The Emperor Of The World

C1587 A Thriving Tian Quan Holy Land

C1587 A Thriving Tian Quan Holy Land

Tianquan Holy Land.    


On Falling Heaven Palace, Flyer Garden.    


Right now, other than the Ancestor's pavilion, the place that the young people wanted to enter the most was this place.    


There was no need to explain what Tianquan Holy Land and what this meant.    


Because in these few decades, any disciple who entered the Flyer Garden became a student of the Venerable Emperor Pavilion.    


Half of them were personally taught by the Monarch Immortal of the Venerate Heavens Sect.    


What kind of glory and opportunity was this?    


Aside from the Falling Heaven Palace, there were also a few other places within the Heavenly Right that the disciples wanted to enter even after sharpening their heads.    


Void Heavenly Palace, Medicine Master Palace, Million Treasures Valley.    


There was no need to talk about Void Heavenly Palace, this was Pavilion Master of Monarch Sovereign Pavilion, the rule of the Void Genuine Immortal in Tian Quan!    


Within the Medicine Master Palace, the Medicine Master Sun had become an Emperor. Although he relied on immortal pills, he was still a Monarch Stage Expert. Furthermore, the Medicine Master Sun had two Monarch Immortal s as its master, and their Medicine Master Palace was equal to two.    


With Million Treasures Valley, there was the Fairy Yimeng and Monarch Array Master Lu Gu. If they could enter, they would have a very good future.    


Furthermore, in terms of alchemy and formations, talented disciples would also be able to obtain a quota to enter the Venerate Emperor Pavilion to cultivate. They would all flock to that location like a flock of birds.    


"Look at all of you. You can't even sense the fluctuations of space. Why don't you go to the seventh peak and try ?" Xiao Han shook his head, he was not satisfied with this year's new disciple recruitment.    


The Tianquan Holy Land was expanding again.    


This time's expansion, the number of Megrez's disciples would be over a million!    


In the past few decades, Tianquan Holy Land had constantly expanded, and the number of people present was already the highest among all the Sacred Grounds.    


However, the difference was that it was very difficult to cultivate high-end talents from Undying Empire. Compared to Great Sect of The Holy Land, there was still a gap.    


"Thinking back to back then, before Dian Feng had even entered my Heavenly Rights Realm, I, Tian Quan, had only inherited a few small fish and small prawns in five hundred thousand years ? "Let's go back to today!" Ye Tianlong stood at the highest point of the Falling Heaven Palace, overlooking the entire Tianquan Holy Land.    


All along, Ye Tianlong was a very ambitious person, he made a huge investment towards this end.    


He married his daughter to Dian Feng.    


At that time, although Dian Feng had just shown his prowess, he could not even be considered as a small fish or small shrimp. Ye Tianlong's sharp eyes could not help but think that his investment that year had been too right!    


Monarch Sovereign Pavilion Master's father-in-law, this title, made him a hundred times more valuable. Even Monarch Immortal would not dare to be so presumptuous when they saw him.    


"What a pity ?" "This is the last time I'll enlarge my enlistment ?" Ye Tianlong shook his head, and said with a regretful smile, he was actually very satisfied.    


Dian Feng had already reminded Tian Quan not to expand the recruitment process.    


Because no matter how many people there were, it was impossible for Tian Quan to surpass the Venerable Emperor Pavilion and Ye Clan.    


Rather than raising more idle people, he might as well focus on nurturing a few more people. Tian Quan also agreed that the cultivation of high level talents had nothing to do with the number of disciples.    


Ye Wen had always been working hard to create the Tianquan Holy Land as the number one holy land of the Immortal Graveyard.    


He had always done the same. For the sake of this ambition, he had accepted the position of Heavenly Sacred Master at the age of a hundred, and shouldered the banner and responsibilities. The pressure and suffering within were unknown. The name of the God of Slaughter, was also something that he had created with a single stroke of his blade.    


However, after Dian Feng joined Quan Quan Quan, Ye Tianlong realized that his ambition was actually petty.    


At that time, he felt that forging the first Heavenly Right into the Immortal Graveyard would be worthy of his ancestors' legacy, so he could leave his name in history. But he realized that Dian Feng's ambitions were even greater than his!    


Although Dian Feng had never said that he wanted to go to great heights, when he walked over step by step, he was using his actions to prove that he was right.    


Dian Feng, pinnacle. Ye Tianlong felt that this name was very fitting.    


Dian Feng walked step by step to the peak, and that Tianquan Holy Land, step by step, also followed, becoming the number one Sacred Ground in the entire Source Realm!    


Currently, other than the Venerable Emperor Pavilion and Ye Clan, Tianquan Holy Land were undoubtedly the third strongest power.    


In Ye Tianlong's heart, he had long been satisfied. He let go of the heavy burden of the Saint Lord and passed it down to Tian Hua.    


Ye Tianlong was a genius, and was considered a Zhi Zun at the age of a hundred. In order to support his Tianquan Holy Land, he had no choice but to temporarily relax his cultivation. After so many years had passed, he finally started to focus on his own matters.    


At this moment, he was already at the peak of the quasi Emperor level.    


He had immortal sources and immortal pills, but he did not plan on using these methods to obtain power and longevity.    


Ye Tianlong was not even two hundred years old, so he had enough time.    


However, there was also pressure.    


This pressure came from the Dian Mansion, from Ye Zhu.    


Ye Tianlong knew that his daughter's talent was limited, and he was afraid that she would never be able to become the emperor in her life. Furthermore, Dianxiaozhu was not that talented. Then in terms of Dian Mansion, which was filled with talents, Ye Zhu's position would be very awkward.    


For the other women in the Dian Mansion, they would either be Great Monarch themselves, or else their children would be Great Monarch in the future.    


As a father, Ye Tianlong had to think twice about it, think for his daughter. He felt that if this continued, Ye Zhu's position in the Dian Mansion would become lower and lower. Even if Dian Feng treated her equally, the girls' minds were hard to fathom, and couldn't help but think that she was a flower vase.    


Ye Tianlong wanted to become the emperor. He thought that if he could become the emperor himself, then joining the Venerable Emperor Pavilion could be considered as useful to Dian Feng. Then, to Ye Zhu, his father was his backer, and was also her bargaining chip when he was confident in his position in the Dian Mansion.    


Pitiful parents.    


"It's still early ?" If I continue to suppress it for another ten years, I will have the confidence to pass through the Monarch Tribulation ? " Ye Tianlong looked at the sea. The scene created by the Monarch Tribulation from yesterday had not completely recovered yet.    


The sea was a mess, the dead fish floating on their bellies.    


Tian Quan had already sent out disciples to clean up. Otherwise, the entire sea would smell bad in just a few days. This was also a chance for him to train his disciples.    


Feng Xing and Nie Nanshuang becoming emperors was not surprising to Ye Tianlong. Of the two, one was the son of the Half-step Immortal King and the other was the daughter of the two great Great Monarch, their aptitudes were both better than his.    


Ye Tianlong was ambitious and full of ideas, but he was also very self-aware. He knew when to go in, when to stay steady, never to go in.    


Therefore, although Feng Xing and Nie Nanshuang becoming emperors had provoked him, he had not immediately prepared to pass his tribulation.    


This was not something to joke about. If Rushing Crown was so angry that he would face tribulation, he would only end up dying. Ye Tianlong did not think that he would be luckier than them to die at this stage.    


Since he was going to undergo the tribulation, he had to think of the most dangerous situation.    


He did not want Dian Feng to save him when he was in danger of failing to transcend the tribulation.    


"This is I, Ye, who have struggled for half my life and conquered rivers and mountains ?" Ye Tianlong stretched out his hands and hugged the empty space, as if he was hugging this Tianquan Holy Land he loved.    


Right now, Tianquan Holy Land had long ago surpassed only the first of the Three Palaces and Seven Peaks. There was an additional Medicine Master Palace, and an additional Void Heavenly Palace ?    


But the disciple's school and the lecture theater was hundreds of times better than when Dian Feng was in front of the door!    


Most of the Floating Island had already been developed. The jagged pavilions lived with the future of the Tianquan Holy Land.    


"I am worthy of being listed as a senior by Megrez, unworthy of being a Megrez disciple in the future ? I wonder how you will comment on me in the history of Megrez. " Ye Tianlong thought and smiled.    


He knew he was floating, but that didn't matter. He felt that he could float for a little longer.    


A person who strives for a lifetime, mostly for "fame", "benefit" and "love". The three of them could make all the spirits in the world fight for them, without fear of death.    


None of the people they desired in the world could surpass these three words. However, there were some people who knew that they could not obtain them and chose to retreat.    


No one did not want to leave their name in history, and no one did not want to be praised by history.    


Ye Tianlong never hid his ambition and in this aspect, he felt that he could probably achieve it now.    


Although he had borrowed Dian Feng's power, he only cared about this outcome. As long as Tian Quan was strong, no matter who it was, they would still be strong.    


"Pass down the order, this year is the last time we are going to expand our recruitment. The benefits must be good, it's best if we can attract more talented people ?" Tian Hua sat in the main hall of the Falling Heaven Palace, clutching his forehead as he spoke to the palace masters and Pavilion Master s below him.    


He had been in the Saint Lord for a while now, and he understood more and more that such a large amount of Tianquan Holy Land was not easy to manage.    


Especially when it came to recruitment and expansion, they were extremely busy and had to hold meetings with all sorts of influential figures at all times. When they returned, they would hold another meeting with their own Elders.    


Tian Hua busied himself with examining and approving important documents everyday, taking care of some internal affairs and cooperating with the Supreme Emperor Pavilion every day.    


"Remember, there are disciples who are adept at alchemy and formations and are talented in this area, so it's better to give them the Medicine Master Palace and the Million Treasures Valley to choose ?" Tian Hua reminded the leaders of the various peaks in the palace not to cause chaos after connecting the items.    


"Saint Lord, what if there is a disciple who is not only skilled in alchemy or formations, but is also skilled in cultivation? Then, who shall be the first to choose? " Immediately, besides Medicine Master Palace, all the people in charge of recruitment expressed dissatisfaction.    


Tian Hua felt that his head was hurting. Every time there was a meeting, there would always be people blocking his way.    


Even though this was not a competition of evils, he still felt a headache. The back of his hand was full of meat, he did not want to disappoint the other party even if it was the first seat.    


Occasionally, there would be cases where the various leaders would fight over a disciple with good aptitude. There were even a few times when he almost went onto the Immortal-slaying Platform to duel, and luckily Ye Tianlong was there in time to suppress the situation.    


"I'm still a bit inferior to Senior Brother Tianlong ?" Tian Hua laughed bitterly on the inside as he shook his head. He felt that he would need some time to stabilize his position in the Saint Lord.    


Although he was also a quasi Emperor, it was very normal for the heads and elders to be unwilling to accept his lack of means.    


Fortunately, no one sincerely disagreed. At most, they would only bother him for a small matter.    


"Saint Lord, if there is an almighty disciple, could it be that we have to give priority to Medicine Master Palace and Million Treasures Valley as well?" The head seat of the Celestial Maiden Peak had now also been replaced by a Sovereign, he argued.    


The status of the Immortal Fairy Peak in the Megrez Peak was not low either, and was even higher than Fallen Flame Palace. Why, because True Immortal Shi Nan had once incarnated herself and established herself on the Fairy Peak, the Fairy Peak also received its name.    


The head of Shenluo Peak said: "That's right, Saint Lord, you can't be too biased towards Medicine Master Palace and Million Treasures Valley right? "We're family, we need a bowl of water to be even ?"    


Shenluo Peak originally had a very awkward position as well, but after the Divine Luo Sword appeared, the Shenluo Peak also had a beautiful reverse appearance, which could be considered to have a very high status within the seven peaks.    


After Tian Hua heard these words, he knew that this group of old fogeys was about to start complaining again.    


As expected, before Tian Hua could answer, the group of chief elders and elders had already started to ridicule their own palace or mountain. Why, if he hadn't injected some fresh blood into it, the inheritance would have ended ?    


In short, a bunch of bullsh * t talk was all about competing for talent.    


Tian Hua was annoyed, he said coldly: "If there is such an all-powerful disciple, how can you teach him well? those who are almighty and can even send Void Heavenly Palace, only Void Heavenly Palace can be taught well! "    


"Ugh ?"    


"This ?"    


The chief elders and elders immediately stopped talking. The corners of their mouths slightly twitched, regretting saying such useless words.    


If they did not ask, they could have privately divided the outstanding disciples up. But now that they had done this, oh gege, they did not even have a portion left.    


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