The Emperor Of The World

C1505 Heh What a Father

C1505 Heh What a Father

Dian Mansion rear garden.    


Dian Linglong's face was in a panic, because she did not seem to be in a rush to save Dian Hao at all when she saw him.    


She could not eat anything at all, even the Immortal Wine and Cactus in front of her were unable to eat much. After all, Dian Hao's life and death was uncertain, and she didn't know whether he would be able to return alive.    


"Feng Er ?" Seeing that Dian Feng seemed to want to finish off this whole mess, Dian Linglong finally couldn't endure it anymore. He wanted Dian Feng to save Dian Hao as soon as possible.    


Dian Feng looked over and laughed: "You don't have to worry, I've just asked Fellow Taoist Tian Ji to calculate, Little Hao will definitely be fine."    


Dian Linglong looked at Yi Tianji. She knew that this was the Great Monarch Tian Ji and that there was no escape plan, but she still could not trust him.    


"Really?" Dian Linglong could not just reject a Great Monarch, but he also expressed his doubt.    


Yi Tianji put down his cup, raised his hand and slashed across the sky. A star map instantly appeared, and the sun temporarily dimmed down.    


Yi Tianji held onto the chopsticks, pointed and said, "Emptiness Realm. When I observe this star phenomenon, even though the stars are dim and faint, there is no sign of danger. It's just that there's no danger, there's no need to worry ?"    


Dian Feng believed him, but Dian Linglong felt that from the stars, how could one tell a person's fate?    


So what if he was concerned, Dian Linglong wanted to say something but hesitated. He still felt that things should be done sooner rather than later.    


Dian Feng said: "I have invited Fellow Taoist of the Heavenly Mystery to come here in order to save Xiao Hao. Don't worry, he won't be a child's play."    


Saying that, Dian Feng glanced at Yi Tianji with a hint of warning ? You'd better not be joking, or I'll teach you a lesson!    


Yi Tianji smirked: "Mistress, don't worry. Your son will definitely be fine.    


Dian Feng nodded slightly, but he was also a little doubtful, and asked: "Why do you say that nothing will happen to you?"    


As someone who calculated the heavens and earth, Great Monarch Tian Ji should know that the affairs of the world should change in an instant. He said with such a assured tone that nothing would happen to Dian Hao, could it be that there was some secret?    


Yi Tianji laughed: "I've calculated, even if you don't go and save his, Dian Hao will still be fine ? I feel that the person who kidnapped him was only for the Deathless Immortal Tree and would definitely not kill him. "    


"Hmm? "How, how did you determine?" Dian Linglong was suspicious, that was a kidnapper, a very terrifying Monarch Stage kidnapper. If he couldn't get the "ransom", how could he not tear the tickets?    


Dian Linglong had already fallen into a dead end in her thoughts, because she had never thought of a certain possibility, or perhaps, she never would have thought that there was such a possibility.    


However, Dian Feng narrowed his eyes, looked at Hei Tian, then looked at Yi Tianji in the eyes, and got the latter's nod and blink.    


Although there were no sound transmissions, Dian Feng still had some doubts in his heart.    


Whether or not he saved Dian Hao or not, nothing would happen to Dian Hao.    


So under what circumstances would such a thing happen? Who was the kidnapper? Only then would Dian Hao be fine, no matter what the situation was.    


Normally, if the kidnapper didn't get the ransom, he would definitely tear up the votes.    


So under what circumstances would the kidnappers never tear up the votes, even if they didn't get the ransom?    


The only possibility was that the kidnappers were unwilling to give up on killing people, and there was also a reason why they would never kill hostages.    


The explanation was very simple, it was ? an acquaintance had committed a crime.    


Amongst all of Dian Feng's acquaintances, the only person who possessed such a condition seemed to be that person.    


In Dian Feng's eyes, a cold light flashed, and the nameless fury in his heart, suddenly surged.    


If Yi Tianji did not calculate wrongly and did not speak nonsense, then Dian Feng would really be angered.    


"Feng Er, you, what happened to you?" Dian Linglong suddenly felt that Dian Feng's aura was a little violent, and the cold light in her eyes, when she saw it, he could not help but feel a chill down his spine.    


Zhu Yun looked at Dian Linglong somewhat sympathetically and said somewhat inexplicably: "Mother, you should still move over to Dian Mansion ?."    


This was because the Dian Family in the villa area outside the Demon City was destined to become irreconcilable with the Dian Mansion.    


Dian Hao was very gloomy. In other words, he was depressed about the Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign.    


He received a message from the host, Dian Hao's father, asking him to go out and meet them in the wild.    


But unexpectedly, halfway through, he met a man dressed in a Immortal Armor, and he was kidnapped.    


Yes, a former True Immortal was actually kidnapped by someone wearing a Immortal Armor.    


What a joke!    


However, the Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign was helpless as he only had the True Immortal Primordial Spirit. Without a celestial body, he would definitely not be a match for this person.    


And when Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign realized that the other party didn't even want to kill him, he seemed to have his own misgivings. He could only use his blood as evidence, brand it onto the extortion letter, and transmit it back his Dian Family.    


The kidnapper was very sure that Dian Family knew that this letter was real. As a result, Dian Linglong would definitely go beg the heavens, and the Deathless Immortal Tree would be easily found.    


"Idiot!" In the starry sky, within a silent star, "Dian Hao" was sealed within a star, and a great formation was imprinted there.    


Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign was trapped here. He knew that the joke of extortion letter was most likely already in the hands of the heavens.    


He originally wanted to avoid Dian Feng. He knew that he was proficient in the Soul Spell and if he observed carefully from a distance, he might immediately expose the secret of seizing Dian Hao's body.    


However, these kidnappers were idiots, yet they still insisted on letting Xu Que make the deal. Weren't they just making fun of his little life?    


Thus, the Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign worked hard, wanting to break out of the seal and run far away.    


"It's best if you don't move recklessly. Otherwise, I might not be willing to guarantee your safety." Fu Long appeared in the Star Core as he warned Dian Hao.    


A mortal dressed in Immortal Armor, hehe!    


Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign sneered, if he was at his peak, he would not put this kind of trash in his eyes, but right now, he was in an extremely awkward position.    


"Aren't you guys too naive? You actually thought that the heavens would be willing to exchange a Deathless Immortal Tree for the life of an unfamiliar little brother?" Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign sneered.    


The Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign simply did not believe that the Void Genuine Immortal would make such a sacrifice for his younger brother. Because if it was him, he would definitely not trade this Deathless Immortal Tree for Dian Hao.    


"Youngster, you have still underestimated the principles and principles behind the emotions of those so-called gentlemen and gentlemen ? Believe me, this old man has been in a high position for many years, and I think he has the ability to judge others. Rest assured, your big brother Pavilion Master will definitely be willing to use Deathless Immortal Tree to save you ? "    


Fu Long laughed coldly. The moment this plan appeared in his mind, he felt that it was feasible.    


"Haha ?" Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign shook his head and sneered. He was speechless towards this idiot.    


Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign was a little anxious. If the naive and useless guy came and saved him, he would definitely check his sea of consciousness and see if the kidnapper had done anything to him ? When that time came, he would no longer be able to hide his secrets.    


"F * ck!" Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign secretly cursed, he was furious, he had calculated everything, but did not expect that his son's father would scam him.    


This really was his father.    


"You can stay here peacefully. Relax, I made a contract with someone and I will spare your life no matter what." Wearing a Immortal Armor, Fu Long flashed through the air and disappeared within the astral core.    


"F * ck!" Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign finally cursed out loud. He opened his mouth and cursed out loud all eighteen generations of Fu Long's ancestors.    


"Damned Dian Chen, I'll f * * k you, you want to kill me!" The Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign laughed bitterly. He had been sealed within the Cultivation Level and was also trapped here by the array.    


He could only wait for someone to rescue him or for him to be released.    


From what Fu Long said, as well as the fact that he was invited to this place due to Dian Chen's message, Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign knew everything.    


"I've missed out on such a great father ?" "Oh my god, is the heavens trying to kill me?!" Purple Mansion Immortal Sovereign pounded his chest and stomped his feet.    


If only he had known earlier, he might as well have thrown Dian Hao's body away after he came out of the Mount Buzhou.    


Outside the sealed ancient star that imprisoned Dian Hao.    


Dian Chen and Fu Long stood in the air and chatted about something.    


"Don't forget your promise to me. Don't let your subordinates lose control of themselves!" Dian Chen warned Fu Long, by all means, do not harm the slightest bit Dian Hao.    


In order to maintain his image in Dian Hao's heart, Dian Chen did not reveal himself in front of him. On the surface, everything was Fu Long, the man dressed in the Immortal Armor's clothes.    


However, Dian Hao was not an idiot. Dian Chen knew that his intelligent second son would definitely guess that he had participated.    


However, Dian Chen had already made up his mind. He would not admit it, and as long as he did not admit it, suspicions would only be suspicions.    


"Don't worry, I won't hurt him. I still want to continue the business between us ?" "What's more, didn't I already sign the contract? Don't worry, I don't have any intentions for this second son of yours."    


As Fu Long said this, he subconsciously felt a little nervous. He glanced at Dian Chen and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that he did not think too much into it.    


I have no interest in your second son. But what about the other sons?    


Dian Chen forgot, or perhaps, he subconsciously did not want to think about, what kind of person was Fu Long? Could it be that he went through all the trouble to capture Dian Hao for a Deathless Immortal Tree?    


Even if it was only for the Deathless Immortal Tree in the beginning, what about now? How could Fu Long be willing to let such a good opportunity slip by?    


Kidnapping and extortion, they had already offended Dian Feng, and they had even offended him to death. Since that was the case, why didn't he completely solve this problem ? Moreover, in the eyes of some people, the Venerable Emperor Pavilion was merely a thorn in the flesh.    


The Venerable Emperor's Mansion was too strong. It sat too quickly and within a few decades, it already surpassed the first generation of Source Realm ? ? Big Dipper Ye Clan. This was truly amazing.    


Currently, the Venerable Emperor's Palace had a "I'll keep my word" attitude in the Source Realm, and was the number one power in the world of cultivators.    


Now that the situation had been set, it was time to consider the benefits for himself. In that case, the existence of the Venerate Heavens Sect appeared to be unnecessary. It would be better for them to just collapse ? As for the Venerable Emperor Palace, having two or three Monarch Immortal s to keep the peace was enough. There were too many people, and it posed a huge threat to the others.    


Looking at Dian Chen, Fu Long slightly smiled as he inwardly sneered: "My goal is not only to find a single Deathless Immortal Tree ? Dian Chen, you really are a father ? "My lucky star ?"    


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