Super Asura System

C1310 Anti-night Attack

C1310 Anti-night Attack

After both sides returned to their respective tents, they began to analyze the situation of today's battle. The Beggars Gang was very satisfied with the result, and the Real was especially depressed.    


Figo first analyzed the situation, then said, "The current situation is very unfavorable to us. Those small gangs are already somewhat separated from each other. If this continues, we will face the risk of falling apart."    


Qi Dani shook his head and said, "I didn't advocate fighting them head on back then. Now it seems that my idea isn't wrong. These people are really fierce. Just thinking about it gives me a headache."    


Robert Carlos said helplessly, "What's the use of saying all this now? It's better to think about how to salvage the situation. That's our overall strength, but it seems like there are still many experts who haven't made a move yet. "    


Figo said with a shrewd expression, "Actually, today's defeat isn't necessarily a bad thing. After the other party takes advantage of us, they will definitely relax. Why don't we carry out a night raid tonight and kill them before they can react."    


Robert Carlos immediately objected and said, "I don't agree with what you're doing. Right now, everyone is watching us. This is a fair and aboveboard battle. If we use this method, we'll definitely be despised by the other gangs. "    


However, Qi Dani said with a look of approval, "We can't care about that anymore. If we can't come up with a good idea, we might even lose our gang. Why should we care about shame?    


Tonight, I will lead the team with Figo. When the time comes, just say that we did it on our own. We will bear all the responsibility. We will definitely not let you lose face. "    


Robert Carlos naturally could not refute him when he heard him say that. He could only let them go and say that he did not know.    


In the hall of Beggars Gang, the atmosphere was very warm. Everyone had gained a lot from today's battle, and they all felt very happy.    


Liu Shixun chuckled and said, "It seems like these guys aren't that great now. They were also defeated by us. Tomorrow, we will try our best to completely eliminate them."    


Zhao Yiming suddenly felt a sudden impulse. His attack was only calculated there. This was also the new ability that he had gained after achieving his cultivation.    


A moment later, he said with a smile on his face, "Those guys are really full of evil intentions. They actually want to rob our camp. We have made such arrangements, and they won't be able to return alive."    


Soon, it was midnight. Qi Dani and the others arrived with their men. Looking at the brightly lit camp of Beggars Gang, all of them nodded their heads secretly.    


Two guards were drinking at the entrance. There wasn't even a sentry there. However, it wasn't necessary to think about it. Who would have thought that they would be so shameless?    


Qi Dani waved his hand behind him. An assassin quietly sneaked over and killed the two guards. He slowly moved his hand inside and soon, two dog barks were heard, indicating that everything was safe.    


Qi Dani immediately roared, and led his men into the camp. After rushing into the camp, he found that there was no one there, not even a shadow.    


The two immediately knew that they had been tricked. They hurriedly brought their men and wanted to retreat. They did not expect that there would suddenly be a large gatehouse at the door, crushing the few people behind them into meat pies. Then, iron barricades were erected all around them, firmly surrounding them in the middle.    


Zhao Yiming stood there with his men and pointed at them with a smile. "You guys are really shameless, to think that you could think of such a method to launch a night attack. But it's a pity that you ran into me. It can only be counted as your own misfortune! "    


Figo immediately shouted in a deep voice, "Don't be so arrogant here. It's our bad luck to be surrounded by you guys today. At most, we'll just die!"    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said, "How can it be so simple to die? Do you remember what I said to Basa back then? That was not to scare them.    


However, it seemed that many people did not believe it. It was a good opportunity to test it out on the two of you. I know that the two of you are smart people. Only by making you into human pillars and showing it out will you have the deterrence."    


The two of them were also shocked. To them, death wasn't scary, but if they were to be tortured like that, it would be better to die than live.    


Zeda pointed at Zhao Yiming and said, "We are not that trash Ronaldino. If you want us to surrender, you can save it!"    


Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly felt a pain in his back. He turned his head with difficulty and saw Figo stabbing a short knife into his back. In the end, Figo stabbed him a few times.    


Figo said with a cold expression, "Don't call me if you want to die. I don't want to become like that. I will fulfill your wish. At least you will be free."    


He then threw the knife on the ground and raised his hands high, saying, "I've decided to surrender now. Please don't do anything else."    


Zhao Yiming threw a contract at him and said, "Since you have signed this contract, we will be friends from now on. I will not treat you badly."    


Figo was also very straightforward at this time. He signed the contract without saying anything. It was a mandatory slave contract. This time, he became Qiao Wei's most loyal slave.    


For the remaining subordinates, each one of them issued a contract. Those who did not sign it would be cut into pieces. After killing a few, the rest would rush over like a flock of ducks.    


After dealing with these guys, Zhao Yiming immediately ordered people to remove their clothes and put new clothes on them.    


Figo was indeed a very smart guy. He immediately understood what they wanted to do. He took a step forward and said with a charming smile, "I know what Third Master means. Why don't you let me go with you?    


With my face, the guards naturally wouldn't doubt it. When the gate of the camp is opened, it will be a piece of fat meat in front of us. We can do whatever we want."    


Zhao Yiming absolutely believed in the power of the contract and immediately nodded. Everyone nodded their camps first and made a very chaotic appearance.    


Raul saw it with his own people in the camp and immediately said happily, "As expected, they didn't let me down. They really succeeded."    


However, Yero said with a cold expression, "But our Real has lost all face this time. I wonder how the people in the world will think of us and how we will interact with other gangs in the future."    


Robert Carlos said with a look of approval, "Our reputation has been tarnished this time. The other gangs will definitely look down on us. When the time comes, they will definitely not believe us if we cooperate with them."    


Raul waved his hand without saying anything. Soon, he saw a group of people running back. From afar, he saw Figo in front of him.    


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