely on Holy Maiden just like that and they are killed by the remaining tycoons, we will cry to death! "    


Dai Shaniu patted his head and said," Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? Besides our godfather, there are also four Heavenly Kings in Holy City. Each of their subordinates is as powerful as the clouds.    


Even the 13 Iron-Blood Hawks under the Eagle King are more capable than us. If you rely on Holy Maiden now, I think you should really want to die.    


What we need to do now is to wait and see. If the opponent is really strong enough to kill all of them, it won't be too late for us to seek refuge with Holy Maiden.    


If they are killed by those fellows, although we do not have much credit, it is not a big deal. We will live like this and still live a good life, eating, drinking, and playing with women."    


Just as the two brothers were discussing, the outcome of the battle was decided by Zhao Yiming. In the end, the power of the Kingdom of Rites was still lacking. After being hit by Zhao Yiming's Frozen Fire Palm, the Ice And Fire transformed into a piece of charcoal.    


There were only five guardians this time. The two brothers stood up and didn't dare to show themselves. The remaining three died and one was injured. It could be said that Zhao Yiming had won a great victory.    


He secretly regulated the Vital Spirit. After all, the continuous intense battle had consumed a lot of his energy. Fortunately, his cyclone was different from the others, and it could recover much faster than the others.    


He gently closed his eyes and used the Spiritual Sense to sense his surroundings once again. After confirming that there were no enemies around, he slowly walked towards the Ming Cult.    


Today was destined to be a restless night. The light of the fire soon illuminated half of the sky. The entire Xu family had been uprooted, and not a single living thing was left in the family.    


After that, the Guard of the Thousand Ink City began to organize the food from top to bottom. The food was for tonight's night patrol. The stewards were all sentenced to death, and the team members were thrown into the mine as slaves.    


Although they were complaining, when the other families found out that three of the 13th Tycoon had died in Zhao Yiming's hands, they immediately quieted down.    


Of course, they also knew what had happened. They felt depressed and wondered if they were in ___'s shoes, they would definitely be cleansed even more severely than the other families.    


All the major families were doing this to protect themselves. All of them handed over their power, including the Private, and handed them over to the Ming Cult to deal with.    


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