The Emperor Of The World

C1340 Reentering the Muk Secret Realm

C1340 Reentering the Muk Secret Realm

The new emperor had ascended to the throne, the world was reigned supreme!    


A Newly Promoted Great Monarch had officially announced to the world that his time had come.    


"Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~"    


On this day, it rained again. The sky was filled with tears, and one of the Monarch Stage had fallen.    


"Pavilion Master, after you left, some people took out the Monarch Dao Divine Gold ?" In the Venerable Emperor Pavilion, Mo Feiyu reported to Dian Feng.    


In the Venerable Emperor Pavilion, everyone addressed Dian Feng as Pavilion Master. He did not like the term "Great Monarch", unless it was something important.    


For example, on the day of the sacrifice, the day of the great battle of South Mountain.    


Only when he bore the responsibility did Dian Feng have the nerve to hear others call him "Great Monarch". These two words were too heavy to bear.    


Dian Feng looked down at the sky, and saw the storm coming down from above and the black lines on his forehead.    


Dian Feng had done it before, but he had never thought that these bastards would follow his example.    


He really wanted to ? Collect a charge.    


"Forget it, let them be. Consider it a gift from me." Dian Feng shook his head helplessly. The way in which people took advantage of each other was really using everything they could think of.    


Having their Monarch Stage decapitated in public and sacrificed to the heavens, they actually did not feel too much fear, and had only thought of taking advantage of the situation first.    


But Dian Feng was also happy to see that, at least in the eyes of others, he was not a god of death, but instead a little amiable.    


Although he had become an emperor, he didn't want to put on airs. The people standing at the peak were extremely lonely.    


His friends and old friends would all care that he was a Great Monarch and wouldn't dare to get too close to him to avoid offending him. Although he had put down his airs in every possible way, he had never been able to do as he wished. He could feel the fear and carefulness in their hearts.    


This sort of feeling truly wasn't good. It was as if they were cut off from their old friends.    


"?" Mo Feiyu stared at Dian Feng, but did not dare face him, as though he had something to say.    


Seeing him like that, Dian Feng laughed: "I know what you are thinking, a few days ago I was so busy cleaning up the cancer that I forgot about your period, don't blame me ?"    


"I don't dare!" Mo Feiyu was shocked, and the eight Supremes of the Mo Family branch family were also terrified.    


After that, Dian Feng looked in the direction of the Mo Clan Ancestral Land and said: "Fine, all nine of you pack up and follow me to the Mo Family."    


Mo Feiyu and the other three were overjoyed, looked at each other, and immediately expressed their thanks: "Thank you Pavilion Master for helping us!"    


With regards to the Mo Clan, it was indeed time to take care of it. It had been so long that he didn't know if there would be any changes to it.    


"The arrival of the Great Monarch s brings light to our humble dwelling!" Mo Clan, a quasi Emperor walked out and knelt before Dian Feng.    


Dian Feng indifferently glanced at him. If it was someone else, he would not be willing to accept it, but he should kneel for his Mo Clan!    


And when he heard the two words "Mo Clan", he already felt extremely unhappy. Did he really think that he was a member of his own clan?    


"Why haven't I seen Mo Han?" Dian Feng shot a glance over, and saw that among the people coming out from the Mo Clan, he did not see Mo Han.    


Mo Han, the original Patriarch of the Mo Clan, and the grudges between Dian Feng and the Mo Clan, were all because of him.    


After the quasi Emperor got up, he bowed and said, "Mo Han has been deprived of the position of Patriarch long ago. Now, Mo Long, I am the one who took over the position of Patriarch ?"    


Dian Feng glanced at this Mo Long. He was a quasi Emperor and was qualified to be the Patriarch of the Mo Clan.    


Dian Feng chuckled, and asked knowingly: "Wearing a sin body? What crime did Mo Han commit? "    


Mo Long looked behind Dian Feng, at Mo Feiyu, Mo Gong, Mo Yan and the few branch clan elders who were in high spirits, his eyes had a bitter self-deprecation.    


"Mo Han colluded with the Longevity Hall and was responsible for the internal suppression of the branch family. His crimes are unforgivable ? I have also once offended Great Monarch, so since Great Monarch is here today, can I ask him to punish me? " Mo Long raised his eyes, and squinted his eyes at Dian Feng.    


Dian Feng did not speak, and followed Mo Long and the others, entering the Mo Clan Ancestral Land.    


Once again, the scenery here was exceptionally different.    


Mo Feiyu and the rest of the nine finally lifted their waists to look down on the world. Even the quasi Emperor could not make them bend their backs!    


This was the treatment of a close official of the Great Monarch. They should enjoy the respect of the world, no one dared to look down on them.    


"Damned Mo Han, he has brought a huge disaster to our Zong Family!" Along the way, seeing the arrival of nine people from the Great Monarch and the branch families, those with Zong Family were all cursing Mo Han furiously in their hearts.    


Mo Han was normally a Equipment Elder, if not for the clan's quasi Emperor reviving, no one would be able to take his position of power.    


Furthermore, he was extremely selfish. Back then, in order to cover up his mistake, he had killed a few of the branch family's supreme experts to intimidate his clansmen.    


As for the grievances between Dian Feng and Dian Feng, it had been going back and forth for a long time and it was not something that could be let go so easily.    


Especially since Dian Feng was currently a Great Monarch, it would naturally be inappropriate if he were to pass by him easily. Otherwise, where would the dignity of the Great Monarch lie?    


"As for Mo Han's matter, I will not ask. How should I handle your Mo family?" Dian Feng looked at Mo Long, hoping that he would understand.    


When Dian Feng said "Mo family" and not "Mo Clan", he could not allow any of the families to behave the same way as before.    


Hiding away from the Immortal Graveyard when it was in a chaotic world, and coming here to reap benefits when it was in a prosperous world, being irresponsible but still being orthodox was something that Dian Feng couldn't get used to.    


Mo Long nodded slightly, his expression becoming a little better, but Dian Feng did not know if he understood it or not.    


Entering the Mo Residence, the Mo family welcomed him warmly and took out all the ingredients they could get.    


Dian Feng was a little surprised that the banquet would actually have Seven Flavors Chicken, Nine Eating Materials, and some ingredients that Dian Feng had never eaten before.    


Dian Feng thought to himself. Did he really think that as the "Food Emperor", he would forget about his business when he saw something delicious?    


The proper business today was not to seek revenge, as long as the Mo family had a good eye, they would know that he had dealt with Mo Han and the other people involved.    


He had come for Mo Feiyu and the others, as well as for the Collateral Branch of Mo Clan.    


After three rounds of drinking, with the people who accompanied the wine on Mo Clan trembling in fear, Dian Feng calmly spoke, and finally stated his purpose for coming here:    


"The Mo family branch family should be able to migrate to the Immortal Graveyard, and there are still many wastelands in the East Victory Region. Let them explore the wasteland, it can also be considered a blessing for future generations ?"    


"Great Monarch! "This ?" Mo Long and the rest of the Mo Clan were immediately shocked, their hearts filled with endless bitterness.    


However, Mo Feiyu and the others seemed to have already expected this and knew that Dian Feng would stand on their side.    


What Dian Feng meant was that since the Mo family had the suspicion of being part of a "sect," it would be better to just split the family up and have the "branch family" move out of the Mo Clan secret realm.    


This was no small matter!    


Since ancient times, there were different sects. The hard work of the low level clan members were all done by the branch families. Those with Zong Family used up all the good resources and enjoyed the service of the branch families. However, they kept suppressing the branch families and didn't give them the chance to show themselves.    


They seemed like a family, but in reality, they were already two families, a master and a slave!    


When Mo Feiyu and the others had first joined the Venerable Emperor Pavilion, he had promised them that he would one day help them get back at their branch families.    


"Great Monarch, this ? This is a bit inappropriate. " Mo Long stared at Dian Feng's sharp eyes, but had no choice but to argue.    


Dian Feng chuckled, took a sip of the wine, and said without even looking at him: "What's wrong with that?"    


The person Dian Feng wanted to take the Collateral Branch of Mo Clan away from, would cause the entire order to go into chaos. Because he was used to being served, he had suddenly lost all his servants. Was his master still his master?    


At that time, some of the masters would come together to do despicable things ? Naturally, these people with vested interests did not wish to be reduced to such a low level.    


Normally, whatever benefits from Mo Clan, were actually just benefits from Mo Clan.    


The branch family, as long as there were still people, and as long as there were still people doing things within the clan, then Zong Family would not care too much about how many people within the branch family lived or died.    


This was reality. From the very beginning, the sect division system was destined to have such an outcome.    


And once the branch families had the power to turn the situation around, at that time, what would the branch families do to these people from the Zong Family who wantonly beat and even killed their own kind?    


If he didn't dismember the body, then it would be considered a big deal!    


The most terrifying thing about Dian Feng's request was that Zong Family was worried, because if Dian Feng wanted to deliberately support the branch families, in the future, it was possible that their Zong Family would be destroyed by the branch families.    


This was not a worry that came without reason, but everyone present knew in their hearts that from this moment on, Zong Family would fall.    


Mo Long looked at Dian Feng, then at Mo Feiyu and the others with a pleading look, only to see nine people rolling their eyes.    


When she thought about making up for it now, didn't Zong Family feel that it was too late?    


"Since you have no objections, let's begin on day then. After the branch families move out, your Zong Family will also reduce a bit, won't it?" Dian Feng would not give Mo Long a chance to speak again. He struck the silence with his hammer, the words of the Great Monarch could not be refused!    


The higher ups of the Zong Family all immediately smiled bitterly.    


After the branch family moved out, they had less burden on their Zong Family? I'm afraid it's the exact opposite, because those who are engaged in production in the Mo Clan Secret Realm have always been part of the branch family.    


Once the branch families evacuated, not only would Zong Family starve to death, it would also be a mess, and it would be difficult to even sort out internal affairs in a short period of time.    


"Humph!" Mo Feiyu and the rest of the nine sneered in their hearts, feeling extremely carefree.    


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