The Emperor Of The World

C1118 Liao Shang Ding Feng

C1118 Liao Shang Ding Feng

"Sigh, it seems that they really are a bunch of impostors. I think we should just go out and fight them." A Old Paragon from the Tianquan Holy Land shook his head and sighed.    


Dian Feng looked at Gu Qiang in ridicule. He was still trapped in the Void Prison, and now he had no way to escape.    


However, Gu Qiang was certain that he did not dare to kill him.    


Indeed, Dian Feng would not kill him, because becoming mortal enemies with Gu Family would not benefit Tian Quan.    


Dian Feng shot a glance at Gu Qiang, raised his hand, and struck out a Law in the Void Prison: "Voidage Banishment!"    


"Where are you throwing me!" Gu Qiang was shocked. The Voidage Banishment could expel him from the Immortal Graveyard.    


If one was unlucky and happened to be exiled to a space danger zone, they would die.    


"You impostors, I'm too lazy to deal with you. In the future, those with orthodox Gu Family will naturally cause trouble for you." Dian Feng laughed in disdain, then, Gu Qiang struggled, and was forcefully exiled into the depths of the starry sky.    


Ye Tianlong also understood that it would be hard to kill a few of the younger generation from the Gu Family who were sent to exile in this world, so he threw them into the starry sky to fend for themselves.    


"Buzz ~ ~ ~"    


Being exiled, no one knew where he would be exiled to.    


"Sigh, I never thought that the Gu Family would also become like this." Dian Feng exiled Gu Qiang, but he was unhappy and thought of the Space-time Heavenly Monarch.    


He had seen the silhouette of the Space-time Heavenly Monarch in "The Ancestor's One Dream" for such a grand person. This was the person he worshipped the most.    


However, the descendents of the future were truly unfilial. For a grand Heavenly Emperor clan to fall to such a state, it was truly a sigh.    


"It's most likely not the Heavenly Monarch Orthodoxy, or at least not the most direct line of descent." Hei Tian's voice sounded in Dian Feng's mind. He felt that Gu Qiang and the others had the bloodline of the Heavenly Emperor, but he didn't know where the other branches were.    


However, there was no point in thinking too much about this problem. No matter what the origin of this Gu Family was, both of Dian Feng's and Yue Yang's first impressions were bad. In the future, it was inevitable that they would be enemies in each other's hearts.    


The most important thing right under their noses was to receive this group of guests with different intentions.    


The interlude of the Gu Family people was quickly forgotten by everyone. Inside the courtyard of the Dian Mansion, the main guest was joyous and it was a harmonious scene.    


One by one, the guests all entered their seats, but there were only a few that were invited by Dian Feng to take their seats.    


The people of the Five Great Sacred Grounds were also not sitting at the same table as Dian Feng, but rather, they were receiving Ye Tianlong and the other two Old Paragon s. The people from the six Sacred Grounds sat down at a table.    


At Dian Feng's table, there were only Ouyang Lei, Wu Tong, Old Roc King, Divine Master Tai Yin, Heavenly God Lord Shi Feiyu, and a few others who came later.    


Sovereign Profound Lun of the Sea Race Turtle clan, Hornless Dragon Lord of the Dragon Clan.    


A cultivator's table could be very big, just a few chairs would do.    


Dian Feng drank with everyone, his attitude not arrogant, as though he was still a junior. However, these people would not believe it. They treated him as a junior and called him "Little Brother Dian", "Fellow Daoist Dian", "Elder Brother Dian".    


Ye Tianlong looked over from time to time, sending Dian Feng sound transmissions or signalling him to be at ease. He would not suffer any losses.    


"Come, come, come. Drink and drink, this is my treasured divine wine, brewed using Immortality Drug s and Divine Fruit s!" Dian Feng was very happy. He was willing to bleed because he would have to take back the woolen cloth from these "sheep" sooner or later.    


The dark sky silently cursed: "Stinky Kid, use this daddy's wine as a favor again!"    


At the head table, all of them drank half a cup doubtfully as their eyes immediately lit up. This was the best wine!    


Dian Feng invited everyone to drink and eat, and chatted about the sights of the different lands, but he just did not ask, what were all of you doing here?    


She said that she was here to congratulate Dian Feng on his return and congratulate him for being so overjoyed. However, even now, no one asked Dian Feng to bring the little fellow out for a look.    


Each of the guests looked at each other, sizing each other up. They all had their own little Jiu Jiu, so they all agreed.    


Dian Feng was not anxious, if he mentioned it first, it would be lowering the price, showing that he was impatient.    


He was a seller. He had enough capital and patience. He was not in a hurry.    


"This wine is so strong, I'm afraid I won't dare to drink too much ?" Old Roc King smacked his lips. He wanted a cup but didn't dare drink anymore. This was a divine wine that had been stored for more than a hundred thousand years, Zhi Zun was drunk enough.    


Even if it was Zhi Zun who was present, if she was not able to fight against the Cultivation Level, she would definitely be drunk within three cups.    


But if he used the Cultivation Level to resist the power of alcohol, then what was the point of it?    


Generally speaking, after three rounds of drinks at a meal, it was time to get down to business. But at this table, after drinking three cups, no one dared to drink anymore, as they stopped and looked towards Dian Feng.    


However, Dian Feng was still drinking, and had his fourth cup.    


He was from the Saint Stage Body Cultivator, so this godly wine was not enough to make him fall drunk that quickly. Furthermore, this wine could help boost his vital energy and blood, so it was a good thing for the Body Cultivator.    


Of course, it was impossible for him to drink too much either.    


Bodhi Sovereign sat obediently in his seat. He had a cup of Immortal Wine in front of him, but he didn't feel like drinking it.    


After all, he was a buddhist Saint Lord with Bodhi Holy Land, so it wasn't good for him to drink wine in public.    


But the smell of the divine wine was simply too intoxicating. Bodhi Sovereign almost could not hold it in anymore.    


Dian Feng looked at Bodhi Sovereign in ridicule and laughed: "Aiya, I forgot that the Venerable One is from the buddhist faith, and is not easy to drink.    


After he finished speaking, he picked up the wine cup on the table in front of Bodhi Sovereign and finished it in one gulp.    


Bodhi Sovereign heaved a sigh of relief. Although he felt regretful, it was still a matter of face.    


There were ruckus during the banquet, but most of the people's attention was on Dian Feng.    


However, this guy was heartless and only cared about eating and drinking. It was as if he did not think too much about the purpose of these guests' visit.    


The dishes on the table were served one by one. If he didn't sample them one by one, he would never be able to finish them all.    


Nightfall. The sun was about to set over the horizon, and all the Paragons at the head table looked at each other. They felt that it was about time. If he didn't say it now, there would be nothing left to say.    


"Burp ? ?" Dian Feng couldn't hold back his burp any longer, and directly burped out. This caused everyone's face to be filled with black lines, but they didn't dare to mock him.    


"Since Little Brother Dian has finished eating, why don't we get down to business?" The God of Heaven Lord was forced to speak, so he had no choice but to ask.    


Dian Feng glanced at him, and then made an expression of understanding: "Oh, I forgot, you guys came to celebrate with my son, and I'm going to get someone to carry you out right now?"    


Still playing dumb!    


Everyone's face was filled with black lines. This guy was too unorthodox and still pretended to not know anything. It was simply because he wanted to raise the price.    


The Heavenly God Lord could no longer continue his act, and spoke straightforwardly: "Little Brother Dian, we will not speak the truth, I believe you understand the true purpose of our visit, right?"    


Dian Feng was shocked: "Your true purpose?"    


As he said that, he looked at everyone in surprise. Then, with narrowed eyes, he looked at them warily and said, "What are you guys here for?"    


The tone, the manner, was like a defender.    


The crowd thought, "Continue pretending."    


Ouyang Lei saw that the faces of the few Zhi Zun were slowly collapsing, he reminded Dian Feng, and scolded him: "Little Brother Dian, stop keeping us in suspense, since the Heavenly God Lord has spoken, why pretend to be stupid ?"    


"Cough ?" Dian Feng coughed lightly, but even though he had been seen through, he did not blush at all, instead showing an innocent look, as if he had not thought much about it.    


A little fox!    


The elders thought to themselves, this time, he's probably going to bleed.    


"Since it's like this, it's almost night. The night is very cold, please follow me into the main hall for our discussion." Dian Feng stood up and invited everyone to go to the main hall of the Dian Mansion.    


After eating our fill, let's get down to business.    


[What do you mean by cold? No matter how cold you are, how cold you are, how cold can you be to the point of being a Zhizun realm expert?]    


It was just to avoid those who were unwilling to pay the price and prevent them from hearing what was going to be discussed later.    


Dian Feng's table of big bosses were all overjoyed. Dian Feng having such a meaning meant that they had the chance.    


Thus, a group of Zhi Zun followed Dian Feng and entered the main hall.    


Ye Tianlong also looked towards his table, and laughed: "Everyone, please follow me. The six Sacred Grounds have the same roots, and the situation between heaven and earth is currently complex.    


When Aunt Sheng Tian Xuan heard this, she was overjoyed. She had thought that Dian Feng wanted to turn them away.    


Phecda Saint Lord, Yuheng Saint Lord, Kaiyang Saint Lord, and Dubhe Saint Lord had also stood up and followed Ye Tianlong in.    


They all understood that this was Tian Quan trying to rope them in. Now that the situation had changed drastically and Golden Age was about to reappear, even someone as powerful as Tian Quan needed to find allies.    


To them, Tian Quan was undoubtedly their best ally, since they had already been allies for hundreds of thousands of years.    


"This ?" The remaining guests all had different expressions, but they were all not happy.    


Suddenly, Xiaolan walked out from the main hall, and spoke to the supreme experts in the courtyard in a neither humble nor haughty manner: "Senior Martial Brother Dian invites Senior, Senior Tang Qianqiu from the Tang Dynasty Dynasty, Senior Xing Ziro from the Stellar Holy Land, Senior Yaoyueer from the Jade Immortal Palace, and Lotus Bodhisattva from the Thunderclap Temple to the main hall for a chat."    


Walla ~ ~ ~    


When Xiaolan said this, every clan was happy and worried, the people who were nominated were instantly surprised and those that did not get their names read were all disappointed.    


Xia Wushen and the others chuckled. Yaoyueer and the Lotus Flower were rejoicing in their hearts, they did not expect Dian Feng to invite them.    


"Thank you, young lady, for telling me ?" The few Martial Saints walked into the main hall.    


Xiaolan turned around, and was about to follow them in, and then close the hall door.    


However, the Martial Saints in the courtyard behind her were getting anxious. Someone shouted, "Miss, please wait!"    


Xiaolan looked over and chuckled: "Senior, what do you need?"    


Zhi Zun said: "Could this young lady please inform Fellow Daoist Dian that we also wish to seek an audience ?"    


Xiaolan smiled politely: "Apologies, Senior Martial Brother Dian said it, everyone, please go ahead. However, if there is anyone that wants to see Senior Martial Brother Dian, please register it with Senior Brother Tian Hua. After Senior Martial Brother Dian is done with his work, he will definitely find time to meet all of you seniors ? "    


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