The Emperor Of The World

C815 The Path to the Deepest Parts of the Infernal Domain

C815 The Path to the Deepest Parts of the Infernal Domain

"Pu, pu, pu ~ ~ ~"    


After killing a few Devil Soldier s that followed him, Dian Feng's mood became much better, at least he would not be depressed.    


"Let's go. Let's go to the depths of the land and let the ancient tokens lead the way." Dian Feng looked at Bing Yu and laughed.    


Bing Yu acknowledged her as she was also a little absent-minded. She was thinking about what Dian Feng had said before.    


What caused that scene in the Blood General's manor was not only Xieao's wit, but also his grasp of human nature and the internal contradiction between his Human Clan.    


As a cultivator, there were very few people who couldn't eat their fill, so in the beginning, she didn't really understand.    


After Dian Feng gave her some examples, she finally started to understand how difficult life for ordinary people was.    


In some Great Desolation, if a normal person wanted to survive, they would have to fight for their life with all things in order to survive.    


Even in a society where Human Clan exist, where natural and man-made disasters occur, where great battles arise from all sides, people would starve to death everywhere!    


These were things that almost no cultivator could see. The world of cultivators had been bustling since ancient times, and they didn't care about the lower class.    


"Are you sure this is the road you're going to take?" Dian Feng looked at the three thousand meters tall and wide mountain rocks in front of him.    


Bing Yu laughed: "It said that after crossing this mountain, there is a road that leads straight to the depths of the Demon Area."    


The Nine Seals Devil Domain is so great.    


Here, they could not fly, nor could they ride on Transfer Array s. If they wanted to reach the deepest parts, Dian Feng and Yue Yang would not be able to pass through even if they were old enough!    


However, when he was creating the Nine Seals Devil Domain, the one who did this thought came up with a lot of possibilities.    


Therefore, there were many secret teleportation points on the Nine Seals Devil Domain earth.    


It wasn't a formation, but rather the use of the folded power of space to link up two distant areas. For example, if you jumped into a deep well and came out again, you would be hundreds of thousands of miles away.    


"Isn't it too high? How do we get up there?" Bing Yu glanced at Dian Feng, and smiled mischievously.    


Dian Feng rolled his eyes. She knew that he had a way, so he did it on purpose.    


"I'll carry you, or else how are you going to climb up such a high stone wall with your arms?" Dian Feng laughed helplessly, the haze disappeared in a flash, and the young people still felt less of the vicissitudes of life.    


There were no ropes sliding down from above, and no vines with a tough enough length. It was still a bit difficult for Bing Yu to climb over this mountain peak.    


If he were to fall halfway down, Shen Cang would probably end up crippled or even dead.    


Bing Yu raised her eyebrows and smiled, revealing a rare cute and mischievous look from a young girl. Seeing Dian Feng squatting down and bending over, she jumped onto his back.    


Dian Feng purposely showed signs of falling, which shocked her a bit, and said unhappily: "Am I very heavy?"    


"No, lighter than a bird." Dian Feng said, against his own will.    


In fact, the higher the Cultivation Level, the heavier they would be!    


As his level of life was evolving, his physique was becoming stronger and stronger. This meant that the density of his body was increasing, and his weight was naturally increasing steadily.    


Although Bing Yu looked weak and weak right now, she was no weaker than a rock of the same size.    


If it was outside, then the female cultivator would subconsciously use her magic to reduce her weight. However, there was nothing she could hide in this place.    


And Dian Feng was ten times or more heavy!    


He could easily lift something that weighed over ten thousand kilograms, and could even throw it to play, so he did not care about Bing Yu's little weight.    


Furthermore, the land here was not normal either, otherwise, Dian Feng would really "step by step".    


"Humph!" Bing Yu laughed complacently and shrugged her back on Dian Feng's back, as if she was being carried for the first time.    


Dian Feng did not know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Can you hold on tight?"    


Bing Yu held onto Dian Feng's throat and both her legs on Dian Feng's waist, making him look like some sort of little bear hanging on a tree.    


Dian Feng laughed, he was still a little worried, and took off his belt.    


"What are you doing!" There was a wary look on his face, but he was not afraid. Instead, he was excited to give it a try.    


Dian Feng, "..."    


Dian Feng circled his belt around Bing Yu's waist, and then pulled it in front of his lower abdomen to make a dead weight.    


"Ah, so tight!"    


"Hold it in!" Dian Feng said snappily. He felt a pair of deadly weapons on his back and almost turned into a wolf.    


"You hold the sword." Dian Feng threw the Golden Dragon King Sword onto Bing Yu who was on his back, reminding him, "Be careful, don't accidentally cut my head off."    


Bing Yu smiled lightly, but she was very touched. On Dian Feng's back, she was still holding onto the Immortal Sword, so it wouldn't take much effort for her to kill Dian Feng.    


This was trust!    


This feeling was pretty good.    


Therefore, Bing Yu used her own silk belt and scarf to tie the Immortal Sword up, and hung it on her butt.    


Then, with a sweet smile, she pressed her chest and half her face to Dian Feng's back.    


Smelling the hidden fragrance emitted by Dian Feng's body, she was actually a little intoxicated. In this world, he would never have such a comfortable back again.    


"That's great."    


"What did you say?"    


"Uh, it's nothing. I said hurry up and go ?" Bing Yu blushed, but it was a pity that someone could not see it.    


Dian Feng shrugged his shoulders, the sound was very soft, so soft that he couldn't hear it clearly.    


As he walked to the front of the cliff and looked at the vines that were drooping, Dian Feng didn't think of relying on them. After all, no one knew if it was strong or not.    


But Dian Feng still chose a place with vines, and prepared to climb up. After all, if he ran out of strength, he could grab onto the vine and rest for a while.    


"Let's go!"    


Dian Feng extended both his hands like sharp claws, and with a "pu" sound, he easily stabbed them into the slippery cliff wall!    


"Pu, pu, pu ~ ~ ~"    


His two hands continuously inserted into the rock wall, and then he stretched them out. As he climbed up, he also inserted his hands into the rock wall to borrow force. The tip of his foot happened to step on the small holes he had grabbed and he climbed up step by step.    


His speed was not slow, if not because she was worried that Bing Yu would not be able to grab hold of it and fall down, Dian Feng's speed would be even faster.    


Bing Yu was carried by Dian Feng as she was constantly in the air. The Golden Dragon King Sword hung onto her waist, but she did not even glance at the Immortal Artifact, but stared at Dian Feng's face from the side.    


There was no sweat, but his resolute face was very handsome.    


"Sizzle ~ ~ ~"    


Suddenly, a snake as thick as an arm stuck its head out from a small cave Dian Feng passed by.    


Seeing that someone had passed by its territory, it wanted to go berserk and kissed Dian Feng's wrist.    


Puff ? -    


Dian Feng extended his hand out, and with a speed faster than it, he grabbed the head and shook it! All the bones in its body had shattered, so naturally, it would be lifeless. Then, Dian Feng hung it on his waist.    


"Ya!" Bing Yu was shocked, and felt a bit disgusted.    


However, Dian Feng laughed: "Don't be afraid, this is our food in a while."    


The Storage Ring could not open it, so it took a lot of energy to do so. Dian Feng and Bing Yu also needed to eat.    


"I won't eat!" Bing Yu said resolutely.    


After all, she was a girl. Even though she wasn't afraid of snakes, she still felt disgusted.    


Dian Feng smiled and declined to comment. He thought that when he was hungry and anxious, he probably wouldn't refuse.    


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