Super Asura System

C1156 The Pinnacle Battle

C1156 The Pinnacle Battle

The fact that Su Lihong was captured alive by Zou Tao was indeed out of everyone's expectation. No one was this strong.    


At this time, Zhou Chunyan was also extremely furious. She flew down from the city wall and pointed at them as she shouted, "It seems like I have really underestimated you all. Let Bengong personally understand you all."    


At this time, Shao Jun also stepped out from the crowd and pointed at him as he said, "You woman, don't be so arrogant. Let me deal with you."    


Zhou Chunyan laughed loudly and said, "You still have some guts. Then Bengong will give you a quick death."    


As she spoke, she raised her hand and a blood-red palm print was slapped over. The entire palm print was abnormally scarlet, and it was obviously very vicious.    


Shao Jun laughed coldly. A shield appeared out of thin air in front of him. This palm hit the shield, but the shield did not move at all.    


He then let out a long roar and rushed forward to kick the shield. This kick was full of force, and it even left a deep groove on the ground.    


The two of them soon started fighting, and it was difficult to determine who would win. Zhou Chunyan's Cultivation Method was extremely vicious, and Shao Jun's performance was incomparably domineering.    


Shao Jun suddenly took a few steps back and shouted, "Look at my Rising Lord Lu Shan!"    


As he punched forward, a Dragon-shaped and Qi-qi roared and rushed towards his opponent.    


Zhou Chunyan also looked serious. She drew a few circles in front of her chest with both hands. Red circles quickly wrapped around the Dragon-shaped Qi-qi and disappeared together with it.    


Jie Jun once again shouted, "Receive my move, Mountain Lushan Hundred Dragon Tyrant!"    


Over a hundred Dragon-shaped and Qi-qi rushed over from between his palms. This was a complete and comprehensive attack.    


Zhou Chunyan also shouted in a delicate voice. A blood-red eggshell covered her entire body. Over a hundred Dragon-shaped and Qi-qi hit the eggshell and shattered together with it.    


She said with a pale face, "I didn't think that you would have some ability. Then I will let you see my ability to turn the sky upside down with my blood palm."    


A blood palm that covered the sky and earth slammed down towards Shao Jun. The color of the sky and earth seemed to have changed.    


Shao Jun snorted coldly from his nose. Countless chains suddenly flew out from his body. These chains kept rotating in the air, wrapping around the blood palm one after another before finally fading away.    


Shao Jun said with a smile on his face, "If you only have this bit of ability, then there won't be any fun between us anymore. Let me understand you!"    


As he spoke, he used the Heavenly Horse Meteor Fist. Countless fists rushed out, completely relying on speed and quality to win.    


Although Zhou Chunyan was tired of dealing with it, she barely managed to take it all. At this time, her face was covered in dirt and there was a trace of fear in her eyes.    


Shao Jun said with praise, "Although we stand on different sides, your performance is not bad. However, I don't know if a woman like you, whose heart is like a snake and a scorpion, has looked straight into your heart. Why don't I show you my Phoenix Illusory Demon Fist today? "    


His fist brushed past the other party's ear and Zhou Chunyan just stood there blankly. Her gaze slowly became unfocused and finally fell down with a loud bang.    


The remaining Palace Maid were all stunned. At this time, no one dared to resist. They obediently opened the city gates and all of them became their captives.    


Su Lihong appeared to be rather stubborn, but after a few days of inverted love with Zou Tao, she completely surrendered.    


After the Fallen Flower City was taken down, the entire outer perimeter of Fantasy Blood Sea had been completely opened. However, the vanguard didn't advance any further. Instead, they waited for the arrival of the main force.    


Just seven days later, Zhao Yiming led the main force to this place. It should be said that the progress of the vanguard was indeed out of his expectations.    


He examined the losses of the vanguard. He didn't expect that the White Cloud Valley would suffer the greatest losses. The forces of the aristocratic families had almost been wiped out, and even the elders had suffered some losses.    


However, the mixed forces he brought this time were not only the three major sects and the Nine Sects Of The Demonic Sect. He had brought all the forces of the four aristocratic families and the various princes. After the battle, he was ready to attack the Holy City. It could be considered as training his soldiers.    


He said to Shao Jun with a smile, "Brother Shao's performance this time was really out of my expectation. I didn't expect that he could take down the entire outer region like a hot knife cutting through butter. This is definitely the first accomplishment."    


Shao Jun said with a very casual smile, "This isn't my credit alone. Moreover, it was actually so smooth this time. The Acacia Sect has indeed contributed a lot.    


Especially their dual cultivation technique. Not only did they cause many enemies to fall into their hands, but they were also very tough when it came to digesting prisoners of war.    


Now that the outer region has been taken down, I don't intend to participate in the rest of the island. I heard that there are many islands in the ocean, so I will bring the remaining forces of the Haotian Sect to the ocean to develop. "    


Zhao Yiming sighed and said," As expected, Brother Shao still wants to leave me. It's not just the forces of Haotian Sect. You can take away all the people from the Qiankun Island and those who are willing to follow you. And in the future, no matter what happens to you, the Ming Cult will be your powerful backing. "    


Shao Jun said with a laugh," When I was young, I wanted to dominate the world. I never thought that many things would happen and countless heroes would rise in the future.    


Regarding the annihilation of your Zhao Family, I feel guilty in my heart. After this trip to the ocean, I only want to be free and at ease with my wife. I won't have any desire to fight for supremacy in the future. "    


Through the Spatial Channel, Zhao Yiming sent Shao Jun and all the captives back. He gathered all the forces in his hands and soon left for the ocean, finally having a free and unfettered life for the rest of his life.    


Zhao Yiming reorganized the remaining men and said, "Now, the outer region has been completely taken down by us. Many of them have surrendered to us, which means that we are standing on the side of justice.    


The following days will be even more arduous. I believe that the Fantasy Blood Sea will never be willing to fail. We will rest here for three days and then proceed to the core region of the Fantasy Blood Sea. "    


White-browed Ancestor said with a smile, "Under the wise leadership of the Sect Master, we will definitely eradicate Fantasy Blood Sea. The White Eyebrow Sect will be willing to be the vanguard from now on."    


Zhao Yiming nodded and said, "Then let's do as the old ancestor wishes. I will give you the strength of the other four families and the remaining two sects. I will also give you the strength of Huainan. I hope you won't disappoint me."    


White-browed Ancestor said with a laugh, "Don't worry, Sect Master. We won't disappoint you."    


Zhao Yiming restarted his preparations, and a new vanguard continued to advance.    


In the main hall of Fantasy Blood Sea, Lord Of The Blood Sea said in a calm voice, "I didn't expect the West Palace to be destroyed just like that. Xu Fengjiao, you will lead the people of the Eastern Palace to attack them along the way."    


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