Super Asura System

C1331 War of the Gods

C1331 War of the Gods

This was a great war between the east and the west, and it had attracted everyone's attention. In name, Yang Wuwei had already conquered the entire east. If he could defeat his opponent, he would naturally unify the entire Divine Realm.    


The west was now the gathering of the eight great Divine Kingdom, forming the true alliance of the eight kingdoms. They also hoped to defeat them in this war and divide the fertile land in the east.    


Both sides were in an isolated zone, and because Yang Wuwei needed to cultivate in seclusion, they gave the position of commander-in-chief to Zhao Yiming.    


This time, both sides had extended for a few thousand miles, but everyone knew that there was no point in other places. Only the battle of the main force could decide the ownership of everything.    


Both parties agreed on a day, and they would confront each other. Eastern Divine Clan was waving his flag, and every one of them was full of energy. The Western God Race, on the other hand, looked ferocious, and they were lined up neatly in a square formation.    


Zhao Yiming said with a cold expression, "You barbarians from the west, we didn't go to find you, but you still dared to come to our doorstep. You have gone too far. This time, we will make sure that none of you will be able to come back alive."    


Chris Paolo also said loudly, "Don't speak nonsense there. Under the Heavenly Dao, all living beings are equal, and there is no such thing as' barbarians'. Why do you have the right to occupy such a fertile place? We can only stay in the bitter cold.    


Now, the Heavenly Dao has shown mercy to us. We will open the barrier to the east and west, and let the Western God Race let you know what a true fighting race is. Hand over your territory. "    


Jin Huanyun, the subordinate of the Azure Dragon Sovereign, also shouted out loudly," You bastard! What are you talking about?! The fertile land of our east! How can you barbarians pry into our territory? Today, I will let you know how powerful we are! That one came out to die."    


As he spoke, he flew over the crowd and waved the Green Dragon Crescent Moon Blade in his hand. It also seemed to be very powerful. Immediately, there was a burst of cheers behind him.    


A big black man rushed out from the west. He waved a pair of double-sided axes in his hands and shouted loudly, "I am Tanet from the Rocket Divine Kingdom. Let me deal with you."    


As he spoke, he threw out the double-sided axes in his hands. The axes kept spinning in the air and kept changing their trajectories. This technique was not bad at all.    


Jin Huayun let out a loud roar again. He waved the Green Dragon Crescent Blade up and down, and knocked the axe to the side. Then, he swung the axe fiercely.    


Tucker used his other axe to parry, and the axe that was knocked away flew back. Jin Huayun made a somersault in the air and dodged the axe again.    


The axe flew back to Tucker Nee's hands. He waved his hands like a wheel and attacked with great force.    


Jin Huayun was also a fierce general. He waved the Green Dragon Crescent Blade in his hand and quickly clashed with his opponent. In the end, he still had a higher level of skill and killed his opponent with one slash.    


He laughed heartily and said, "This guy is quite capable, but it's still not enough. Who else wants to die?"    


This time, two guys rushed out. One of them waved his spear and shouted, "I am Lamakus, and the other is my younger brother, Adrian. Today, let us brothers take your life."    


The east side kept cursing, but Jin Huayun shouted loudly, "Not to mention the two of you, even if there are a few more, so what? I still don't care about you."    


He waved his Green Dragon Crescent Blade to meet them and immediately started fighting with them. The cheers from the east were endless, and the more he fought, the more courageous he became.    


The two brothers were quite skilled, but they were still lacking compared to him. In the end, he swung his blade and killed one of them, and then captured the other.    


The captured man was brought into the tent, and Zhao Yiming immediately ordered his men to cut him alive. Just like that, in front of the two armies, the bloody scene terrified the Western God Race.    


Ai Lixiong, the subordinate of White Tiger God, waved a huge axe and rushed out with a smile. He said to Jin Huanyun, "You have already made a name for yourself. It's time for me to have some fun!"    


Jin Huayun smiled and nodded. She patted his shoulder and said, "Don't embarrass us. The two of you are still looking at us on Dragon Tiger Mountain."    


Ali Xiong nodded, then roared, "You bastards, do you have any more experts? Come out and exchange blows with me."    


The Western God Race's morale was low. Marco Sestro shouted angrily, "You ignorant cowards, did you scare those eastern barbarians? Let me take his life."    


This guy's weapon was a flail. He waved it and rushed forward, attacking from afar. This weapon was a 30-foot-long chain. It was definitely a long-range weapon.    


Ali Xiong laughed loudly. He reached out his hand and grabbed the chain. He roared loudly, "Die for me!"    


After he shouted, he exerted force with his arm and pulled the opponent to his front. The axe in his hand swung down and chopped off his head. At this time, another guy flew into a rage and rushed out.    


He threw back the chain in his hand and tied the opponent up. The hammer on the chain hit the opponent's head and smashed it like a watermelon.    


These two guys were so fierce that the rest of the people from the Western God Race were frightened. They didn't know what to do for a moment and didn't dare to attack.    


This time, the eight Divine Kingdom also invited the famous Sage Johnson. This fellow was definitely a strategist and had great talent in strategy.    


He sighed lightly and said, "Now that our morale is low, it is not convenient for us to fight with them. We will temporarily withdraw our troops and then slowly plan."    


When Zhao Yiming saw the Western God Race withdraw their troops, he naturally withdrew his men. Today, they were just testing each other, so there was no need for them to fight with them.    


After he returned to his own tent, his eight wives were busy there. All the matters in the army were handled by the eight of them.    


Sun Xiuli said softly, "We have sufficient logistical resources now. There is no need to fight with them. We can totally slowly consume them.    


The biggest weakness of Western God Race is that the place is barren. The logistical supply must be insufficient. If you want us to drag it on for a thousand or eight hundred years, we can definitely make them collapse without fighting!"    


Zou Xiaoyun hesitated and said, "I believe that there are wise men in the Western God Race. They must have seen their own shortcomings. They must want to end the battle with us quickly. How can they be willing to drag it on?"    


Liu Yifei said with a smile," As long as we insist on defending, what can they do? Today we have won a great victory. Wouldn't it be a good blow to their matter? "    


Zhao Yiming shook his head lightly. There were many things that needed to be discussed at length.    


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