The Emperor Of The World

C1257 Shikka's Calamity Helped by Ding Feng

C1257 Shikka's Calamity Helped by Ding Feng

Immortal-ranked pellet, Western Desolate Domain.    




At the top of Phoebe, there was an ancient temple called "Thunderclap Temple".    


It was only because on the mountain, from time to time, there would be a thunderous roar of fury from the Buddha, so the name of the temple was given to it.    


This was an embodiment of the great Dao of heaven and earth. Listening to this sound all year round had its own advantages, it could allow people's minds to be clear, and could allow Primordial Spirit to walk the path of cultivation.    


However, this kind of thunder sound was rarely heard. This was because one needed to comprehend the world before being able to hear the thunder sound.    


Buddha's head was like a Buddha, sitting in the middle of the Twelve Pointy Red Lotus Seat, with Lotus Bodhisattva at his side and a group of monks following behind the two.    


They had arrived at the top of Phoebe, where there was a set of Medicinal Field, and at the place where the Spiritual Vein and Spiritual Qi of Heaven And Earth gathered the most, was a Sakyamuni tree.    


~ The Sakyamuni Deathless Divine Tree!    


"Om, ah, ah ?" "Pa, Mi, Mu ?" The six words of the mantra burst out amidst the thunder, resounding through the entire Phoebe. All the monks closed their eyes to listen, because this kind of opportunity only occurred once every ten thousand years!    


And this time, was precisely the time when the [Buddha] s of the Sakyamuni Deathless Divine Tree would mature!    


There were a hundred or so Deathless Divine Tree (or medicine) in the world, and there were two that were related to buddhism. One of them was the collapsed Bodhi Immortal Tree, and the other was this Sakyamuni.    


"Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~"    


There was a loud sound in the sky and countless arenas were flashing. Dark clouds were condensing in the blink of an eye and the sky was as black as a terrifying abyss.    


The Sakyamuni trembled, opened its eyes and said to the Buddha: "I'm going to pass my tribulation, quickly put away these Divine Fruit!"    


As he said that, all the branches of the Sakyamuni trembled, and all the ripe Undying Fruits fell.    


Buddha raised his hand and received the seven Deathless Divine Fruit s. He asked in surprise, "Is Hierarch going to pass through the tribulation as well?"    


Deathless Divine Tree s were blessed by the heavens. They possessed natural laws that could not be violated unless they were Great Monarch.    


But he had never heard of a Deathless Divine Tree undergoing a tribulation. This was simply unheard-of.    


The Sakyamuni said joyously: "My achievement is complete, but I can evolve into an immortal tree. If I pass the tribulation, then I will be reborn from another world."    


Buddha was overjoyed, and said: "Hierarch, you have gained great fortune, congratulations!"    


"But ?" There was a Old Monk at the side who was suspicious, but there was some worry on his face. However, when the Lotus Bodhisattva glanced at him, he did not voice it out loud.    


Everyone knew what he was going to say ? but what if he couldn't get through the tribulation?    


However, he could not say these words. It would be unlucky not to mention demoralizing.    


The Sakyamuni said indifferently: "You don't have to worry, even if I fail, I will have to repeat myself. In a hundred thousand years, I will be another Deathless Divine Tree."    


"Alright, you guys can back off. Leave this place." The Sakyamuni was very indifferent, only happy, not afraid.    


"Yes, Hierarch." Buddha bowed, clasped his hands, and the rest of the monks followed suit, retreating a few steps.    


Lotus Flower took out a long-mouthed Jade Bottle, which was her magic tool. She dug the Medicinal Field up into the ground, so that she wouldn't burn it.    


Waiting for the group of monks to exit the Phoebe, and stand in the distance to observe, only then did the Sakyamuni rise out of the Medicinal Field.    


"Woosh ~ ~ ~"    


It swooped down, swayed its branches, and as if opening its arms, embraced a stretch of Thunder Sea that suddenly fell.    


Boom boom boom!    


The lightning moved swiftly, like silver snakes dancing chaotically. A stretch of lightning converged into a sea, shrouding the entire Phoebe.    


Boom ? ?    


When the Thunder Sea came in contact with the top of the Phoebe, the mountain peak immediately exploded, and pieces of rock were shattered and scattered, turning into flying sand.    


Once a 100,000 year old holy tree was struck, it immediately began to burn. It was struck from the middle by lightning and burned extremely quickly.    


One of the pagodas was engulfed in lightning and instantly disappeared, evaporated.    


"Crack ~ ~ ~"    


"What!" All of the monks turned pale with fright, because a terrifying bolt of lightning had split open a huge crack in their Phoebe!    


Crack! Crack! Crack! Cracks spread out like lightning. Cracks appeared from the top of the mountain to the bottom.    


It was as if the Phoebe that had been standing for millions of years would collapse today.    


"Hah!" When it saw that its Phoebe was in danger, it flew over to help Phoebe to block the few most dangerous Divine Lightnings.    


However, one of its branches was destroyed. The Deathless Divine Tree s, which even the quasi Emperor Emperor could not injure, now had leaves dancing in the air.    


It was injured. One branch was broken and it fell down from the sky to ignite itself. Soon after, it was burnt to a crisp.    


Bang! Bang! Bang! Sparks continued to shoot out from the Sakyamuni's body. It was riddled with holes, and its entire body emitted the smell of charred flesh.    


When the monks saw this, their faces all paled and their eyes filled with worry.    


"Senior brother, could this be a Monarch Tribulation?" Lotus Bodhisattva's beautiful face lost all color, a look of shock plastered on it. Even the Lightning Tribulation s during Buddha's tribulation were not as fierce as this time.    


Buddha nodded his head and sighed: "We are unable to provide any assistance. We can only wait, I hope that Hierarch's luck is good ?"    


When the monks heard this, they became even more worried.    


The Sakyamuni could not hold on any longer. Its trunk finally cracked and a large piece of its bark flew away.    




Another burst of sparks flew, the Sakyamuni's trunk had been pierced through, the front and back was bright and unstable, it looked very miserable.    


Weng ? ? The Sakyamuni's entire body ignited with lightning flames, its leaves turned into ashes, its tiny branches also burned, the crown of the tree turning into a "crown of fire."    


"What happened?" In the middle of the air, several silhouettes could be seen approaching from every direction.    


Buddha went up to greet them, and said: "Benefactor, please do not approach. Hierarch Shakya is undergoing his tribulation."    


"What?" The quasi Emperor looked into the distance and saw the silhouette of the Sakyamuni faintly within the Thunder Sea.    


It was currently in a miserable state. Its entire body was burning, and it was powerless to extinguish the fire. Because it was a Deathless Divine Tree, it was unable to cultivate.    


Its tribulation could only be avoided and resisted. There was no other way.    


"The Deathless Divine Tree is going to undergo a tribulation?" This was the first time that someone had heard of this.    


The Buddha smiled bitterly and said: "Benefactor, please watch on quietly. I hope that you will not disturb the Hierarch."    


The few of them nodded their heads and did not intend to step forward.    


Although that terrifying lightning bolt wasn't imprinted with an Emperor's shadow, its destructive power was truly enough to annihilate any one of them.    


The Sakyamuni became huge, standing tall in the air, rooted in the void.    


It had to grow a little larger in order to help the Phoebe block the lightning. Furthermore, it was closely related to Phoebe and he could not move it to another place even after transcending tribulation. Otherwise, it would be even more difficult.    


"Buzz ~ ~ ~"    


Suddenly, an ancient golden word flew out from the top of the Phoebe and imprinted itself onto the sky.    


"Om!" A buddhist sound echoed from within the Phoebe, as if an ancient buddha was hidden within the mountains.    


The word "Om" was imprinted in the sky, blocking the Thunder Sea of the Sakyamuni, protecting it and giving it some time to breathe.    


Weng weng ? The Sakyamuni immediately shook off all the fruits on the tree. They were not ripe yet, it had crushed all the fruits and absorbed them into its body!    


A wave of Shenhua s appeared from the Sakyamuni's body. It was healing itself, and its speed was extremely fast!    


"You can do this?" The quasi Emperor was shocked, thinking that this was unheard-of, how could a Deathless Divine Tree eat his fruit?    


Buddha and the other monks had ugly expressions, the fact that Hierarch was able to do this meant that it was in a very difficult situation.    


Thus, they looked towards the Phoebe. They fervently hoped that the word "Om" would be able to hold out for a little longer.    


"Crack ~ ~ ~"    


What was there to be afraid of? As soon as the flames around the Sakyamuni extinguished, the part of the tree that had been pierced had already dissipated, revealing the word "Om".    


The lightning naturally fell down and struck the Sakyamuni's body.    


But unfortunately, there were no longer any movements within the Phoebe, and the word Buddha did not appear anymore to block the tribulation for the Sakyamuni.    


"What happened here?" The air split open as Dian Feng crossed realms and appeared here.    


"Almsgiver." Seeing Dian Feng had arrived, the Buddha immediately greeted him, the Lotus Bodhisattva followed closely behind, the monks were also extremely respectful to Dian Feng.    


This God of Food ? Uh, no, it's God of Slaughter! But he had destroyed the Bodhi Holy Land!    


They were both part of the four great sects of the buddhist faith, and if you counted carefully, those three great sects' annihilating Dian Feng had a huge impact on them, how could the cultivators with Thunderclap Temple not be terrified?    


Some had already joked that Dian Feng would destroy the Thunderclap Temple sooner or later.    


Although it was just a joke, but in the end, it was something that caught one's heart. No one knew if it would actually happen.    


The few quasi beast kings saw that Dian Feng had arrived and stood together with him. They looked at him from afar and greeted him courteously.    


Dian Feng glanced at these people and recognized them. They were the quasi Emperors of the clans in Azure Dragon Valley, and a few quasi Emperors of the Western Desolate Domain.    


Right now, Dian Feng was also considered a scourge in the quasi-Monarch Stage, so no one dared to offend him. Counting the number of quasi Emperor dead in Dian Feng's hands, there were more than ten people who treasured their lives, and distanced themselves from Dian Feng.    


"So he's undergoing his tribulation." Dian Feng took a look at the sky above Phoebe, and immediately understood what the Sakyamuni was doing.    


The Buddha sighed, "It's a pity that I can only watch."    


Dian Feng chuckled and looked at him, then said thoughtfully: "Senior Buddha, if I am able to help the Sakyamuni survive this crisis, what do you think?"    




Not mentioning the Buddha, all the monks and quasi Emperors looked towards Dian Feng in disbelief.    


"What did Benefactor Dian say?!" The Lotus Bodhisattva was pleasantly surprised, but she asked with uncertainty.    


Dian Feng said: "How about we start a business? I know that the Sakyamuni Divine Fruit has matured again. Give me three pills, I will save it."    


After saying that, Dian Feng shot a glance at the Sakyamuni that was ignited within the lightning.    


Its branches were almost completely burnt off, making it look extremely miserable. Soon, only a trunk remained. If this continued, they would not even be able to protect the main trunk. They would be pierced through and burned away, which was very fatal.    


Lotus Bodhisattva's face showed slight displeasure, and said: "Benefactor Dian, saving a person's life is better than creating a seven-level pagoda. How could it be treated as a deal?"    


Dian Feng chuckled, he knew thathee was just being kind, it was not that he was unwilling to part with the Divine Fruit, she just felt that Dian Feng had bribed his.    


Dian Feng said: "I have never wanted to be entangled with others, if it can be calculated, let it be clear, in case there is more entanglement in the future."    


This was what Hei Tian had told Dian Feng; by all means, do not involve the creatures such as Spirit Clan and Deathless Divine Tree in the cause and effect of favors.    


It could be a transaction. Because the transaction was fair, there was no reason for it.    


Of course, this was only a way of putting it, Dian Feng did indeed want the Undying Fruit. He didn't need to, but he wanted to get one for some old friends.    


Bodhi Sovereign and Monk Pu Du.    


"Haha ?" Those quasi Emperor from a Venerable family looked at Dian Feng from afar, their eyes filled with ridicule.    


Do you want to help the Sakyamuni pass her tribulation?    


What a joke.    


No one, not even the Buddha, believed that Dian Feng had that ability.    


Dian Feng caught a glimpse of those people's scorn and disdain, he only sneered, and did not speak.    


"Good!" If Almsgiver Ruan is able to help Hierarch through this tribulation, the three Buddha Divine Fruit would not be a problem. " Buddha frowned, and said.    


Although he did not believe that Dian Feng had the ability to do so, he did not have a better way.    


Because the Sakyamuni was about to be burnt to ashes.    


"Alright!" Dian Feng's eyes lit up, and took the initiative to step into the void to enter the Thunder Sea.    


The Sakyamuni was shocked and immediately blocked in front of Dian Feng. Its aged voice trembled as it said: "Child, quickly retreat. This is the Emperor Divine Lightning, not a quasi-Monarch Tribulation.    


Dian Feng chuckled, he had an inexplicable confidence in himself as he said: "Senior, hide behind me, I've helped you block more than half of it, you should be able to pass through it by yourself, right?"    


As he said that, Dian Feng's entire body lit up with a golden light. He became huge, and rose 140,000 meters, blocking all the Deathless Divine Tree beneath him.    


Thunderbolts continued to fall, hitting Dian Feng. Sparks flew in all directions, but none of them were able to hurt him at all.    


Dian Feng did not violate the Lightning Tribulation, but only stood there and did not resist. Thus, he would not be implicated by the Lightning Tribulation and cause his downfall. was only helping the Sakyamuni block the lightning, so he was still able to persevere.    


"This, Indestructible Golden Body ? It can even be used this way?! " If the Sakyamuni had a mouth, it would definitely be opened wide enough to even gag a fist.    


"This ?" Everyone was astonished and speechless. This was truly ? How shameless!    


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