Super Asura System

C1249 A Beautiful Encounter

C1249 A Beautiful Encounter

After Zhao Yiming and Linghu Xu left, Mo Lingfeng spent most of his time playing the zither or practicing his sword skills. Duanmu Yun seemed very bored, and he would often go out alone for a stroll.    


The Ghost Realm City was incomparably huge, and naturally, there were many dark sides to it, especially the underground gangs. They had been fighting non-stop, and it was inevitable that they would be dragged into the crossfire.    


Duanmu Yun rarely left Third Prince's territory, but this time, he went to the middle street, and was very interested in this Land Of Chaos.    


He was leisurely strolling along the street when he suddenly saw two groups of people fighting. These people were all fierce and fierce.    


He looked at them with interest. The Universe Soul Locking Technique was actually his natal talent. Now that he had awakened his strength, he naturally wouldn't put these gangsters in his eyes.    


He did not expect that a carriage from afar would arrive. The driver was a rough and burly man. The burly man's cultivation was clearly very profound, otherwise he would not have paid attention to these gangsters.    


However, Duanmu Yun soon realized that something was not right. These gangsters fought very regularly, and the route they took was the carriage that the big man was in.    


His eyes slightly narrowed. It seemed that these gangsters' thoughts weren't simple. And they weren't gangsters either. They probably wanted to do something!    


The big man quickly realized that something was wrong. He pulled the reins with both arms and the carriage immediately stood there. The big man sat there calmly and looked at these gangsters with bright eyes.    


A few hoodlums arrived near the carriage and suddenly jumped into the air. At the same time, a cloud of white fog rose from their hands. This white fog should be poisonous.    


The big man's face was full of disdain. He suddenly slapped forward a few times. The wind from his palm swept all the white fog back and landed on those few people's faces.    


These people didn't even have time to scream before they immediately fell to the ground. Their bodies twitched a few times before turning into a pool of blood.    


The burly man looked at those ruffians with sparkling eyes and shouted in a deep voice, "You guys are really brave. How dare you plot against Little Princess here? Aren't you afraid that all your family and friends will be killed?"    


The remaining ruffians didn't respond at all. They waved their weapons and rushed over. At this time, a clear voice came from the carriage, "General Ma, don't worry about me. Kill all of them."    


Ma Zhenxing nodded in agreement. He took out a huge Zhanmadao from somewhere. This Zhanmadao weighed more than a thousand kilograms, but it was like straw in his hand.    


He waved the Zhanmadao casually. Each slash could cut a few people in half, but those gangsters were not afraid of death. They continued to charge forward bravely.    


At this time, some people flashed out from the two sides of the stairs. They all held crossbows in their hands, and in an instant, the sky was filled with crossbow bolts, which shot towards the direction of the carriage.    


A yellow light shield suddenly appeared on the carriage, and when those arrows were shot on the light shield, they could not move an inch. Then the light shield suddenly bounced back, and all the arrows were bounced back.    


For a moment, the arrows filled the sky. The people upstairs were all hit by the arrows and fell down. When these people landed on the ground, they all turned into a pool of blood.    


Duanmu Yun's eyes slightly narrowed. He did not expect these people to be so ruthless. All the arrows were poisoned. Clearly, they wanted to kill Little Princess.    


Ma Zhenxing roared in anger. The Zhanmadao in his hand shook violently. The entire saber broke into countless pieces and shot out in all directions.    


At this time, some people rushed out from all directions. These people were the first to be hit by these pieces. They were instantly turned into honeycombs. They didn't even have the time to scream.    


However, there were more innocent people on the way. However, they were caught in the crossfire and had nothing to say. They all died on the spot.    


Duanmu Yun moved his hands slightly, and formed a wall of air in front of him. After those fragments pierced through a few walls of air, they finally disappeared without a trace.    


What he did naturally attracted Ma Zhenxing's attention. The latter took out a pair of steel whips from nowhere and pointed them at him from afar.    


He smiled and said, "You must not fight with me. That would mean that you have mistaken me for someone else. I haven't finished killing your people yet. You should focus on dealing with them."    


Ma Zhenxing coldly snorted. He then released his Spiritual Sense and quickly covered the entire street. He also discovered some enemies.    


A few blind men walked over from the side of the road. Their steps were very slow, but each step was very steady. It seemed that they were also experts.    


The blind man in the lead said, "We are also using people's money to eliminate disaster. I hope Little Princess doesn't mind. Little Princess controls Tragic Death City, but I don't know where your soul will return to after you die."    


Ma Zhenxing coldly snorted. He waved the two whips in his hands and shouted, "You blind men are really arrogant. You actually dare to assassinate Little Princess. Do you think you are very powerful?"    


The blind man said with a smile, "We know that General Ma has unparalleled skills, but you are only one man now. Even if you can stop the few of us who are blind, can you stop all of us?"    


The clear voice sounded again, "General Ma, you don't have to worry about my safety. Since these few blind men don't know what's good for them, send them back to the embrace of heaven and earth!"    


Ma Zhenxing nodded and stabbed the steel whip in his hand into the ground. The ground churned, and then spikes appeared under the feet of the blind man.    


However, these blind men seemed to be as light as a swallow. The tips of their feet touched the earth spikes. As the earth spikes slowly rose, they did not cause any damage at all.    


The blind men tapped the spikes on the ground with the tips of their feet as if they were dancing with the wind. They flew toward them. Ma Zhenxing roared and pushed the double whips forward to meet them.    


These blind men were also quite powerful. It was difficult to determine victory or defeat in a short period of time. However, he was very anxious because another enemy had appeared.    


At this time, the clear voice said, "I know this is Young Master Duanmu. He has a good relationship with my Third Brother. I wonder if he can help Little Sister to get rid of these shameless people!"    


Duanmu Yun smiled and looked at the few men in black who were walking towards him. With a sway of his body, he stood in front of them and said with a calm expression, "Since he asked for it, I naturally won't reject it. All of you should leave as soon as possible, lest you lose your lives."    


The leader of the men in black said in a low voice, "I think you are overestimating yourself. Since ancient times, meddling in other people's business will lead to a violent death. Good people will never have good karma. You have to think clearly in your heart."    


A smile was plastered on Duanmu Yun's face. A Dragon-shaped and Longsword appeared in his hand, and he rushed towards the leader of the men in black.    


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