The Emperor Of The World

C1579 Two Big Events

C1579 Two Big Events

On the boat of the Immortal King, the twelve True Immortals all agreed with Evil Immortal Yu's thoughts.    


Dian Feng was too strong and rose up too fast, making people think that he was some kind of almighty being who had gone through the second transition.    


Dian Feng was not angry, and only smiled. It was no wonder that people who held such thoughts, would always be unable to break through their Genuine Immortal Stage.    


"Buzz ~ ~ ~"    


Dian Feng sealed the Evil Immortal Yu Tian's mana and sea of consciousness, then threw it back into the Immortal King, then looked at the other twelve people:    


"Who else wants to try?"    


"This is unfair!" The left side of her face still had Dian Feng's palm imprint, and it was still burning with pain right now.    


Dian Feng rolled his eyes at her, too lazy to argue with this woman. He never had this kind of hobby and patience.    


A group of True Immortals with a lifespan of 500,000 years or more said to a True Immortal who was not even a hundred years old: Unfair.    


Dian Feng laughed in ridicule, he felt that this group of people, had even gradually lost the heart of a strong warrior.    


"There is no longer a need for the Monarch Immortal Alliance to exist. I was originally worried about them, but now it seems that I have overestimated you." Dian Feng shook his head slightly. He felt that he had been too cautious in the past.    


This so-called Monarch Immortal Alliance was simply incomparable to the Supreme Ocean Palace. Rather, it was just a "loose cultivator alliance" formed by the experts of the Monarch Immortal.    


There was no decree nor was there a soul, only scattered and scattered. The people gathered here were basically all the weakest people in the Monarch Immortal.    


Only the weak would live in groups, while the strong walked alone. When the thirteen of them attacked together, it was already a forewarning of their defeat.    


"What, no one wants to fight anymore? Didn't you say that you would fight with me? " Dian Feng glanced at the twelve people, and only when he wanted to shatter their last bit of pride did he have a chance at doing so.    


Silence, the 12 of them were silent, even the Evil Immortal Yu Tian felt that he was looking down on them.    


No matter what, Evil Immortal Yu Tian dared to fight.    


Dian Feng shook his head, all of their backs were bent, or more accurately, they had been broken for a long time now.    


A bunch of afraid of death True Immortals, if word of this spread, Young Cultivator would find it laughable.    


Suddenly, Dian Feng had a strange idea, he stared at the thirteen people and said: "There are so many True Immortals in Source Realm, why is it so hard to produce Immortal King?"    


"Do you think the Immortal King is that easy to cultivate?" Fairy Wen Jing, it's not nice not to retort.    


Dian Feng could not be bothered with her and continued, "I am thinking if it's because there are many people like you who are willing to guard the Genuine Immortal Stage and not become my Immortal King."    


Walla ~ ~ ~    


Dian Feng's words caused a huge wave in their hearts.    


"Although the Immortal King is tall, it is not as elegant as a True Immortal. Born into the world, there was no need to risk your life to participate in the battle for spiritual energy ? That's right, how good are Genuine Immortal Stage, it's too dangerous to be in Immortal King ? " The more Dian Feng thought about it, the more he felt that this idea of his was not completely unreliable.    


The Ancient Monarch Immortal knew that after becoming a Immortal King, he would participate in the Spiritual Energy Great War.    


Beasts like the Absolute Beginning Heavenly Monarch, Human King Ming and other powerful beings like them had all died in battle due to the war of spirit energy, let alone the other Immortal King s.    


In the Source Realm, the experts of Immortal King s and above must participate in the Spiritual Energy Great War.    


In the battlefields where the experts from the various Immortal King s were gathered, as well as the various Celestial Emperors, a single mistake on the part of the Immortal King would cause them to die quickly as well. In the ancient Immortal King, there was no one who had survived until now.    


In other words, it was all because of the Spiritual Energy Great War, either dead or missing.    


Immortal King had to carry the heavy burden of Source Realm. This profession was comparable to a soldier guarding the soil of the border during times of war, and the degree of danger could be seen from this.    


As for True Immortals, they didn't have the qualifications to participate in the battle, so they were able to stay carefree in their Source Realm. In any case, the sky had fallen and there was a tall person (Heavenly Emperor of Immortal King) holding them up.    


Dian Feng had originally thought that cultivators should have the ambition and desire to enter this battlefield. That battlefield represented an unparalleled glory and responsibility.    


However, after experiencing so many years, he gradually realized that some people's thoughts were truly strange.    


He had reason to suspect that there was actually someone in the Source Realm who had the qualifications to spy on the people in the Immortal King Realm, but purposefully chose not to study it and break through. Once he made a breakthrough, he would be sent to guard the borders of the Source Realm, and would be in danger at any time.    


In a mortal country, there were cases where some people deliberately made themselves disabled in order to be exempted from military service.    


Of course, Dian Feng only thought of that. Most True Immortals did not have the qualifications and ability to break through to Immortal King.    


But this kind of thought made Dian Feng very unhappy. He could clearly shoulder all of the responsibilities but he chose to hide, this kind of person was truly useless to his Source Realm.    


Because of two things, the Source Realm surged to the heavens.    


The Supreme Monarch Pavilion announced to the public: The Monarch Immortal Immortals have all attacked the Monarch Sovereign Pavilion Master and have been captured.    


And the second one, using Immortal Realm!    


There was an envoy who had descended from the Immortal Realm. This news was even more worrisome than the incident with the Monarch Immortal Alliance.    


In the eyes of the people, the Monarch Immortal's Alliance and the Supreme Ocean Palace had been enemies for dozens of years. Sooner or later, they would have to decide who was stronger.    


But an envoy from the Immortal Realm had come, and said that he was a descendant of the Immortal Relic Ancient Star from a hundred thousand years ago, this truly made one feel indescribably excited, and it was even a little unimaginable.    


"Wind Monarch really did not die ?" Some people had always thought that the Wind Monarch had perished long ago, and that he had been scammed during the tribulation.    


"Why is the messenger that came down only a Great Monarch?" Some questioned, thinking that a Great Monarch might not be able to represent the will of the Immortal Realm.    


"What do you know? Transferring people across borders, the higher the consumption, the more terrifying the Cultivation Level would be. To send a Great Monarch down would already cost a lot."    


All of the people from the Tianquan Holy Land were all abnormally excited. "Royal Elder Feng Yan is actually already a Half-step Immortal King ? "Hiss ?" It was a very proud feeling.    


"Hehe, the Monarch Immortal Alliance and the Ancestor Pavilion are finally at loggerheads. I'm just going to be a bystander ?" The incident of the Monarch Immortal's Alliance attacking the void, had also caused a lot of discussion.    


"I heard that it was thirteen True Immortals from the Monarch Immortal who went to intercept Monarch Sovereign Pavilion Master. In the end, all of them were captured alive by the Pavilion Master ? Hahahaha, as expected of the Pavilion Master, I have decided to fall for him! " The cultivators of the planet laughed, feeling extremely satisfied.    


In the hearts of the Origin Star cultivators, the most grateful person was the Ancestor Pavilion. This was because under the orders of the Ancestor Pavilion, the mortals of the Origin Planet had the opportunity to transcend fate and start their cultivation.    


"A bunch of idiots, trash ?" Secretly, there were experts who ridiculed and sneered, feeling that the Monarch Immortal Alliance members were most likely stupid.    


"You don't even have a single Immortal King weapon, and you still dare to attack and kill my Lord Gezhu?" The news got worse and worse. It was not an ambush, but an ambush.    


And in the midst of all this public opinion, the Monarch Immortal Alliance did not make any announcement. After Dian Feng brought back the Thirteen True Immortals, the Monarch Immortal s were already dead in their names.    


Most of the True Immortals in the entire Source Realm were in the Prime Emperor Pavilion and the Monarch Immortal Alliance. The thirteen of them were all from the Monarch Immortal Alliance, and there were no longer any more True Immortals.    


Right now, the Monarch Immortal Alliance had no right to speak. Disperse or not, it all depended on the Ancestor Pavilion.    


"You are Feng Mu?" The Ancestor Pavilion, Feng Xing and Nie Nanshuang rushed over, Feng Xing was extremely shocked to see Feng Mu.    


He and Nie Nanshuang were in closed door cultivation, but after hearing the news, they immediately could not sit still.    


Inside the main hall of the Venerable Emperor Pavilion, the Monarch Immortal s were all present and wanted to hear the story of the Immortal Realm from Feng Mu.    


Feng Mu recognized Feng Xing and often mentioned him within the Immortal Realm. He respectfully bowed and said, "Greetings, Ancestor ?"    


The corner of Feng Xing's mouth twitched as he felt an indescribable uneasiness.    


In terms of seniority, Feng Mu was indeed his junior, but he was ahead of Feng Mu in terms of Cultivation Level, and Feng Mu had actually lived in this world for longer than Feng Xing.    


Seeing Feng Xing was startled, Feng Mu also started to feel a bit uncomfortable. He felt that something was wrong wherever he called him ancestor.    


Everyone laughed. Feng Mu and Feng Xing looked somewhat similar, and those who did not know him would think that Feng Mu was their father.    


Dian Feng laughed: "I think it's better to listen to what Feng Mu has to say first, considering the current situation of the Immortal Realm, your family's matters can be discussed at a later time."    


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