Super Asura System

C1211 The World Is Shaking

C1211 The World Is Shaking

Zhao Yiming and the others had sent the signal to Mercenary's group in Holy City. They had traveled across several cities in a row, and had even accepted a few missions from the Human Clan. They had also eliminated a few God Clan.    


Under the constant publicity of some people, their act of slaughtering gods had quickly become known by everyone in the world. In a short period of time, everyone was in a state of panic, and all the major powers had their own ideas.    


The God Clan had always occupied the highest peak of this place. They had named it the Divine Mountain, and it had the intention of looking down on the world. This was the Divine Palace of the Divine Mountain, where a few of the main stewards were having a discussion.    


Grand Elder of the God Clan was delighted. He coughed lightly and said, "You should know about the current situation outside. I don't know what your opinions are."    


There were a total of nine elders in the God Clan. Although Grand Elder had a high position in the sect, he still needed to vote on a lot of things.    


The Eighth Elder said with an unsatisfied expression, "This is a direct provocation to the God Clan. It is a complete trampling on our dignity. I think we should kill the chicken to warn the monkeys, and use the cruelest method possible. Destroy the Mercenary Gang of Holy City. "    


The Ninth Elder, Yun Feng, chimed in, "Just destroying them won't show our power. We should slaughter the cities that slaughtered the gods and let them know the consequences of rebelling against us."    


Third Elder hesitated for a moment and said, "I feel that this isn't appropriate. If we sit together like this, I'm afraid that it will cause dissatisfaction from the Human Clan."    


The Fourth Elder, Shen Jiawei, said with a look of approval, "We still need the power of faith from the Human Clan. If we really fight, I'm afraid it won't be a good thing."    


However, Sixth Elder, Shen Jiawei, refuted from the side, "I don't agree with the views of the two elders. I think we should show our power and influence when necessary. The Human Clan has a strong sense of servitude. Only killing can make them yield."    


The Fifth Elder also said with a cold expression, "I totally agree with Sixth Elder's opinion, but killing isn't enough. We should give some benefits to those forces that have submitted to us."    


Seventh Elder, Vast Universe, nodded and said, "I think this method is feasible. Didn't the Human Clan always want power? We can consider imparting some even more powerful Cultivation Method and some Divine Instrument to them. "    


Second Elder's expression was full of dissatisfaction as he said, "What you just said is nonsense. They haven't gotten their power yet, and they are still fighting us. If they get their power, it will be even more troublesome."    


Shen Haoyu said with a smile, "Second Elder is just worrying too much. Although we have given them some powerful Cultivation Method, we can leave a portion of it behind, so that they can only cultivate to the Pseudo Deity Stage.    


This way, even if they have cultivated for a few lifetimes, they will at most be false gods. This way, we will have plenty of ways to deal with them, and they will also pledge their loyalty to us. "    


Shen Qiang immediately said with a smile, "Moreover, we can also turn them into our spokesperson, allowing them to help us suppress the Human Clan. This is really killing two birds with one stone."    


Shen Yunfeng hesitated for a moment and said," This matter sounds very feasible, but which forces should we choose first? And what about this Mercenary Group from Holy City? "    


Shen Haoyu said with a laugh, "I have already thought about this. Those cheap women from Ci Hang Jing Mosque and those darn baldies from the Pure Zen Sect are the best candidates.    


Those cheap women seem to be very noble, but in reality, they are full of evil water. They always want to control the world in their hands. They are completely ambitious people.    


As for those darn baldies, on the surface, they appear to be sanctimonious, but in reality, they are full of men, women, and prostitution. They really complement those cheap women. "    


Shen Huan nodded and said," Then let's do as you said. But we can't let our guard down when it comes to the Mercenary Group in Holy City. Since they dare to resist us, they must bear our anger. "    


Regarding this point, everyone had the same opinion. As the host of this plan, Shen Haoyu personally went to the Ci Hang Jing Mosque.    


The master of the Ci Hang Jing Mosque, Chen Mei Ting, kneeled in front of him and said with a humble expression, "This subordinate greets the True Gods. I wonder why the True Gods have come."    


Divine Vast Universe's eyes were filled with contempt. He said in a cold voice, "You also know that a group of Mercenary from the Holy City has appeared recently. It can be said that they are very disrespectful to our God Clan."    


Chen Mei Ting quickly said, "This subordinate has already heard about this matter. They actually dared to attack a True God. This is unforgivable. Unfortunately, our strength is weak and we can't bring up a High God."    


Shen Haoyu nodded and said, "I have come today for this matter. Your Ci Hang Jing Mosque has always been very respectful, so I have decided to pass on a new Cultivation Method to you so that you can cultivate to become a god."    


Chen Mei Ting was immediately overjoyed. She kept kowtowing and said, "Thank you, True God, for your graciousness. This subordinate cannot thank you enough."    


Divine Vast Universe coldly snorted and said, "However, after the Cultivation Method was passed on to you, you became the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao. In the future, you will have to listen to the Heavenly Dao's orders and maintain the dignity of the Heavenly Dao. The Human Clan can only be the dog of the God Clan. This can never be changed."    


Chen Mei Ting shamelessly said, "My lord is right. It is our Human Clan's honor to be the dog of the God Clan. I am willing to be your dog.    


From now on, we will enforce justice on behalf of the heavens. If anyone doesn't feel at ease being a dog there, I will naturally send someone to eliminate them. Besides, it is convenient for us women to do a lot of things. We will definitely not disappoint Sir."    


Shen Haoyu nodded his head in satisfaction and said, "As expected of a good material to be a dog. Your thinking is really good. You should take care of yourself. I will leave the Cihang Sword Scripture for you all."    


After sending Divine Vast Universe away, Chen Meiting gathered the others together. She chuckled as she recounted the matter. Then, with a serious expression, she said, "This is our chance. We will become supreme existences in this world."    


Her junior sister, Sun Mei Di, hesitated for a moment and said, "But this isn't betraying the Human Clan. What face do we have to face our ancestors in the future?"    


Chen Meiting said with disdain, "If we want to achieve great things, we have to be shameless. The principle that we, the Ci Hang Jing Mosque, adheres to is shamelessness. To the outside world, one must be like a fairy. One must be especially lewd in their bones. So what if you do dirty things? As long as we have benefits. "    


In the end, Sun Meidi nodded her head. However, in her heart, she was unwilling to stay. After they were divided into two groups, she only had some resources left, to the point that Qin Mengyao appeared.    


Chen Meiting was especially shameless. When it was spread to Wen Tianni, her shamelessness was displayed to the extreme. As a result, her junior Shi Feixuan reached the peak of the mountain.    


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