The Emperor Of The World

C1489 Stealing the Heavens and Changing the Sun 1

C1489 Stealing the Heavens and Changing the Sun 1

Ever since the Venerable Emperor Pavilion had declared the hostages of the Innermost Mountain to be responsible, the areas with Kunlun Secret Realm near the ruins of the Dark Ancient had all been taken care of by the Venerable Emperor Pavilion.    


This time, the two sides seemed to be very sincere. Dian Feng personally came, and the person sent by Mount Buzhou was also someone familiar.    


Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal!    


The negotiation table was set up in the Primal Chaos Fog, and one could constantly hear the low roars of the Vicious Beast.    


In order to show their sincerity, Dian Feng met with the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal alone, and the people from both sides retreated far away.    


"How is it? Have you considered the conditions I suggested?" Dian Feng casually asked, as though he did not care much about this matter.    


The Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal sneered. He knew that they had so many hostages in their hands, as well as the Void Genuine Immortal's own brother. He felt that Dian Feng was actually very concerned about it in his heart. Otherwise, he wouldn't have raised such a request.    


"Fellow Taoist Xu Tian, do you think we would agree to it if someone said that?" The Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal laughed and said. As he sat, the Spirit Tiger he sat on had long been cut down due to the chaos.    


Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal was fearless. He did not know how Sword Immortal Qing Tian died nor did he know how strong Dian Feng was, but he knew that with all the hostages in their hands, the Supreme Emperor Pavilion would not dare to harm him.    


Once the Venerable Emperor Pavilion did something and the Soul Lamp that the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal s left in the Innermost Mountain were destroyed, the flow of blood from the Innermost Mountain would immediately become a river.    


Of course, Dian Feng knew this logic, so he came to the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal alone for a plan.    


"I don't have any kinship with Dian Hao, do you think that he's a good bargaining chip?" Dian Feng looked at him, sized up the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal, and carefully examined every single one of his expressions.    


"Actually, my condition is not bad. If you release Dian Hao or the half hostage, we will let six of you go and leave this place ?" Dian Feng laughed.    


"Fellow Taoist Xu Tian, for a person at our height, there's no need to talk about this. In the vast universe, even though it's hard to find a single person, if you want to track a single person, with your number of people, you can easily do it. " Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal scoffed.    


The universe was vast and endless. True Immortals couldn't do anything to find someone to hide behind.    


However, if the person who escaped was only following them, it would be different. There were some Arcane Arts techniques that could do it ?    


Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal knew that whatever the Venerable Emperor said about letting them leave this planet, it was all just for show. Once they left, they would be targeted. There were so many Monarch Immortal in this realm, and they would definitely die again.    


Two of them sat together. The tea in the cup was tasteless. No one was in the mood; one of them was trapped in a hurry to save the other.    


Dian Feng had always been sizing up Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal, checking out his every movement, every expression, and the deep wisdom hidden within his eyes.    


His plan had already succeeded. As long as one of the four True Immortals of Innermost Mountain came to negotiate with him, then Dian Feng's plan would succeed.    


At the moment, Dian Feng already had a way to enter the Mount Buzhou, but not too quickly. To become someone else, just the face and aura alone was not enough. Details were very important.    


That's right, Dian Feng wanted to become the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal to replace him in the Mount Buzhou. As for the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal... The corner of Dian Feng's mouth curved into a sneer. He had already secretly arranged everything beforehand.    


"?" As the two chatted, Dian Feng probed him with all kinds of tones, wanting to see his reaction. From then on, he would imitate his expression and movements.    


"Fellow Taoist Xu Tian, you initiated the negotiations, why are you so absent-minded?" Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal gradually realized that even Dian Feng did not seem to look at him directly. His eyes were filled with deep thought, and naturally, he was displeased.    


Dian Feng laughed: "How could that be, I'm listening."    


Dian Feng secretly laughed, and learnt the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal, his expression was sullen.    


Actually, Dian Feng didn't have the intention to negotiate at all. He had never been a person who liked to compromise. Those twelve Allopossum of the Innermost Mountain, did they really think they could rest easy while staying in the Innermost Mountain?    


After the time it takes for an incense to burn, Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal asked Dian Feng a few times. Dian Feng did not answer so Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal flew into the air with anger and shouted: "Nihility! You don't even have the sincerity to negotiate at all. Since that's the case, why did you call me here for?    


Dian Feng suddenly stood up, looked at the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal, and laughed: "So when you were angry, it was this expression, I learnt it now ?"    


"Hmm?" Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal was startled, he did not understand what Dian Feng meant, and was furious.    


Dian Feng's face remained calm, his spiritual altar had released the Immortal Light, and the power of time had suddenly erupted out, as though time had stopped.    


Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal turned pale with fright. He was frozen, unable to speak or move, even his Spiritual Sense was locked up. He was unable to send a sound transmission back.    


When time stops, everything loses time, and when it does, he is frozen, even in a moment of thought.    


"What happened!" From the direction of the Mount Buzhou, the servants who had followed the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal over immediately flew over to check.    


In that instant, the fluctuations of the power of time caused everyone's hearts to palpitate.    


They had only seen the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal and the Void Genuine Immortal standing side by side and nothing had happened, but their expressions were serious. The servants thought that everything was fine, the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal turned and coldly looked at them, and they immediately retreated.    


The servants didn't know that this Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal in front of them had already changed.    


The Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal, or rather, the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal that Dian Feng had become, sneered with the expression of the original owner of this face. His smile was strange, devilish, and full of meaning.    


"Let me out!" Inside the Void Ring, the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal was trembling in anger, he never thought that Dian Feng would really dare to attack him.    


"The Void Ring is a Immortal King tool, they will cut off their connection, my Soul Lamp is gone, everyone in Innermost Mountain will die!" Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal was flustered and exasperated.    


Within the Chaos Energy, Dian Feng who had transformed into Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal, said to his clone: "In this period of time, you are the Void Genuine Immortal, so you need to be constantly active, so people with Alien Realm won't think that I have already entered the Mount Buzhou ?"    


"You go do things, I'll act, it's very fair ?" "Haha." 's clone laughed. Although it was also a split in Dian Feng's willpower, in the end, he and Dian Feng were actually two different people.    


This was Dian Feng's plan.    


"Buzz ~ ~ ~"    


In the spirit center, Dian Feng released the Void Ring. The Soul Heavenly Book was flipped open by Dian Feng, so before Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal could even react, the Primordial Spirit was immediately pulled out by the Soul Heavenly Book.    


Ah!" He was sealed on a blank page of the Book of Heaven's Soul. Within the range of his sea of consciousness, Dian Feng could activate the Book of Heaven's Soul.    


The Primordial Spirit on Dian Feng's Spiritual Altar looked like it was trapped in a mirror. It smiled and said, "You're right, I cannot keep you locked up for too long, otherwise your Soul Lamp will be destroyed, but I did not say that I would keep you sealed."    


"You want to kill me?" The Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal trembled in fear. He had originally thought that even if he was not a match for the Void Genuine Immortal, he would still be able to fight for a few rounds before he would show his disappointment.    


However, he had overestimated himself and underestimated Dian Feng. He never thought that Dian Feng would be able to subdue him in an instant.    


Of course, this was also the reason why he wasn't on guard against. Because Dian Hao and the other hostages were at the Mount Buzhou, Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal felt that Dian Feng wouldn't dare to do anything to him.    


"Have you heard of the 'Seventy-Two Transformations'?" Dian Feng laughed as he looked at Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal.    


Seventy-Two Transformations?    


The Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal was startled, then immediately after he felt the Primordial Spirit was being peeled off, Dian Feng's Primordial Spirit fingertips released a "Soul Skyblade", peeling off his Soul Clothing.    


Cultivators' Primordial Spirit were divided into three parts: Soul Clothing, Spirit and True Spirit.    


Soul Clothing s were the outermost layer of Primordial Spirit s. They could be forcibly peeled off, or they could even be shed off on their own like molting. Then, the Soul Cultivator would be able to shed Soul Clothing s forever, and give birth to new Soul Clothing s. The Primordial Spirit would then become stronger and stronger.    


At its deepest level, Primordial Spirit could also be as robust as a human body, and could be comparable to a Body Cultivator. Of course, there were only a handful of people who had achieved such a realm in ancient times. In the legends, this realm did not exist, it was just the Soul Cultivator giving him money.    


The Spirit is the level of Primordial Spirit that carries and protects the True Spirit. The Soul Essence is the embodiment of the Primordial Spirit's power, the stronger the soul, the stronger the Primordial Spirit will be able to unleash.    


True spirits, commonly known as consciousness or consciousness, were the most important of the three major parts of Primordial Spirit s! If a creature's truesoul was destroyed, then it would truly be dead. It was something that could not be saved.    


Dian Feng peeled off the Soul Clothing from the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal in order to obtain a trace of his soul.    


The fluctuation of a cultivator's Primordial Spirit was different not because their truesoul was different, but because their soul essence was different. All Intelligent Life s were born with similar truesouls, the differences being their soul and Soul Clothing s.    


Shing ? ?    


Dian Feng cut off a bit of the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal's Soul Essence, the little Primordial Spirit opened its mouth and swallowed it, activating the? Seventy-two Transformations?.    


In an instant, Dian Feng's little Primordial Spirit had become the same as Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal's little, it was exactly the same.    


Using the "Seventy-Two Transformations" to become someone else's most important trick was to obtain the other party's flesh and blood essence. Then, he would be able to drag his younger brother into becoming that person, and all of his auras would remain the same.    


"You ? You, you, you, you ? "How is this possible!?" The Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal was depressed and defeated, but he was still alive. He stared at Dian Feng's Primordial Spirit in shock, so much that he lost his ability to speak.    


He finally understood what Dian Feng meant by "Seventy-two Transformations".    


"How is it, Imperial Tiger Fellow Taoist, do you like it?" Dian Feng smirked, looking at the Tiger Riding Genuine Immortal sealed within the Soul Heavenly Book, his smile could cause chills to run down one's spine.    


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