Super Asura System

C1256 The Net Was Densely Packed

C1256 The Net Was Densely Packed

Zhao Yiming felt that he had been living a pretty good life these past two days. He had subdued a few more major powers in a row. Now, he, Second Brother, had become a very influential figure in the Phantom Plain.    


He once again came to a small village. However, when he walked into the village, he found that something was wrong. This place was too quiet, and there was no sign of life.    


He stood there quietly and kept looking around. Soon, he heard a sound, and then dozens of coffins flew out.    


These coffins kept circling around him, and suddenly, all the coffins exploded. Zombies stood up from the inside and jumped towards him.    


He had a disdainful smile on his face. He threw out dozens of punches at lightning speed. Each punch hit a zombie, making a metal clanging sound.    


These zombies fell back and fell into the coffins again. The coffins continued to operate at a faster and faster speed. Soon, dozens of chains shot out from the coffins and quickly tied him up.    


With a cold expression, he let the chains tie him up. Then, he activated the space immortal technique. Space twisted and the coffins disappeared without a trace.    


A surprised voice came from the depths of the village. He took a step forward and reached the depths of the village. He saw that it was a righteous village.    


The door of the righteous village slowly opened. Inside were leaves that fell from the autumn wind. These leaves were dancing in the air like dancing demons.    


He walked in with a cold expression and saw that this place was very dilapidated. There were two broken coffins on the ground. Heavy breathing sounds came from the coffins.    


He stood there and said, "Now that I am here, is this how you treat your guests? Could it be that you don't want to come out and welcome me? "    


The coffin suddenly shattered, and a man and a woman stood there. The man's face was full of rotten flesh, and maggots were crawling inside.    


The woman was as beautiful as a flower, but her skin was very hard. There was no elasticity at all on her skin, just like old cowhide.    


He said with a smile, "Having two puppets here is really not the way to treat guests. How can the owner not have sincerity? Then I'll take my leave."    


The door of Yi Zhuang slowly opened and an old man walked out. He coughed as he walked, like a broken wind box.    


The old man breathed for a while and said, "Young people nowadays are really insensible. I panted so hard that I didn't even come up to help."    


Zhao Yiming said with disdain, "I think you are usually vigorous and fierce. No matter what you do, you are always disrespectful to the old. Is it good to take advantage of young people?"    


The old man sighed and said, "It's fine to say that you are disrespectful to the old, but I have my reasons. What do you guys dare to do?"    


Zhao Yiming said with disdain, "Don't tell me that it's useless here. You deliberately lured me here. You are not discussing the problem of being disrespectful to the old, right? I have yet to ask who you are."    


The old man coughed lightly and said, "I'm Chen Zhicong. Someone asked me to seek justice from you, young master. Do you think the Ghost Realm isn't stable right now? Why do you have to divide the land and cause chaos everywhere?"    


Zhao Yiming's eyes narrowed slightly, then he said with a smile, "I don't understand what old man means. It's better to be clear about it. Phantom Plain is a place that no one wants, so why can't my brother settle down here?"    


Chen Zhicong said with a cloudy look in his old eyes, "Although this old man's eyes are blurry, I can see many things more clearly. I'm afraid only you know what you are thinking.    


You are a man of the Divine Realm, so you should obey the rules of the Ghost Realm as soon as you arrive at the Ghost Realm. With such ambition, I'm afraid that sooner or later you will reap what you sow. It will be too late for regrets then."    


Zhao Yiming said with a cold smile, "I hate old things like you the most. You are always self-righteous and preaching all day long. Why haven't you gone to meet the King of Hell yet? You should be dead by now. What I said is wrong. Why haven't you reincarnated yet? "    


Chen Zhicong's turbid eyes suddenly lit up, and then the two zombies jumped forward. They jumped for more than ten meters, and arrived in front of him in an instant.    


Zhao Yiming didn't care at all. Both of his palms struck out like lightning. Although he had lost all of his martial arts, every move he made was filled with boundless power.    


The two zombies also had some intelligence. They immediately dodged to the side. They didn't dare to take his Palmar Strength head-on. That palm of his could even flatten iron men.    


Chen Zhicong let out another long roar. The two zombies kept changing their bodies. The maggots on the male zombie's body flew out, and the female zombie shot out dozens of nails.    


However, when these things reached Zhao Yiming, they disappeared in an instant. Their strength was still very limited, and they couldn't break through the spatial barrier.    


Zhao Yiming sneered and said, "It's not as simple as you think. With just these two zombies, it's a joke to deal with me."    


As he spoke, he waved his hands and the God Slaying Knife appeared in his hands. The knife quickly moved forward and cut off the heads of the two zombies.    


Chen Zhicong frowned. He didn't expect this guy to be so powerful. Those two zombies were also his trump cards. However, the Divine Instrument used by the opponent seemed to be different from the others.    


A cold smile appeared on Zhao Yiming's face once again. Then, he took out the Ghost White Bone Banner. The Ghost White Bone Banner kept waving in the air, forcefully pulling out the soul of this guy.    


After the soul was melted into the Ghost White Bone Banner, he had obtained the memory of this guy. It turned out that this guy was the person beside Second Crown Prince. It could be said that he had watched Second Crown Prince grow up.    


A disdainful smile appeared on his face. This Second Crown Prince really did not learn to be obedient. He insisted on finding trouble with him. It seemed like he could teach him a painful lesson when he returned.    


Furthermore, from the soul of the other party, he knew that Second Crown Prince had sent out many experts. This was only one of them. It seemed like Second Crown Prince wouldn't give up until he was killed.    


However, this guy also said that Second Crown Prince wasn't the only group of people chasing after him this time. One group seemed to be Third Prince's men, and the last group seemed to be someone unknown.    


However, no matter which group it was, their target was the same. They wanted to get rid of him, and then take him as their own. It seemed like his actions in Phantom Plain had touched the bottom line of the enemies.    


However, not to mention the mission, even if he didn't have the mission, he still had the confidence to ignore everyone. Since all of you are here to cause trouble, he will break the heavens.    


As for what would happen in the end, he didn't care about it at all. Anyway, he didn't have any good relationship with these guys. At most, he would just destroy them all.    


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