Super Asura System

C1312 Continue to Expand

C1312 Continue to Expand

After taking over the territory of the Real, the Beggars Gang had become a large sect. However, they didn't stop expanding, they had to expand further.    


The first one they had taken a fancy to was Manlian-Alliance. It was also an old and powerful gang. Their leader Ferguson had a great reputation in Demon World.    


Initially, everyone thought that the two sides would be evenly matched. They did not expect that in the first exchange, Manlian-Alliance would start to lose. General Jiggs had been killed, and the vanguard Rooney had joined the enemy.    


Following that, the Beggars Gang continuously attacked their territory. Just as Manlian-Alliance was fighting against the Beggars Gang with all their strength, another major gang, Mancheng, attacked their other territory while they were down.    


However, Mancheng was not so lucky. The number one general of Manling Alliance, David Bei Kehanmu, only led a small number of troops to oversee their territory, and they also beat them until they lost their armor and armor.    


That guy used the full moon machete to sweep away everything in his way, and this resulted in another situation. Manli was continuously taken over by the Beggars Gang, and he kept taking over Mancheng.    


In the end, what shocked people was that Mancheng City was destroyed. Manli's territory was all returned to Beggars Gang, and Mancheng City's territory was all returned to Manli City.    


Of course, the Beggars Gang would not let Manlian-Alliance go. They continued to attack the other side. Both sides had gone through continuous battles for more than a hundred years. Finally, the Beggars Gang was able to completely destroy Manlian-Alliance in one go.    


After taking down these two territories, the Beggars Gang's morale was as high as a rainbow. Next, they swept away the hot thorns, took Cerci, and defeated Arsenal.    


Finally, they ran into the overlord of the large gangs in this area, the famous Red Army Liverpool. The two sides once again engaged in a tug-of-war.    


The Red Army Liverpool was also filled with experts. Their leader Michael Owen was known as the Flash, and also known as the Windchaser Hero. This guy was truly powerful.    


His number one subordinate, Gerrard, was known as the most comprehensive defensive general. He was a man who could block tens of thousands of enemies. The Beggars Gang, where he guarded, was always battered and bleeding.    


In the end, he bribed the core members of the enemy and poisoned Gerrard, which killed him. Only then did he break through this checkpoint.    


However, Owen was also a strong man. He found the tall man Claude, the iron waist Macheno, and the tough general Louis Garcia on the outside.    


He also set up three more defense lines, but Beggars Gang used a roundabout tactic this time. They attacked the two wings of Liverpool and took down Water Crystal Palace and Bonley, the two gangs on his two wings.    


Then, they attacked their backs from both sides. Only then did they break through their three lines of defense. Finally, Owen and his subordinates were surrounded in the headquarters city.    


Owen was also incomparably valiant. Under such circumstances, he still fought with them without any regard for his own safety. He killed the Zhong father and son pair one after another, and then killed a few experts of Saint Devil Palace.    


In the end, he was defeated by Qiao Wei in a single strike. Although he was killed by Qiao Wei, he still injured Qiao Wei.    


However, after this battle, the Beggars Gang had completely conquered this region, and had become an extremely powerful sect, during the period when Qiao Wei was recuperating from his injuries.    


Zhao Yiming raised his butcher's knife once again. This time, he set his target to the surrounding area. Soon, a bloody storm was stirred up there. First, he defeated Saint Ottoman, then he took down Leon. This way, the passageway was completely opened.    


Then, he defeated Twitter, defeated Peuja, and took Ajax. The remaining gangs in this area also lost the will to resist under such circumstances. In the end, they all chose to surrender.    


After controlling these two areas, Zhao Yiming did not stop. He then targeted the next area and defeated the overlord of this area, Juventus.    


After that, he defeated Palma and the Wolf Gang led by Totti. After that, he defeated more than ten gangs in a row and finally took control of this place.    


After he adjusted his condition, Qiao Wei came out of seclusion. This time, Qiao Wei broke through and stood up. His overall strength had risen once again.    


He took the butcher knife from Zhao Yiming and continued on the path of conquest. He defeated Kazeslauten, Wolfsberg, and finally defeated the insufferably arrogant Bai Ren, taking down the other region.    


After Beggars Gang took down these regions, their overall strength had become very powerful. Because of the special contract, they could be said to be very united internally. There were no hidden dangers at all.    


To the other large gangs, they were like a giant. Some large sects chose to surrender, but they didn't think so. They decided to look for Sect Master, who was behind them, which was the four big sects.    


However, the four big gangs were different. The Qing Gang was the strongest. However, they had always been high and mighty, and even looked down on the other three major gangs. It was just that they didn't want to bother with them. They could flatten them at any time.    


The Hongmen Sect was also a very unique existence. They were completely built on the foundation of the strength of the Hong father and son. Furthermore, Fang Shiyu's strength was formidable. However, these three people were not people who liked to cause trouble. Basically, if people did not offend them, they would not offend them.    


Therefore, Hong Xing and East Star were the ones who were most willing to interfere in this matter. However, both parties were different. In general, Hong Xing's strength was slightly stronger than the East Star. After all, the twelve Hall Master were all extraordinary.    


However, under the leadership of the Jiang brothers, everything was reasonable. Moreover, they were loyal to their friends and wouldn't restrict the development of other gangs.    


The East Star was the exact opposite of them. These guys were the real scumbags. Although there were many experts in the East Star, most of them were evil people. The remaining few were unpardonable.    


Moreover, the boss of the East Star, Camel, was only the boss in name. Out of the five tigers, only Situ Haonan had completely obeyed his orders. The rest of them were all disobedient.    


There were also a few other elders, like the white-haired old man, who had obtained the support of the smiling tiger and the tiger and crow of the five tigers. Their strength was also quite formidable.    


The other fellow had obtained the support of Yaoyang and Jin Maohu, but his strength was slightly weaker than White-headed Tiger. However, he was still on par with Camel.    


This was the bottom of the highest class, and there were many others below. The entire East Star was like a loose federation, and it was called the famous Sheng Fan below. He was also ambitious and often did his own thing.    


However, even the scattered groups below were very powerful in terms of combat strength. Moreover, if there were any problems, they would join forces and act. Therefore, it was very troublesome.    


When the Beggars Gang took down all these territories, in fact, the overall scale of the Beggars Gang was not inferior to these super large gangs. It was just that their foundation was still a little lacking.    


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