The Emperor Of The World

C1572 The Death of Dust

C1572 The Death of Dust

The Ancestor Pavilion, Floating Island.    


The Monarch Immortal s looked at each other. Other than Li Xianyue, Yao Guang, Zhu Yun, Yuan Han and the dark sky, they all quietly dispersed.    


Dian Feng took a deep breath, did not say a word, and just looked up at the rain that was falling from the sky.    




It landed on his face, piercing through his skin and stabbing directly into his heart.    


Dian Feng hated Dian Chen, but he let him go in the end. Dian Chen could be heartless, but that would not be possible for Dian Feng. Only then, would he feel suppressed in his heart.    


It was difficult to sever the relationship within the bloodline. Dian Feng had always been Dian Feng, and from birth till now, he had never had any memories regarding the Son of The Beginning of The World. He was himself, and not someone who had reincarnated by borrowing a stomach. Dian Feng was clear on this point.    


However, there was no point in talking about it now. After that person had died, everything had vanished into thin air.    


Dian Feng wasn't sad at all. He only felt that it was a bit unresigned to just hold in his breath.    


Yes, he was unwilling.    


Other people had fathers, but he had none. He had never felt the slightest bit of warmth from his father. This was the biggest regret and the most unwilling thing in his life.    


"?" The four girls wanted to console him, but they were stopped by the dark sky shaking its head.    


Hei Tian saw that Dian Feng did not reply to him, so he did not ask anymore. He took out a jar of wine from his Divine Buddhist World with a pained expression.    


Smelling the fragrance of the wine, Dian Feng knew that this was the divine wine that he had drunk when he was drunk for the first time in Trial Divine Domain.    


The Black Sky once said that he had been hiding in many places and had found the last few jars in recent years. He had always regarded them as treasures. Even the immortals of the Prime Emperor Pavilion refused to give him a cup, yet now they took out the entire jar.    


"I'm not drunk enough yet." Dian Feng shook his head. He did not want to get drunk, and he did not know what his current state of mind was.    


A little sad, a little relieved, a little angry, a little sad ?    


This emotion was very complicated, he was not immediately angered. He wanted to find the culprit and take revenge for Dian Chen. He also did not intend to give him a glorious burial and then erect a tomb. Furthermore, he had never thought of dressing him in filial piety, because this person was unworthy.    


"What am I sad about?" Dian Feng asked himself in his heart. He knew that Dian Chen was not worthy, but he could not help but think about this.    


The human heart was this complicated. Many things were not the same as what was agreed upon. Even if one was mentally prepared, it would still cause one's emotions to fluctuate.    


Dian Feng didn't want to discuss any more major matters today. He only wanted to stand here and quietly stay for a while.    


"Are you sure you don't want to drink it?" Hei Tian directly set down the table and poured two bowls of wine. "I'll accompany you?"    


Li Xianyue smelled the fragrance of the wine. This silly girl could not help but lick her red lips.    


Suddenly, Zhu Yun pulled her and signaled the other two women to retreat.    


Here, only Dian Feng, the black sky, and the sky were left.    


Dian Feng turned around.    


"Even with me?" Hei Tian raised his wine bowl and chuckled to Dian Feng. He knew that this child needed to be released.    


Dian Feng was an extremely loyal person. Dian Wanqiu had treated her in such a way before, and before she died, Dian Feng was also unwilling to part with him, and his eyes filled with tears. Hei Tian understood Dian Feng the best. He knew that Dian Feng was feeling complicated right now, so drinking wine was a good way to vent his feelings.    


As long as he got drunk and woke up tomorrow, there would be a period of transition, and everything would be fine.    


Dian Feng smirked and shook his head. He knew that the dark sky was saying that on purpose.    


"It's better if you accompany me." Dian Feng sat on the ground, his robes fluttering in the wind behind him.    


The night invaded, driving away the day.    


The sky darkened and Heaven's Tears still fell, falling into the wine bowl. Dian Feng smiled drunkenly: If I drink Heaven's Tears, will I have diarrhea?    


"Pu ci" Hei Tian was amused by Dian Feng as he shook his head and laughed, "Hahaha ? You can try, but I've never had diarrhea. "    


Dian Feng laughed again: "Perhaps, it will make my internal organs even more unbreakable?"    


Hei Tian smiled and shook his head.    


If Teardrop fell on Monarch Dao Divine Gold, it would cause the Monarch Dao Divine Gold to mutate and turn into Sky Weeping Golden. Dian Feng was joking. Using Sky Tear to temper one's internal organs was impossible, it did not have this effect.    


He finished the entire pot of wine.    


Dian Feng was still very clear, and the dark sky was also very clear.    


"It seems as though the wine which the only true Immortal of that year drank was better than yours." Dian Feng laughed and burped.    


Hei Tian chuckled, revealing a secret. "Heh heh, you think that the only one that was really drunk back then? "It's just that alcohol doesn't intoxicate people, it's just that people get drunk themselves. As long as you want to get drunk, even ordinary wine can get drunk ?"    


As long as one wanted to get drunk, drinking wine was just an excuse. It was easy to get drunk.    


Dian Feng understood, but he shook his head: "This kind of beautiful legend, you don't need to expose it, it's good to leave some thoughts for the later generations ?"    


Immortal Relic Ancient Star.    


Taking advantage of when he was slightly drunk, Dian Feng rushed back in the middle of the night. The Venerable Emperor Pavilion had been paying attention to Dian Chen and his family the entire time, and Dian Feng knew that they had long since returned here.    


Outside the Immortal Relic Ancient Star, on top of the Lunar Star, Dian Feng stood in the air and looked at each and every courtyard.    


He saw Dian Linglong, his female friends, and his nominal brothers and sisters.    


It seemed that Dian Linglong and the others did not know about Dian Chen's death, nor did Dian Feng have the thought of rushing over to inform the others of the grievous news.    


"How many are missing ?" Dian Feng sneered, and shook his head.    


Dian Feng realized that a few women were missing from Dian Chen's group, and even their children were not present.    


He could imagine that after Dian Chen became crippled, a few women left him.    


Dian Feng suddenly thought back to himself ? If I was crippled, how many women within Dian Mansion would I have left?    


In an instant, Dian Feng concluded that no one would leave.    


He was confident that he understood everyone in Dian Mansion, including the children. Compared to Dian Chen's family, which were full of hypocritical cold feelings, Dian Feng felt that he had done pretty well.    


"Sigh, I've brought this upon myself ?" Dian Feng secretly sighed, he could see that the hearts of the women in the "Dian Family" in front of him were no longer in tune.    


From their faces, one could tell how worried they were about the future and how regretful they were about the past.    


With Dian Chen's character, how could he make so many beauties willingly become concubines? He did not have such charm.    


Amongst these women, many of them took a fancy to Dian Chen's future, and knew that he was merely a bargaining chip for their marriage. But Dian Chen was crippled, crippled by the Pavilion Master of Monarch Sovereign Pavilion, their future was blocked completely, so these women naturally despaired.    


In his heart, he regretted and trusted others.    


However, fate was just like that. The path he had chosen had been one that he was responsible for from the beginning to the end. No one could replace him.    


Dian Feng stood in the air, concealed, and secretly looked at Dian Linglong.    


"Woosh ~ ~ ~"    


Suddenly, a long streak of light flew over from the distance. It was the messenger of the Ancestor Pavilion, a quasi Emperor.    


Dian Feng knew that the reason he was here, was probably to deliver the grievous news to Dian Linglong and the others.    


When the quasi Emperor descended into Lunar Star, Dian Feng turned and prepared to leave, because he did not want to see Dian Linglong cry. Although this woman had once deeply stung him, he was still his mother.    


"Do your best ?" Dian Feng glanced at the person from the Dian Family and shook his head.    


In fact, Dian Feng had been protecting them in secret all these years, but Dian Chen's family did not know about it. Otherwise, with how Dian Chen had offended so many people, his Dian Family would have been destroyed long ago.    


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