The Emperor Of The World

C1773 You Know How It Is

C1773 You Know How It Is

"Boom ?"    


The explosion of the Corpse Spirit triggered a terrifying wave of spirit energy. In an instant, the entire Circulating Star Fighting Array was filled with spirit energy, by a hundred times!    


The entire Immortal Realm trembled because of this explosion. The power of the Immortal King's self-detonation was much more terrifying than that of a Cosmic Bomb.    


"Crack crack crack ~ ~"    


The Array Base of the immortal formations were cracking one after another. Some of them directly cracked in a terrifying manner and could no longer be used, while some of them were completely unscathed.    


Although the entire array was one body, the power of the explosion was different. The power of the explosion was contained in a circle, but it was also draining the life of the Array Base.    


Dian Feng frowned, he saw that on the Luohe Chart, a crack had appeared.    


"What terrifying power ?" Dian Feng took a deep breath, he did not think that even Luohe Chart would be injured, but fortunately, the wounds were not too tight, and could still be healed without the Artifact Spirit being injured.    


The Immortal King Equipment could automatically recover, but it would take a period of time, and it could also be refined and recovered again.    


"So terrifying ?" All the kings were trembling in shock. After the smoke and dust from the explosion dispersed, the space within the Circulating Star Fighting Array had completely collapsed.    


A void appeared in the air, hundreds of thousands of feet wide. It was like a black hole, sucking in all of the surrounding material and even spiritual energy.    


"Weng ? ?" Dian Feng took out his Array Sign, revealed his Circulating Star Fighting Array and removed it.    


Most of the Array Base were destroyed. Even if it was a Circulating Star Fighting Array formed from an immortal formation, it was after all, only created by Dian Feng and a group of Monarch Immortal.    


Compared to the Circulating Star Fighting Array that was actually laid out by Wu Cangqiong, there was still a gap. Even if he used a higher grade immortal formation to replace the Monarch Array, there was still an unerasable gap.    


"Dead?" All the dukes watched the array. After Dian Feng removed the Array Base, there was only that black hole left, with nothing else remaining.    


The black hole was frantically absorbing material. As the kings stood closer to it, they were also affected by its gravitational pull. Just this little bit of power was unable to shake all the kings. This kind of natural black hole without the support of an array formation was unable to even absorb True Immortals, much less Half-step Immortal King.    


"Not even dregs are left ?" Everyone exclaimed, and they thought back to the scene that the Venerable Emperor Pavilion created with their Dasheng Oblast.    


"As expected, the power of that explosion must have been the Cosmic Bomb ?" All the dukes had lived a very long time, and knew about the former Star Light Sky. They felt that the explosion of Dasheng Oblast was not much weaker than this one.    


"Weng ? ?" Dian Feng lifted his hand to refine the void, filling the black hole and stopping its greedy absorption.    


At this moment, all of the various beast kings were brimming with talent, as they looked at the scorched earth before them ? Or sand.    


The terrifying energy of the explosion and the terrifyingly high temperature had torn and ignited everything, leaving behind only sand and dust.    


It looked more or less the same as when the Dasheng Oblast had exploded, with even more holes and holes, and even more messed up.    


"A Immortal King actually contains such a powerful energy?" The various kings were all shocked, feeling that if they were to completely ignite themselves, it would not be enough to destroy the Circulating Star Fighting Array to such a state.    


Tai Feng said: "Fortunately, more than half of the's Array Base have been destroyed, but the one hundred and eight Immortal Artifact s are still there, not a single one had exploded ?"    


"You're too optimistic. Some of you have already lost the chance to advance again ?" Feng Yan shook his head and said.    


A divine weapon refined by a cultivator, as long as the material is high enough, could be promoted along with the cultivator. But if they destroyed the most important parts, or if the Artifact Spirit was injured, then the Divine Artifact would lose the chance to level up again.    


I will have to refine it again... However, after being refined again, its power would inevitably be inferior to that of a divine weapon after the first refining. It would still have to waste quite a few divine materials.    


"Overall, it's still worth it. Using this kind of price to kill a Immortal King Corpse Spirit is still better than burning away one's life." Yun Qingyan smiled faintly, feeling that this result, was already extremely satisfactory. He couldn't ask for too much.    


All the kings nodded their heads slightly. This result was naturally acceptable, what was damaged were only some dead beings, it was better than a few Half-step Immortal King s dying.    


"What a pity. It was born forever and lost its cultivation in one fell swoop." Luo Tianming shook his head, sighing about the Corpse Spirit's situation. He had lived longer than the Corpse Spirit, so he was more qualified to say such words.    


Many times, good people can't understand why bad people do bad things. As for the cultivators of the Immortal Realm, they also could not understand why this undead was born to be evil, and wanted to draw the world into a common enemy.    


Possessing the power of the Immortal King Realm, if it fused with Immortal Realm, it could be kept a bit low profile, enough to roam the world freely, and no one would be able to do anything to it. However, the Corpse Spirit insisted on courting death by killing a group of Gravekeeper s, causing all the kings to feel a chill down their spines.    


"Each Fellow Taoist can retrieve their respective Immortal Artifact s. Although it is a bit of a loss, at the end of the day, they are still Immortal Artifact s." Dian Feng kept the Luohe Chart into his Divine Buddhist World, then landed on the ground and smiled to the various kings.    


Feng Yan, Tai Feng and Chong Sheng slightly glanced at Dian Feng. They knew that there was one thing Dian Feng had yet to do, and would probably need to wait until the other dukes left ?    


"Look at the immortal qi that filled the sky. After the death of a Immortal King, it could return to heaven and earth. It can actually emit so much essence! Just half a step more is like a natural moat!" Immortal King Qing Ming sighed and shook his head self-deprecatingly. The elders here have all been stuck here for millions of years.    


However, Dian Feng was wondering, if the Corpse Spirit had also entered the Divine Realm after it died from the explosion.    


He didn't understand so he stopped thinking about it. Dian Feng gestured to the various kings to bring back his Divine Artifact.    


All the dukes looked at each other with a sense of tacit understanding. Luo Tianming was the first to speak, "The Venerable Emperor Pavilion went through quite a bit of trouble in this battle, and the Fellow Taoist Xu Tian was also quite tired. I wasn't able to help them in any way ? If little friend Xu Tian does not mind, then I will give the twenty-seven Immortal Artifact that my Tianxin Prefecture has sent to the Venerable Emperor Pavilion ? "    


All the kings glanced at Luo Tianming, feeling surprised by his words, because he was trying to win them over to his side, as well as to curry favor with him. He did not expect that the renowned number one expert in Immortal Realm would actually take the initiative to express his goodwill after so many millions of years.    


Immediately, the others couldn't help but overestimate Dian Feng by a few points.    


However, when they thought of how Dian Feng had chased after the Corpse Spirit all the way and forced it into a trap, the various dukes immediately praised Luo Tianming's decision.    


"We're all brothers, and mine is yours. What's more, it's all lost, so I'll give it to you!" Feng Yan waved his hand, sending the 12 Immortal Artifact that he sent over, directly to Dian Feng, and did not need to go back.    


Even Luo Tianming was so "generous". As Dian Feng's senior brother, how could Feng Yan be too petty? It was just that Feng Yan had established his business a little later, and was not as "rich" as Luo Tianming.    


Even in Immortal Realm, Monarch Dao Divine Gold s were extremely rare. Most Great Monarch did not even have their own Monarch Artifact.    


Dian Feng laughed, "Then I will have to thank Senior Tianming and Senior Brother." After which, he smiled at the others.    


I will laugh, I won't speak, if you can understand, you can understand, but if you can't ? It was best if he could understand!    


Seeing Dian Feng's profound smile, and his eyes that were filled with greed, that kind of deep meaning, made people want to curse at him for his treachery.    


Dian Feng was originally a person who talked about picking feathers.    


He felt that his actions now could only be considered as' asking for salary '. Yes, for a salary.    


had led the Venerable Emperor Pavilion to create such a miracle. The Immortal Realm was intact, it was originally a huge achievement.    


If there was only one Half-step Immortal King in the Immortal Realm, then he would say that it was his responsibility and not just him ? Then he would have to collect a "service fee". Otherwise, how could I help you all, for you all are under my protection!    


Hurry up and pay the protection fee... This was the deep meaning behind Dian Feng's gaze.    


None of the kings were cunning foxes, otherwise they would not have been able to make it to this step. They could see through Dian Feng's eyes.    


However, this was a Immortal Artifact after all, and it could not be refined so easily. Even if it was a Half-step Immortal King who refined a Immortal Artifact, it would still take some years.    


"Cough, cough ?" I also feel that Fellow Taoist Xu Tian has worked hard and still risked his life to chase after Immortal King Corpse's Spirit ? My few Immortal Artifact, can I gift them to the Fellow Taoist of the Venerable Emperor Pavilion? If Fellow Taoist Xu Tian doesn't mind ? " The Immortal King Qing Ming smiled. He had always been very sensible and knew that he should pay a price to build a good relationship with the Supreme Emperor Pavilion.    


Everyone present, except for a few people whose eyes were blinded by greed, all of them knew that the era of the Venerable Emperor Pavilion had arrived. An era of the void!    


Although he did not know how Dian Feng had managed to achieve it, that did not stop the other dukes from showing fear and reverence towards him.    


Chong Sheng and Tai Feng looked at each other and smiled bitterly, yet they were extremely satisfied with this Pavilion Master.    


This wasn't greed, this was accumulation of resources for the Venerable Emperor.    


"Fellow Taoist Xu Tian really is a young man. We came too late and were unable to contribute, so we can't take back those Immortal Artifact ?" Si Ma An retreated in order to advance, but this caused Dian Feng to feel too embarrassed to step back.    


Dian Feng nodded slightly and accepted their dozens of Immortal Artifact s.    


"Give it to the Ancestor Pavilion ?"    


"The Ancestor Pavilion and the Fellow Taoist Xu Tian expended a great deal of effort, so I am ashamed to be unable to help ?"    


"Fellow Taoist Xu Tian has worked hard ?"    


The various dukes, no matter who it was, would not sing a different tune at this time.    


If they didn't know how to build a good relationship with the strongest expert in Immortal Realm, wouldn't they be courting death?    


In addition, many sensitive people among the various kings felt that ? I'm afraid that the position of the number one expert in the Immortal Realm is about to shift.    


The various dukes glanced at Luo Tianming, and realized that Luo Tianming was not out of the ordinary. He smiled faintly, but there was only admiration in his eyes.    


This caused those people who wanted to watch the competition between the twin dragons to feel a bit disappointed. They originally thought that from today onwards, the heavens and the heavens would eventually be divided.    


But following that, with a single sentence from Luo Tianming, all of the dukes felt their eyeballs about to fall to the ground.    


"Fellow Taoist Xu Tian, I want to join the Venerable Emperor Pavilion. How about it?" Luo Tianming smiled, there was no deeper meaning in his eyes, as though he was saying it with his heart.    


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