Super Asura System

C1307 He Wouldn't Stop Until He Died

C1307 He Wouldn't Stop Until He Died

The news of Bassa being completely destroyed by the Real quickly spread to the headquarters of the Beggars Gang. Mei Xi and Fabregas immediately wailed in grief.    


Qiao Wei stood in the hall with a gloomy face and said angrily, "The Real is really shameless. They actually attacked our branch. We can't let this matter go just like that."    


Liu Shixun said from the side, "Then what do you think we should do? After all, the Real is a large gang. It's not wise to have a direct confrontation with them."    


Fabres quickly said, "Please help us, Sect Master. We can't let my father and the others die in vain."    


Qiao Wei nodded and said, "Don't worry. I won't let your father die in vain. Since they are members of the Beggars Gang, I naturally have to make the decision for them.    


Order the world. The Real has killed the members of the Beggars Gang and destroyed our Bassa Branch. This matter will not end until one of us dies. We will declare war on them. "    


The reaction of the Beggars Gang was beyond everyone's expectation. A medium-sized gang declaring war on a large gang was unprecedented in history.    


Everyone's eyes were focused on this place. They wanted to see what they could do. The Real also reacted quickly, constantly adjusting themselves to teach them a painful lesson.    


This time, it was a direct confrontation. They would not choose to launch a sneak attack. In fact, the Real's sneak attack to destroy Bassar was also criticized.    


Raul sat in the hall and said with a deep look, "The Beggars Gang is really tougher than we thought. They actually said that they will fight to the death. Since this is the case, let's play with them.    


The Golden Wolf Guti is no longer around. My younger brother Raul Gonzalez will take over his position and lead the vanguard to the headquarters of the Beggars Gang."    


Zeda hesitated for a moment and said, "I'm afraid that sending Raul Gonzalez alone is not enough. Why don't we send Terstigan over as well? He is more mature and mature, so he should be of some use."    


Figo nodded and said, "I think he is right. We can also send Hillson. After all, Beggars Gang is not weak, so it is better to be careful.    


Our main force will follow. This time, we must completely eradicate them with a thunderous force. We will also let them know the prestige of the large gangs. "    


Real had been fighting recently, so their operations were relatively fast. Soon, their very famous Milky Way warship arrived near the Beggars Gang's headquarters.    


Raul Gonzalez did not take Beggars Gang seriously at all. He said casually, "Why are you talking so much about the rules with them? Just rush over and destroy them."    


Trestgan seemed to be more composed. He hesitated for a moment and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. I've seen the Beggars Gang's achievements over the years. Other than advancing by leaps and bounds in the beginning, the rest of the time, they had been slowly developing.    


That's why we don't know how strong they are, but there's one thing we can be sure of. All the forces that seek refuge with them have been developing well over the years. This is also the reason why these factions have always been loyal to them."    


Hillson was a person of mediocrity. He immediately said from the side, "I think what you two said makes sense. It's true that you should think twice before you act. However, even if the fighter aircraft on the battlefield passes away in an instant, you still need to be decisive!"    


The two fellows looked at him together and said very discontentedly, "Then what exactly do you mean? It's as if you didn't say anything. Directly attack or wait."    


Hilleson touched his nose and said, "I can't make up my mind about that. Why don't we draw lots?"    


The other two guys fell to the ground with a thud. After a while, they got up and looked at him with admiration. They really knew how to come up with bad ideas.    


But soon, they did not have to make things difficult for them because the people from Beggars Gang were the first to rush over. The leaders were Mei Xi and Fabregas. As soon as they came up, they fired their cannons at the Milky Way Battleship.    


Although the Milky Way Battleship's defense was pretty good, it was hit by a sudden attack at this time. It was stunned, and soon a large amount of damage appeared.    


Raul Gonzalez let out an angry roar. He rushed out with his subordinates, and when he saw the members of the Beggars Gang who were continuously attacking, he charged over in anger.    


It should be said that under these years of concentrated cultivation, the strength of these people from the Beggars Gang had improved tremendously. Liu Wei raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, charging towards him.    


Fabres and Mei Xi also caught his two assistants. The six of them split into three groups and continued to fight. The remaining members of the Real were slaughtered.    


Raul Gonzalez was furious, but this guy in front of him had strange and unpredictable abilities. He had never been able to gain the upper hand in the first place. Now that he was distracted, naturally, he would be finished.    


There was no room for negligence in a fight between experts. Liu Wei seized this opportunity and attacked more than ten times in a row. Finally, his palm hit the opponent's chest and broke his heart meridian.    


The other two fellows were also shocked. However, these two generals in front of them also attacked quite fiercely. Moreover, they seemed to not care about their lives at all. In the end, the two of them could only die on the spot.    


The result of this battle once again caused a commotion in the world. No one had thought that the Real's vanguard would be killed so easily. This showed how powerful the Beggars Gang was.    


The death of his younger brother had infuriated Raul. He immediately ordered everyone to speed up their journey, to avenge his younger brother, and to unleash the might of the Real once again.    


At the same time, he also sent someone to invite the supreme elder of the Real, the Leopard Yusibio. As Yusibio was still in secluded cultivation, he sent his eldest disciple, Yero, to help him.    


After the army of the Real arrived, dozens of Milky Way Battleships were lined up in a row, and they immediately clashed with the Beggars Gang. However, no one was able to gain the upper hand.    


After the large-scale battle failed, both sides entered the stage of fighting generals. This was also the most common procedure in a typical gang war. For example, the sneak attack on Bassa in front of them was actually very despicable.    


Both sides lined up in a symmetrical place. Raul said with a cold expression, "The Beggars Gang sure has the nerve to fight against the Real."    


Qiao Wei also said with a cold expression, "Don't tell on the bad guys here first. If you didn't sneak attack our branch first, how could this incident have happened?    


Although our Beggars Gang is a medium-sized sect, we are not afraid of anything. Since you want to bully us, we will fight you to the death. We will not rest until one of us dies. "    


Their eyes met, and their eyes were filled with fighting spirit. This war had finally begun.    


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