Super Asura System

C1154 Suffering a Setback in Fallen Flower City Five

C1154 Suffering a Setback in Fallen Flower City Five

After Hu Qing finished speaking, she even flirtatiously licked her lips. This was clearly naked contempt, and many people were furious.    


A young man with a mischievous smile walked out and said with a smile, "I'm the disciple of Acacia Sect, Zhao Wushuang. Why don't you let me spar with elder sister?"    


Hu Qing said with a pair of beautiful eyes, "Then let me see if little brother has the ability to do so."    


The two of them stood there quietly. After a quarter of an hour, Hu Qing suddenly lowered her head and walked behind him with an obedient look on her face.    


Zhao Wushuang said with a smile, "This sister has already been subdued by me. Which other sister feels that her seduction skills are boundless? Come down and compete with me."    


Another concubine flew down. This woman was very bewitching and said with a smile: "Big sister's name is He Xiangfeng, let me test little brother's power."    


Zhao Wushuang said with a smile: "Older sister is really beautiful. If younger brother can share a bed with older sister, that would be endless happiness."    


The two of them looked at each other again. After another quarter of an hour, He Qingmei also slowly lowered her head and slowly walked behind him, standing side by side with Hu Qing.    


Zhao Wushuang said with a smile: "People should know their own limitations. Being able to take down two elder sisters is already my limit. Younger brother will take his leave first."    


After he said that, he held the hands of the two women. Because he arrogantly returned to his camp, everyone was stunned. They did not expect that this would work.    


Zou Tao said with a smile, "Junior Brother Wushuang is a genius I found. He has an unparalleled pair of eyes. This pair of eyes was called Unparalleled Emotional Eyes. It was specifically used to counter all kinds of bewitching techniques. Anyone who uses seduction on him will eventually become her slave. "    


Su Lihong's face was ashen. She looked at the remaining four concubines and gritted her teeth, "Let's fight until here for today. We will continue tomorrow."    


Jia Jun nodded and said, "Then we will do as you say. I hope that you will not disappoint me tomorrow."    


After everyone returned to the Azure Flower Village, the two concubines stood in the big tent. Each of them was looking down on them. It seemed that they had really surrendered.    


Hu Qing said with a smile, "The adults are indeed powerful. At this stage, the West Palace's power is almost crippled. However, the adults must not lower their guard. The true experts here have yet to make a move.    


If those two adults make a move, you will definitely not be so relaxed. You can say without hiding anything, even if we nine concubines attack together, we will not be a match for Lord Su Lihong. "    


Shao Jun shook his head and said," There are also many experts here who did not make a move. Moreover, Lord Bishop's main force is about to arrive here. It is only a matter of time before we take down Fallen Flower City. "    


He Huarong hesitated for a moment and said, "But I think that even so, you guys only took down the outer region. You should know that among the three palaces, the West Palace is the weakest and the Central Palace is the strongest.    


Even if you can defeat us, you will have to face the other two palaces. I don't think you have much of a chance of winning. In the end, both sides will suffer heavy losses. "    


At this time, Jie Jun said with a smile, "Then you really underestimate our Ming Cult. We can definitely be said to have as many experts as the clouds. When the main force arrives, I believe that defeating the other two palaces won't be difficult.    


Most importantly, only through this kind of bloody battle can we increase our combat strength. When our combat strength reaches the limit, we will be able to achieve something.    


Why do you think we are attacking the Fantasy Blood Sea? It is mainly for the purpose of training our soldiers. At the same time, it is also to cut off an arm of the Holy City. "    


Yu Feixue said with a surprised expression," Could it be that the adults still want to attack the Holy City? This is simply a fantasy. "    


Zhao Fengnan said with a cold expression, "You should also know about Holy Maiden's matter. We will have a battle with the Holy City sooner or later. Waiting for death isn't our way of doing things. We like to make the first move."    


Although these few women had already joined their side, they still had a lot of feelings towards the Fantasy Blood Sea. Seeing their confidence, they were also very worried.    


Zou Tao laughed and said, "Women should take husband and teach children. You all should stay in the big tent for now. When the main force arrives in two days, we will let the Cult Master use his means. Send you guys back to Ming City. At that time, you will know how correct your choice is. "    


Ling Tian Yu said with a smile, "I think we shouldn't be thinking about this right now. Instead, we should think about how to deal with this Falling Flower City in front of us.    


In front of us, we were like a hot knife cutting through butter. Now, we have been blocked here for several days. This isn't right. "    


Shao Jun said with a helpless expression," This is something that we can't do anything about. However, there are only a few experts left. We have to work harder tomorrow to get rid of them. "    


At this time, Tie Xiongfei said loudly, "Let me fight tomorrow. I will let you all know what it means to be old and strong. I will definitely let these women die on the spot."    


The next day, everyone gathered once again under the city wall. Shao Jun said to the top of the city wall, "We have been fighting for a few days, and you have also lost a lot of people. The remaining people are also very limited.    


I also have the heart to show mercy to women. Why don't you surrender now? At that time, everyone will be happy and happy. Furthermore, you will be able to find your own happiness. Why not? "    


Zhou Chunyan shouted angrily, "You are totally talking nonsense there. Today, we will fight to the death and see who will win.    


I still have four concubines in my hands. The four of them have always been good at fighting together. Today, I will let the four of them fight with you and let you know our means. "    


At this time, Cao Hui walked out with a smile and said, "I don't know what methods the four of them have. Then the two of us will take it."    


Cao Wei stood at the side and said, "The difficulty of two against four seems to be a bit high. But the two of us have a lot of capital, so we should be able to handle it easily."    


The four concubines blushed, but one of them said fiercely, "They really put gold on their faces. Then we sisters will test your strength."    


The six of them quickly fought together, but it was very obvious that these four women were suspicious of going easy on them. Moreover, they made the two brothers gain a lot of advantages on themselves.    


In the end, the result was shocking. The two brothers actually captured the four women alive. They smiled and brought them back to the team. After greeting them, they went straight to the Azure Flower Village. It seemed that they were in a hurry to test their strength.    


Everyone was speechless about this result. At this time, Su Lihong's face was also livid. She angrily roared and flew down from the city wall.    


She pointed to the opposite side and said, "Which one of you is not afraid of death, come out."    


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