Super Asura System

C1349 We Want to Flatten Three of Them

C1349 We Want to Flatten Three of Them

Eastern Divine Clan had besieged San Antonio for more than a hundred years, but the city was old and firm. It refused to yield.    


Zhao Yiming didn't mind this. In any case, he didn't want to make any unnecessary sacrifices. As for that divine mountain, he looked down upon it even more after he had a better understanding of it.    


A lion leading a flock of sheep might cause a lot of trouble for everyone, but a piece of trash that couldn't even be compared to a flock of sheep. No matter how many lions he led, it would be a waste.    


Instead, he placed more of his attention on the management of his own territory. Under his policy of equal treatment, there was a flourishing scene everywhere.    


Xia Zi was also quite evil. She actually specially opened up two paths, allowing those who surrendered in Divine Kingdom to go to San Antonio to visit their relatives.    


After a few setbacks at the beginning, because the visitors could bring some supplies to San Antonio City, those people just let them do whatever they wanted.    


Gradually, the people in the city were allowed to go to other places to visit their relatives. As the number of interactions increased, the people inside became more and more envious of the outside world. In a moment, all kinds of thoughts were running through their minds.    


Now, not only the civilians, but even the leaders of the middle and upper echelons were all very active. Who didn't want to live a good life outside?    


In the past, when it wasn't opened, the civilians were easy to fool, but now that it was open, so what? With the development of the situation, there were all sorts of despicable incidents happening within the city.    


The more famous ones were child abuse incidents, which caused a lot of commotion. Although the civilians complained, those officials weren't willing to give up their power, so they could only stay there and wait.    


Bopovich had been exhausted all these years and could not hold on for much longer. Of course, he knew the shortcomings of these administrative matters. The corrupt officials killed one batch after another.    


But it could only get worse and worse. Now, it could be said that killing any official was not an injustice, but this kind of vicious cycle could not be stopped.    


His deputy, Lamaguz Aldrich, hesitantly placed the documents on his table and said, "Recently, more and more things have happened. The civilians are also complaining. There are even signs of mutiny within the army!"    


Bopovich sighed and said, "These damn vermin should be killed all of them, but unfortunately, it's complicated and complicated, and we can't do anything about it.    


In the past, we could still publicize that they are ferocious and vicious, but now, with the development of communication, even idiots don't believe this kind of propaganda. Even I don't believe that managers can do anything good, let alone those civilians.    


As for breaking through, how high do you think the chances are now? Breaking through the other party's two camps in the north and south, isn't there no hope at all?"    


Lamakus Aldrich lightly nodded and said," That Zhao Yiming is indeed very powerful. He has completely sealed off this place. Apart from shouting slogans, the Divine Mountain side can't do anything else.    


Our struggle is useless. We might as well surrender to the enemy. This way, we might have another chance. Otherwise, there will be nothing left. "    


Bopovich let out a long sigh and said with a dispirited face, "I have been tired of the past hundred years. It is time to hand over my power. You can make your own decision in the future."    


A huge shock had occurred in San Antonio. Bopovich had given up all his power and his assistant, Lamaguz Aldrich, had become the new Leader.    


The first thing this guy did after he came to power was to kill all the officials. The people below were delighted and his reputation reached its peak.    


Then he sent people to negotiate with Zhao Yiming. After a round of bargaining, both parties finally reached an agreement that Saint Antonio would be released peacefully.    


This way, the eight Divine Kingdom would become history. Eastern Divine Clan's alliance had firmly surrounded the divine mountain. Although they had fought for a long time, it was still considered to be over.    


The Eastern Alliance Army should be said that not a single person had died. This time, facing the divine mountain, it would be the true main force of the alliance. This would also be the final battle.    


The little emperor Zhan Musi pursed his lips and cried. This guy was like a gorilla. He couldn't do anything other than crying. He had to beg his godfather, Stern.    


Stern was also very depressed. It was worth sending someone to invite the two Warlord. Ke Bi Bryant was still in seclusion, while Tian Gou Jiabar had arrived.    


Jabal yawned and said, "Why are you looking for me for this kind of thing? I have been idle at home for a long time. You can decide for yourself."    


Stern laughed and said, "I know you are angry, but you also know that I want to support young people. Although the young emperor is nothing, he will cry if he is a person, and he will also band together at the top!"    


Jabbar snorted disdainfully from his nose and said with a sneer, "If it wasn't for this fool who opened the precedent of forming a group at the top, how could there be only eight Divine Kingdom left, and then be beaten up like this by others?    


You bastard, keep your tears and cover your mouth like a duck. If I send you to the nightclub, perhaps I can make two more money. "    


The young emperor Zhan Musi didn't dare to make a sound. He vividly portrayed the image of trash, but his good friend Kevin Lefu seemed very dissatisfied.    


Kevin Lefu said angrily, "It's not fair for the lord to say that. Although the little emperor has all kinds of problems, seeing how good his godfather and thighs are, this is also called capability."    


Tian Gou Jiabar looked at him with slanted eyes and said, "Then you young people can go and settle it yourself. What's the use of looking for me, this old man? But don't say that I didn't warn you, the Divine Mountain has never surrendered. Don't embarrass yourself. "    


Stern was also very angry, but he knew that these young people were useless and needed those old fellows at the crucial moment.    


He could only lower his head and say, "You must not let your emotions affect your decisions. After all, this is a place created by everyone. It would not be good for anyone's face to be destroyed by others. You'd better think of a way!"    


Tigugu Jabbar sneered and said, "What else can we think of now? Of course, we just have to fight when the army comes, and when the earth comes, we will block when the water comes, and when the enemy comes, we will fight."    


De Wendell said with disdain on his face, "What kind of rotten idea is this? We still don't know how to fight. The key is not that we can't beat the other party, right?"    


Skyhook Jabbar snorted from his nose, "How come we can't beat them before we've fought? You young trash, don't think that we can't beat them even if we're old.    


The key is to have your own courage. If you don't even have courage, then what's the point of fighting? Send someone to send a letter of challenge to the other party immediately. "    


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