The Emperor Of The World

C819 I've Seen You Before

C819 I've Seen You Before

Although the operation of removing devils from the Nine Seals Devil Domain was cancelled, there was still a young Zhi Zun who came in.    


Naturally, it was Dian Feng and Bing Yu.    


"Didn't they say that once you climb the cliff, you won't be far from the teleportation point?" Dian Feng glanced at the innocent face of Bing Yu and asked gloomily.    


The two of them had walked inside the Nine Seals Devil Domain for two days!    


In this dark place, looking up, the sky was forever filled with Demonic Qi, blocking the sky and making it impossible to see anything.    


"That's what the ancient tokens say, they say... It's the Stellar Transposition that caused the earth to split open, which was why we had to climb up another canyon. "    


Dian Feng was helpless.    


After climbing that cliff, the promised teleportation point that led to the depths of the Infernal domain did not appear. What replaced it was a canyon that was several li deep!    


This place was full of danger, and all types of dark creatures appeared one after another. The only thing left behind were ghosts.    


Fortunately, their destination was in sight.    


Climbing up the opposite side of the canyon, Dian Feng and Bing Yu saw that there was a yellow mud stage a few hundred meters away.    


It looked like a sacrificial altar made from some unknown material. It looked like yellow mud, but Dian Feng felt that it was definitely not yellow mud.    


The yellow muddy platform was about ten feet in diameter. It was a sacrificial altar that looked like it was made from gossip, with a few Ancient God Language carvings on it. It was useless in that it was just a decoration.    


"How do I use this thing?" Dian Feng and walked over, he looked around, and saw that the altar did not have a slot for spirit stones, and there was no reaction when he stepped on it.    


Dian Feng carried his Golden Dragon King Sword and went around knocking and cutting, but he did not manage to knock even a little bit of "yellow mud". Bing Yu felt her heart palpitate, but Dian Feng had a face full of regret. This was definitely an exceptional divine ability, but it seemed like he wouldn't be able to obtain it.    


"Buzz ~ ~ ~"    


Suddenly, Bing Yu's brows twitched, the cracked ancient command medallion flew out from her sea of consciousness, and a ray of demonic light struck the stage!    


Immediately, the yellow mud stage was activated. Dian Feng saw that the air had rippled, which was a sign that the space was being distorted.    


Very quickly, a Void Fissure was thrown out by the yellow mud platform and materialized on the altar!    


As for the yellow mud platform, it seemed to have a life of its own. The soil was actually wiggling!    


Dian Feng's expression changed as he exclaimed in surprise: "This is the Resting Soil?!"    


The ancient order shook and sent out a thought: "This is the Resting Soil!"    


The Resting Soil, a type of immortal soil that was said to be able to grow by itself and never consume!    


This could be considered one of the Emperor Divine Material, but they were carelessly cast into an altar. It didn't seem to care much about it.    


"Most of the teleportation stations in the Demon Area are created by the sacrifice of the Resting Soil." The ancient order said indifferently.    


"Mai Mai Pi, what an inhumane trencher, a prodigal son!" Dian Feng glared, cursing in his heart. Using the Resting Soil as a teleportation platform, the heck, he's rich!    


Bing Yu giggled. She felt that Dian Feng was truly like a pervert trying to pluck feathers off a bird.    


"Hey, can I move this altar?" Dian Feng raised his head and looked at the order in anticipation.    


I don't know him!    


Bing Yu turned her head, the corner of her mouth twitched.    


The token trembled and let out a mocking voice, "If you can move it, you can take it."    


Dian Feng's eyes lit up, and he immediately patted his hands that were not covered in dust. Then, with green light shining from his eyes, he bent down and held onto the altar with both hands.    


He forcefully pulled ? ?    


La ?    


He couldn't move it!    


Right now, within a hundred thousand jin of Dian Feng, he could just pull it and run, but this thing could not be pulled at all.    


"Eh ?" "Ah ?" With great effort, Dian Feng slumped to the ground, shook his head and said in despair, "Forget it, I have no fate with this thing ?"    


"Puchi!" Bing Yu could not hold it in and laughed out loud. She felt that Dian Feng was really too funny.    


"Stop messing around, let's hurry up and leave." The ancient medallion urged.    


Dian Feng was exasperated, he stood up and rolled his eyes, "You sound like you're about to be reincarnated ?"    


"Let's go." Bing Yu laughed and patted Dian Feng's shoulder.    


Dian Feng shrugged his shoulders, he did not want to cause any trouble, but when he looked at the Void Channels, his eyebrows wrinkled deeply.    


On the other side of the Void Channels, where was it?    


Who exactly was that existence that even the Golden Dragon Emperor was afraid of?    


Not only was Dian Feng playing around, he had also seen Bing Yu's worry along the way. This was why she acted, making her seem like he was in a much better mood.    


"Buzz ~ ~ ~"    


The ancient badge flew back into Bing Yu's forehead. Dian Feng really wanted to grab it, but after thinking for a while, he gave up. This thing even had magic power within the Nine Seals Devil Domain, so Dian Feng was helpless against it.    


"Let's go." Dian Feng looked at Bing Yu, and seeing that Bing Yu's face still had some fear, she held her left hand in his right hand.    


Feeling the warmth from Dian Feng's palm, Bing Yu was stunned, but she was still unwilling to shake it off.    


It was as if this hand gave him a sense of security. Even if there was danger in front of him, it didn't matter if he was here to accompany him.    


Dian Feng did not think too much, he pulled Bing Yu and went onto the altar, and stepped into the Void Channels s.    


"Hiss, hiss, hiss ~ ~ ~"    


Just as Dian Feng and Bing Yu landed, they heard a burst of whistling sound.    


The place they had appeared in could be said to be the place with the highest concentration of Demonic Qi in the entire Infernal domain. When he opened his eyes, it wasn't that his vision went black, but rather, bloodshot.    


The crimson red Demonic Qi was vast, and it seemed like there was a canyon in front of them. When the Demonic Qi went in and out, it seemed like there was a huge mouth breathing.    


The two of them stood in their original spots for a moment, waiting for the moment they got used to the density of the Demonic Qi here so they could clearly see the ground before they prepared to move.    


"We're here." Bing Yu said to Dian Feng as the ancient order badge flew out once again. When it flew into the air above the canyon, a ray of demonic light shot down.    


"Buzz ~ ~ ~"    


The Demonic Qi formed a blurry human figure that looked like a projection, but since it was already here, why did he need to use a projection?    


"Who are you?" Dian Feng stared at the shadow and asked seriously.    


"I've seen you before!" The mysterious man opened his mouth and revealed a surprised and familiar smile.    


Boom ? ?    


Dian Feng was shocked, he felt his heart rising to his throat, he has seen me before?!    


In Trial Divine Domain, there was a woman who played a Konghou who said that he had met Dian Feng. Now, this mysterious figure that came from an unknown background actually said that it knew him!    


But Dian Feng was extremely sure that he had never come to Nine Seals Devil Domain before, so it was impossible that he knew this person!    


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