Super Asura System

C1346 Assassins Are Coming

C1346 Assassins Are Coming

After Zhao Yiming took down the second front, he did not continue to push forward. Instead, he reorganized the cannon fodder battalion. This was also expected.    


After all, through the previous few battles, the cannon fodder unit had suffered heavy losses. Now, there was also the Lakers' purple shirt army, Grizzly Bear's Flying Bear Army, and Xiaoniu's Ottoman Tank Army. Of course, they had to make new adjustments.    


This gave the assassin unit led by Isaiah Thomas a very good opportunity. The shorty brought his men and quickly arrived here.    


Isaias Thomas smiled and said to his subordinates, "The heavens are really helping me. The other party actually stopped here. We just need to wait for an advantageous moment and we can get rid of them."    


Kristan Thompson laughed at the side and said, "Eastern Divine Clan is a bunch of cowards. How much ability can he have in total? This time, we are going all out. We will definitely make them suffer countless casualties."    


Isaias shook his head gently and said, "Our target this time is that Zhao Yiming. Everyone, don't complicate things and just get rid of her."    


They hid outside until the night. They sneaked towards the camp. It should be said that the defense of the camp was not very tight. In everyone's opinion, there was no need for that.    


After they successfully took care of a few sentries at the entrance, they entered the tent. They wanted to go to the granary, but they found that it was heavily guarded and gave up on that idea in the end.    


Kristan Thompson glanced at the big tent in the middle and felt that it was a good time to make a contribution. He quickly rushed forward and soon arrived nearby.    


He used a knife to cut a small hole in the big tent. He saw a person inside reading documents and felt that this should be Zhao Yiming. He gritted his teeth and rushed in. He raised his hand and shot out more than ten throwing knives.    


Sun Xiuli was in the middle of dealing with government affairs when she suddenly saw throwing knives at her. She reached out her hand and hit the table. All the documents flew up and turned into a barrier in the air.    


With Zhao Yiming's successful cultivation, his eight wives also changed. Everyone chose an immortal cultivation method. Unexpectedly, it was one of the hundreds of families of the children.    


Sun Xiuli was a legal practitioner and had reached the level where she could speak and do whatever she wanted. Furthermore, she often dealt with government affairs. This was a type of cultivation.    


Those documents hovered in the air, and very quickly, the throwing knives were sent down. Then, they turned into a paper dragon and pounced towards the other party.    


Kristan Thompson was also shocked. He did not expect that the person in front of him was a woman. Moreover, she was so fierce. She was really a tiger.    


He immediately used the stealth technique and hid himself in the void again. Now that he thought about it, this woman should be Zhao Yiming's wife. Killing her was also a good thing.    


Sun Xiuli said with a serious expression, "I said you will fall from the sky. Your body is covered with shackles. Kneel in front of me to show the dignity of the law."    


Kristan Thompson immediately felt his whole body go limp. He fell out of the void. Countless chains appeared on his body and tied him up tightly. With a plop, he knelt in front of the other party.    


At this time, the other few women also got up. They came to the outside of the tent and looked at this place with bright eyes. They believed that there would not be only one assassin.    


Zou Xiaoyun represented the Yin Yang Family. She formed a seal with both hands and a huge Yin Yang Taijitu covered the entire camp.    


The Taijitu kept circulating and crushing the space. Then, they heard a scream. Thomas and the other assassins were all exposed.    


The other soldiers had already surrounded them. Xia Zi represented the peasant family. With a wave of her hand, countless flowers suddenly grew on the ground. A breeze blew and the flowers fluttered in the wind.    


These flower petals spun in the air. When they floated past the assassins' necks, they left traces of blood on them. Only a few assassins dodged, and the rest all died.    


Saiya Thomas looked at these women in extreme terror. This was simply too fierce. His subordinates were going to die before anything happened.    


Liu Yifei represented a famous person, and there was a smile on her face. She looked at the remaining few people and said, "Aren't you ashamed of your actions? If you don't surrender quickly, you will wash away your shame. After killing the boss, you can turn over a new leaf. "    


Those people seemed to have been bewitched. They brandished their weapons and charged at Isaias Thomas. No matter how the latter howled, there was no way to change this outcome.    


However, this shorty was indeed quite powerful. In the end, he killed all of his subordinates. His body was also covered in wounds as he struggled to look at them.    


Zhou Xiyao represented the Mo family. She held a black sword in her hand and casually threw it out. The black sword transformed into a black dragon in the air and swallowed the other party in one bite.    


When those guys from the cannon fodder camp saw how ferocious the wives were, their hearts were placed in their stomachs. They felt that if even the wives were so powerful, then it was only a matter of time before they took over the world.    


This was just a small interlude. Eastern Divine Clan's people did not take it seriously at all. However, their reactions were strong in the Western God Race.    


The Little Emperor, Zhan Musi, was crying bitterly. He would always be like a woman. Apart from throwing the blame, he would also hold back his tears.    


Derick persuaded him from the side, "Why do you have to do this? It's just a little shortie who died. There are still many people who have been cheated by you. Anyway, this one is not the only one."    


The Little Emperor, Zhan Musi, said as he cried, "The key is that everyone knows about me now. I've already cheated one less person. If no one else wants to cheat me in the future, how am I going to live?"    


Derkroth said calmly, "Now there are only three Divine Kingdom left. Anyway, we won't be able to hold on for long. Let's take it one step at a time!"    


The young emperor, Zhan Musi, hesitated for a moment. "But my godfather, Stern, has been getting worse and worse recently. If he dies, how am I going to use Crab Steps?"    


Derick was completely helpless. He really wanted to slap himself. Why was he blind back then? Why did he choose such a master?    


He was also a famous figure back then. This time, he was completely defeated. Perhaps it was a good thing that he was called over, and everyone would be free.    


The Divine Mountain was in chaos. The three Divine Kingdom below were also having a headache. No one knew what to do. If they resisted, they wouldn't be able to beat the other party at all.    


As the first one to bear the brunt of the attack, the wasp was even more overwhelmed. It had four heads, and in the end, it gritted its teeth and made a very ruthless decision.    


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